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My sincere thanks to all who work so hard and spend so much time to make one week each year in central Pa/. the Greatest Show on earth.

I can only echo the kind words stated above that were given. There is no control over the weather , and that does affect some vendors ( me included) from being there at 7 am.

SO great to see friends in person - Ed Minnie sharing his important find of a minty hard cover book of mechanical diagrams that looked like it was printed 2 days ago yet was at least 90 years old. Metro Petro - ED; I was totally pleased to see you and your daughter walking about. NOT ENOUGH YOUNG GALS INTERESTED IN OLD CARS. Wish there were more who were , and it is special for them as well as the Dad to be sharing that time together. This is not just a guy's hobby - the greatest automotive historian/author was a woman - Beverly Rae Kimes !!  I knew her well and she was an inspiration. I have others to mention I saw  : Steve "Impala"  P, Tom G. from Georgia, Julio A. from Brazil, Mike and Murray from England, Dick B. , Terry B., Sue R., AACA Ceo Steve, Librarian Jen W. (wow) , Matt H. also of the library, Ruben V. - just to many to name all who are genuine enthusiasts. And everyone who attended the SAH annual Dinner.

And to all who came to my space to ask "will you once again be able to make a reproduction of the 1930-31 Franklin factory issued accessories catalog please?" Yes, I will last time I did that it was at least 25 years ago , and by now those copies in the ability to see prints made at that time  are now faded .

Thanks once again to all in AACA who make our annual Hershey Experience something we look forward to every year.

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What a great Hershey, thanks for all the volunteers who can make this happen . This is my 4th consecutive Hershey . It always gets better .  I believe this was my 10th Hershey in my life.


I’ll be going for many more years to come . 

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21 minutes ago, Walt G said:

I have others to mention I saw  : Steve "Impala"  P

Thanks Walt, it was a pleasure seeing you again and meeting your son !  I'm glad that my wife finally got to meet you as well.....she was very impress with your automotive history....( looks like my next car will be pre-war 🙂 )


Steve & Janel



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