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Radiator repair help - 1929 Hupp with a honeycomb type radiator


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On 8/1/2022 at 2:13 PM, 29hupp said:

I have a 29 Hupp with a honeycomb type radiator with a leak that appears to be in the middle of the of the honeycomb.  Is this something an established radiator repair shop can possibly repair? 

They may be able to, but the real question is, does an established/experienced shop want to ? You know, liability or potential comeback when it fails again*.

If you're looking for good, permanent solution, I would highly recommend replacing the entire core (and perhaps even tanks), especially if any/all of it is original (93 years old) or even just half of that age. 


* Patching a leak in something that old is like putting on a band-aid and with any luck (should I say in all likeliness), it'll soon spring another leak near/next to the band-aid or somewhere else.

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  • Peter Gariepy changed the title to Radiator repair help - 1929 Hupp with a honeycomb type radiator

Not sure if you've seen the guy out of Brisbane that's making new honeycomb radiators - has some interesting info on their construction on his site 


Not cheap, but the estimator should give you an idea of if it's worth repairing your current one



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