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Newbie and support need at times


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Hello to all, new to the group but had the 53 Pontiac for a few years now. It’s a new learning curve for me so I may be looking for help from time to time as I’m young and this is a little foreign to me the six volt system and such. 829D9288-FEC1-4AEB-B40D-3DCBFBDBA291.thumb.jpeg.bf753f05741c7251e3b65a5b27d66007.jpeg




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Very cool this is a good place to find help with this era of Pontiac cars,  google is ruff for Pontiac knowledge.  Get a Shop Manual off Ebay those are good for figuring stuff out and message board research helps.  Don't be afraid to dive in and work on them, this is my first pre 1960 car and 6V.  Good Luck

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Does anyone have a diagram for the steering wheel, the horn goes off inadvertently while driving or even parked and is becoming a pain so I need to pull it apart and find the problem. 

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Also to be completely honest my grandfather bought this car used in 58’ and was the second owner I am now the third. The car has 88436 original miles on it. He passed the car down to me when he passed away two years ago as I was the only one in the family that has interest in cars and would help him maintain it in his declining years and then take him for rides. Last night was the first night out with the car for the summer and well grandma was the first one to go for a ride with me. 

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Great x 3 ! Well your way ahead if you drive it already . Do not be detered with 6 volt . It was done to keep cost down in it's day . When it comes to wire size just double for six volt . Do not know if it is pos or neg ground . That can get a little more confusing . Also as six volt needs larger wires ,it needs CLEANER connection, that are tight . Most problems occur there . Enjoy .

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Welcome to the AACA forums 53Dan. Very nice car. And nicely taken care of.

As to your horn problem, it sounds like you may have a wire that is either loose of rubbed bare someplace in there. Pull the wheel and take a look inside.

It's always a good idea to get a shop manual for the car you have as they are invaluable at times. You can find re-prints on Amazon for probably $25.00


Good luck with the car and enjoy.

Ron from Florida

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome Dan and nice ride you got there! Pick these guys brains and don't be afraid to get your hands dirty. You won't learn unless you do. My car is complete original and have no issues with 6 volt, brake shoes, etc...please don't let anyone make you change it! LOL

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