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The longest car ever

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Without clicking on the link I assume it’s that hideous “thing” resembling some seventies Cadillac which I assume any car guy worth their drivers license would never mistake for a “car”.

I don’t know what it is or supposed to be, but it’s definitely not a car.

Hint (for those not worth their DL): How and where would this “thing” be driven like a “car” ?


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That "thing" is longer than our Fire Department ladder truck and it has a tiller man steering the rear end. I would guess that it's some sort of static display vehicle.

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When I read this I learned that it is hinged in the middle.

I agree that it's probably been over hyped here before.

But I did learn a new fact about it.

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Just goes to show you that having 14 of the same model car, excess money, a lot of free time, and a looooooooooong garage, will not go ever well if you lack the knowledge of the maximum turning radius allowed by modern roads. 


Actual photo of the car waiting for an opportunity to turn into traffic:

(Upside, you can enjoy the hot tub while you wait)



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Reminds me of some of those '30s cartoon cars with extra-long hoods and front ends.


How would you make a turn with this thing?


This and that Jaguar-ized Lincoln down in "not mine for sale" are proof that just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

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My aunt was married to jay Ohrberg, the guy who built this thing, for a few years in the 1980s. I remember sitting in it as a child and thinking it was cheesy. He built a bunch of other automotive abominations. 

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