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Here is a 1947 Movie that predicted a TV in a car and Smart Phones

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This video has at around the 1.08 minute mark has a TV in a Antique Citroen


Look at all the smart phones the distracted people have



French film from 1947 eerily predicts modern-day technology by showing scenes with people glued to handheld devices at a cafe and a driver watching a screen in the car

  • A film released in 1947 predicts modern technology and our addiction to it 
  • The four-minute, black and white clip is set in postwar France
  •  It show people bumping into others while looking at a device when walking
  • Others are sitting alone at a cafe and pull a device out to pass the time 
  • Another scene shows a driver watching a movie in a car and eventually crashes 


Another scene shows two men bumping into each other because they were looking down at a device. And a different person is so distracted by a movie on a small screen, he walks out in traffic and blocks a car in the street




The film also plays a segment of a car zipping through a windy road, while a movie plays on a display to the right of the driver. The driver takes his eyes off the road every few seconds to watch the film and is oblivious to a dangerous curve up ahead - he ends up crashing into the wood




The camera moves to a small cafe in a bustling city, where a woman dressed in the era's fashion, donning a hat, is sitting at a table alone. She seems lonely and pulls out a device from her handbag to pass the time




¿Télévision: Oeil de Demain¿ or ¿Television: Eye of Tomorrow¿ not only predicts a range of modern-day technologies, but also how human¿s behave with the devices. The four-minute, black and white film was released in 1947

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27 minutes ago, Matt Harwood said:

I'm sure in 1947 it demonstrated how ridiculous television could make our lives if we let it, but instead all of it looks very normal to us today.


I think that makes me sad.



TV, cell phones and screens in cars all can enrich our lives.  But we've let them dominate our lives, which is what I think you're saying.  And yes, that's sad.

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