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About PhilAndrews

  • Birthday 03/17/1980

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  • Location
    Larose, LA USA
  • AACA #
    919875 J
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  1. Pulled the starter out again. New brushes hadn't bedded in well, so cleaned up the commutator and put it all back together again. Spins over nicely again. Phil
  2. I really need to start breaking out the welding machine on this car, but .. I don't want to. This winter I do need to give the engine an overhaul though. Phil
  3. Yup. It's still here. Phil
  4. It's not so shiny, it's got dents but it's mine and I'm having fun driving it. On into the sunset! Phil
  5. Hot, hot, hot. Still out and about though. Phil
  6. Despite really starting to need an engine overhaul, been enjoying the car. Had a fun day out at the Balloons and Boulettes festival in Golden Meadow, LA. It was a bit warm towards the end, but good music, barbeque and crafts. Bought some niknaks and had fun chatting with everyone about the car. Went for a short evening drive because the weather was pleasant. Do enjoy driving the car. Phil
  7. The season of picturesque mornings is with us. Phil
  8. Went to fix the exhaust hanger. Simple job, thinks I. Nope. Center muffler decided to not play ball so it was removed with extreme prejudice and deposited in the trash. Bought a Magnaflow "rumble" muffler, made a little S to bring things back in line and fitted it up. A much quieter tone, better on the ears. Then, it rained. And rained and rained and rained some more. Car is just about drying out now, a day later. Phil
  9. Real nice weather (82°F/65%rH) so we made an 80 mile round trip with some friends, hitting up the back roads. In convoy behind another car driving through Bayou Black. Didn't realize we had any AT&T LongLines towers down here. This one in Gibson, LA. Opportune in town on the way back there was a car show, wandered around that. Nice turnout. Head home, fixed the tumble dryer, played with the dogs and went out get dinner with my wife because the kids are out at friends overnight. Phil
  10. A fun evening out, invited to be part of the old cars lined up along the street for the evening fun downtown. A most enjoyable evening! Tomorrow, road trip with the club. Phil
  11. Yup. Went roll to get fuel. At least it was clean for the afternoon.
  12. Decided I needed the time to be able to clean the car before a club do on Friday and an outing on Saturday. Got a bit warm towards the end, but that's better. Phil
  13. Welded it up. Put it all back together again. Changed the oil and grease. Quieter now, funny how that works... Phil
  14. That'll be what that noise was then.
  15. Actually, see- that's an interesting point. Someone asked me how many miles I've driven in the car, so I went find the photos of the car when I picked it up- naturally a few were of the dash and the odometer reading was clearly legible. To date, 13,400 miles I've added to the car. Not bad Phil
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