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Tim Wolfe

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I have received two emails from  Nicolas Burwell offering to sell me parts being removed from his fathers 1930 Chrysler he is parting out. He sent photo's of the car, it is a very nice Imperial coupe convertible. Funny, the same photo of this car was for sale and sold a long time ago on the web. Beware of this fellow!

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I did advertise for parts on the Buy/Sell Mopar on AACA pages and received 4 bogus responses and one genuine. Stopped using the service after that, I believe AACA should at least make an effort to ensure that Forum users are real persons and not another "Nicolas Burwell" with an additional 10 aliases.

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Yes, old Nick Burwell sent me two emails as well.  Since they were very unspecific I immediately suspected a scam.  With all the technology available we still have no way to thwart these creeps.  Words fail me.................

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7 hours ago, Narve N said:

I believe AACA should at least make an effort to ensure that Forum users are real persons and not another "Nicolas Burwell" with an additional 10 aliases.


There are about 100,000 members on this forum. Do you really think moderators should take their time to do a background check on every member of this forum? It's not going to happen.


I can find no member of this forum with the username "Nicolas Burwell". Are you sure he is a member of the AACA forum? Is he contacting you by email or Private Message? If he sends you a private message and you think it is a scam hit the report button and moderator will check it out.


If you will give me Nicolas Burwell's username or his email address I will check him out.  Give us enough information to find out who this guy is.



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46 minutes ago, Tim Wolfe said:

nicolasburwell@gmail.com was the name.


There is not a member of this forum with the name Nicolas Burwell or registered with the email address nicolasburwell@gmail.com.


However, a quick Google search shows he is known scammer on many automotive forums. I'm not surprised he is targeting people here on this forum to. There is nothing moderators can do if he isn't a member of this forum.  He also uses the email the address nicolasburwell78@gmail.com and probably many others. If you reveal your email address or phone number publicly here on the forum in a post scammers will contact you and there is nothing moderators can do about that..

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19 hours ago, Ronnie said:


There is not a member of this forum with the name Nicolas Burwell or registered with the email address nicolasburwell@gmail.com.


However, a quick Google search shows he is known scammer on many automotive forums. I'm not surprised he is targeting people here on this forum to. There is nothing moderators can do if he isn't a member of this forum.  He also uses the email the address nicolasburwell78@gmail.com and probably many others. If you reveal your email address or phone number publicly here on the forum in a post scammers will contact you and there is nothing moderators can do about that..



Thanks to all administers for there assistant.

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