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  1. Been a long term project, trying to pick away at it whenever I have the time. It’s a 1939 Chrysler Royal Windsor, when I first got it the motor was free but 3-4 valves were stuck so the first start was unsuccessful. Pulled the head, got them all free. I have to seal everything up and try it again. Looked pretty good on the inside, so I’m optimistic that it’ll run.
  2. @Dodgeman Wishful thinking, hoping she runs good enough to require this step. 😉
  3. Hi there, I’m reinstalling the head on my I-6 Chrysler and I’m just getting hung up on a couple things. One is the torque spec for the head bolts, the other is if I should use sealant on the bolts or not. If so, what type would be best? Thanks for any help!
  4. @Rusty_OToole Oh wow.. seeing that made my old Chrysler look like a “clean example.” ColdWarMotors is great, I’ve watched some of his work before. Amazing to see the stuff he makes move again.
  5. @Rusty_OToole Will definitely check there. There’s a registration sticker from New Hampshire on the windshield from 1988 so that’s where the car once was, now it’s here in FL. Not sure how kind NH was to it.
  6. @c49er That’s reassuring, thank you. Nope, they all went in reasonably well. Makes a little more sense now why some of them were rusty, I was super confused by that when I removed them. Was thinking they looked like cast iron that was left wet.
  7. I haven’t worked on my Windsor in a while now, last thing I did was pull the head and free up the valves. Due to time constraints and where the car is located, I couldn’t really do the best job on the head. Cleaned the threads as best I could and sprayed all the bolt holes with some WD-40. I put them back in after hand-threading the bolts a few times to try and get the excess fluid out, then torqued them with the head on. Didn’t use an impact or anything, just my old torque wrench. The car is currently stored outside so I wasn’t comfortable leaving the head off or loose. Alright.. after all that.. my concern is if I could’ve messed my block up. I’ve heard the horror stories of folks cracking their blocks because they didn’t clean the threads well enough or there was liquid in them. Really hoping I didn’t harm anything.. but if I did, where’s the first place to look? Probably sounds silly, but that’s just how my mind works. Won’t be quiet until I post about it. Thanks for any help or advice!
  8. As I’m sure most folks have already seen, I picked up a free roached 1950 Nash Ambassador. I was able to get the hood open today and found a very complete decent looking inline-6. It probably ran when parked, the plugs are fresh and the oil was very clean which was surprising. I’m betting it’s solid, will need some TLC to be perfect of course but it looks good and well taken care of. It’s a bit soon to be asking as I haven’t fully looked the car over to see if it’s worth saving as a whole, and I haven’t fully decided if I want to start parting.. but should I decide to pull it what can I do with it? Whatever I put it in, I don’t want the hydramatic behind it. Nothing personal against it, I’d just prefer a simpler 3-speed or so but I’m not sure what bolts up to it yet. Any help appreciated, thank you!
  9. Got the hood open and it is a nice looking inline-6. I found the original radio for the car in the backseat, and with it I found a receipt saying that someone had it recapped/redone in 2000. Crazy what 24 years will do to a car..
  10. For anyone interested in parts I have listed some highlights in the main post, including a 100% rust free front drivers side fender that came with the car.
  11. @EmTee That’s one thing that kills me about this one, every Nash I’ve seen is usually a 4-door. I’ve always been a sedan guy, but 2 doors look really good on this car and they’re not common by any means.
  12. @Restorer32 Haha, have to grovel at Jay Leno’s front door to have a chance of that happening. Even with his money he’d probably say she’s done. 😆
  13. @31nash880 I’ll let you know as soon as I find out, the car is currently in Florida.
  14. @Rusty_OToole Really? That is good to know, never knew about that. I’m leaning that way too, I don’t see this car ever hitting the road ever again but I’d love to see it get another one going again.
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