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Ever Try to Talk to Someone at POR 15?


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I bought a small can of their Gas Tank sealer based on the reviews I read.  The instructions say to slosh it around the inside of the gas tank.  I'm not working on a gas tank I'm working on a Stewart Warner vacuum tank.  I tried to call their customer service number to ask if it could be applied with a brush etc.  I got the strangest sounds over the phone trying to reach the technical service people and the end result was my connection went dead and I hung up.  Truly bizarre.  

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I have used POR 15 many times on fuel tanks, floors etc..  Most important thing is to make sure you clean all grease, dirt, paint and scaly rust, then degrease the area, rinse well and dry. Next step is to use an acid etch to give the surface a tooth for the POR to bite to. Rinse again and let dry. If there are any small rust holes you can use masking tape on the outside and POR will fill fill them in. If you can reach in the tank a brush will work fine. Two coats will work best. 

I hope I explained it's use well enough. There is a learning curve to its use. The product does exactly what it says it will do as long as the first steps are followed.

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Thank you for the tips.  The vacuum tank is now bare metal, it was blasted with a low abrasive compound as well as the inner float tank so I believe the surface is etched enough to proceed. 

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