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1940 Olds on Craigslist

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”Run of the mill” pre-war sedans are a tough sell nowdays. Very nice examples can be found for very reasonable dollars ( see Matt Harwood’s website). This car needs a lot to be presentable. I cannot offer a pricing idea but if I was the seller I would certainly be open to offers and prepare to endure less $$ to move these two cars out.

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It's one of those cars that's kind of past the survivor phase,  when the paint starts leaving in big areas and surface rust starts taking over plus everything ages to the point of being not really presentable,  rips in the interior, rubber that has crystalized into balls,  it's not really at a preservation stage for most people and the next phase,  costs gobs of money,  no matter which phase you do.  

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2 door sedans in rough/untidy condition are not that popular.  For a buyer, if it was 4 door sedan could take easily the family for a ride. A real 2 door coupe style would sell easily.  Could be presented better:-  a good clean - tidy up the engine bay.

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A drivable vehicle for under $8,000 is a pretty good deal these days if it is the make you  have an interest in. Over the years I have made quite a bit of hobby money buying poorly presented cars and putting a day's effort into making them look cared for. My effort is usually good for $2,000 to $4,000 for the day or so.


Just because the question was asked, I'd say it might sell for $2,000 and the guy who cleans it up.... and out should be able to hit the $6500 or close. What's laying on the floor, an old wadded up newspaper?


I see these ads and wonder "What the heck is this guy thinking?". I understand nor disturbing patina, but at least hoe out the trash. When the $2,000 to $3,000 offers come in the reply is always "Well, I am certainly not going to give it away". And it sits.  Give your friend a little coaching. That ad will only draw bottom feeders. Those are the guys who won't say it, but buzzing in their head is "I won't buy that unless I can steal it."

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$6500 isn’t the worst starting price.  “Firm” at $6500 will likely mean a lot of unsuccessful inquiries.  

2 things will determine the sales price on cars like this.  The first, not in control of the seller, someone who just has to have the car for some unknown reason (sentimental, some high end shop restoring one for somebody and they need parts, something like that) they would pay close to $6500.  But...that person may never come....or they may.  The second, how quickly he wants to sell.  If he’s in a rush, divide that in half, which isn’t the end of the world.  It’s not like we are dividing a $100,000 car in half.  If he’s willing to wait, a better figure will eventually present itself.

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17 hours ago, Smartin said:

I concur with all of your assessments.  I'll have to have a conversation with him 🤓


Since I joined this Forum in '06 I have really liked all your cars. I bet all your Phillips head screws line up, too.


When I wrote that response I was smiling and thinking this is the guy you have to tell not to lean on your car when he is in your garage. I have a couple of those who stop by. Leaning, rapping knuckles on the fender, spreading their hand out wiping the wax job.


Oh, the extra parts. I always sell parts and manuals separately. I found out long ago extra stuff confuses a buyer. I just hide it until the car is gone.


Hope you got a smile from the assessment.


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Presentation and a clear title.  When I purchased my last car, a '39 Buick Century sedan, I bought the car from a motivated seller, very reasonably.  In the seller's main photo of the car it was showing a very soft tire.  Really, did not even pump up the tires to show the car in the best light.  I've had the Buick 3 years already and changing the wiring harness has made for a good, comfortable car.


PS, I would not buy a car with messed up paperwork,  Gary

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