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About Summershandy

  • Birthday 09/29/1960

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  1. From what I can remember I used a hand held sledge and drove them in pretty hard. But not knowing how hard yours is I can't really recommend damaging them. Maybe use your judgement and be creative like sanding down the pin somewhat or using some grease to help guide them in? Good luck either way.
  2. Used this paint and it holds up good and looks great! Best brush on results I've every seen. Painted mine in a heated garage during the off season so I really can't say cuz mine sat for months.
  3. Sorry to hear about Mom. My father in law fell ill at 89 and it's been a rough 2 months with him. He passed last weekend so things around here are messed up so I know what you're going through. As for the engine turning over slowly. Although mine would turn over it never seemed fast to me until I learned about having 2 engine grounds. Hoping you've already got heavy gauge wiring, I added another 12" ground cable from the starter to the chassis. I would have never believed the difference it made but wow! It turns over much stronger now too. Maybe give that a shot? The next time your buddy says "12 volt" just hiss at him and turn away! LOL.
  4. Hey, I think I got that dokka dokka dokka! Luckily I haven't heard any CLINGK between shifts. Thanks for those sound effects! Come to think of it, when I was originally working on the car years ago I wanted to grease the UJ but couldn't get my dang grease gun in there, so I left it. All other fluids and zerk fittings were done though. I should get under there this summer and take another look.
  5. Curious Phil, what sound was your UJ making? I've always had this muffled clunk as I slowly depart and thought it was in the differential. I don't hear anything at normal speeds.
  6. I read your procedure and thought, "filter?" I had to go back to my original pictures when I did replace the fluid to see. It seems like so long ago that I had totally forgot about a filter. It didn't look too bad and there was sediment in the pan. Maybe I'll give it a total change out this summer. I see in the manual some drain torus cover plugs are located inside the flywheel. Would mine be as in the picture?
  7. I'd like to drain the trans fluid this spring through the drain plug. I know the '54 likes type A fluid and Mercon/Dextron III/IV is acceptable. I believe the entire fluid doesn't drain from the entire trans so my question is, I don't remember what type of A fluid I originally used so will any of these fluids be compatible with what may be left over in the trans?
  8. I couldn't resist to comment on the weather Phil. Most of Canada is experiencing the cold Polar Vortex. Where I live the windchills are hitting -40 and in other parts colder. Never mind year round use of antifreeze, have you ever heard an engine start when the block heater isn't plugged in at these temps? Sounds painful!
  9. Looks awesome! The engine colour brings back memories. That was the colour of my straight 8 before I painted it period correct.
  10. We want to see pics too Russ! Don't freak if they seem too small. Take your time and be gentle, they will open up to fit.
  11. You've given me food for thought John. I just came back from a car show which was a 15 minute highway drive away. Car sat for just 1 hour while I walked around. When I went to leave the darn thing just wouldn't start. It would sound like it was going to but wouldn't run. I pumped the pedal before each time I tried, almost to a dead battery. It finally caught and I feathered the pedal to get it to idle. It's NEVER done that before. It runs great on the highway and at idle stil. I'm thinking of yanking my rebuilt pump and checking the innards now.
  12. My steering wheel is definitely straighter than yours but I too have more play than I wish for. I've been meaning to get my butt under there and try adjusting the steering box. Research the type of grease for the box. I think I found some 00 locally and remember reading something about John Deere corn head grease. As EmTee said, tie rod adjustments can make a big difference.
  13. I'm actually impressed with the quality build for the price. Not sure if they're all equal or all the same. For all it's worth, I picked them up at chevypitstop. They were very helpful and communication was excellent. Two traits that are getting harder to find these days. Good luck and feel free to post pics when you get them on!
  14. First time out this summer. I'm still likin' the headlight visors. Went for a short cruise for the usual waves, thumbs up and "what year is your car?" I've even had a few people film me on their phones driving by. Welcome to today's technology.
  15. Have you ever done so many troubleshoots that sometimes you kinda forget what you did? In all honesty, originally I knew both my brake lights didn't work but I only used a mirror on the drivers side to check. When I tested the turn signals I activated the drivers side. Obviously, unbeknownst to me as you indicated that disconnects the brake light. It then started working. Maybe the issue IS only one side.....sigh.
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