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Free 90 FSM


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I probably shouldn't say this but I have not opened my book(s) in years. I use Ronnie's forum or go with this one basic philosophy... That very seldom is it the wiring [other then the splices under the seats, which has not been a problem... yet]. I look at the end component and swap that out. Served me well so far.

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21 minutes ago, DAVES89 said:

I probably shouldn't say this but I have not opened my book(s) in years. I use Ronnie's forum or go with this one basic philosophy... That very seldom is it the wiring [other then the splices under the seats, which has not been a problem... yet]. I look at the end component and swap that out. Served me well so far.

Dave, have you heard there is such a thing as too much honesty?:lol: Mine does look similar to what is offered. I have seen other FSM's that came in a three ring binder, which is large and clunky, but doesn't come apart. I copied the relevant pages of the onboard diagnostics and laminated them back to back for quick reference, on the fly, so to speak. A good offer nonetheless.

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I prefer the electronic version of the FSM but I still carry my paper version in one of the rear compartments or my Reatta. I've never had to use it but it might come in handy of I'm ever stranded on the side of the road. It's a very nice gesture by Retired w/Reatta to offer the FSM for free.

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36 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I prefer the electronic version of the FSM but I still carry my paper version in one of the rear compartments or my Reatta. I've never had to use it but it might come in handy of I'm ever stranded on the side of the road. It's a very nice gesture by Retired w/Reatta to offer the FSM for free.

Ron, Where did you get an electronic copy of the FSM? I used to frequently use the information that was available at the "Reatta data page" (reatta.net) until GM shut it down. I DO have a hard copy FSM and it's a little worn. My front cover separated at the binding but I took some clear packing tape and taped the binding area back together and it has remained useful without falling any further apart.

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I purchased a copy off eBay back when I first got my Reatta. I needed it to figure out why my red brake light kept coming on. I bought it before I knew about this forum or the free version of the FSM that use to be available on the Reatta Data Page. It might have been a bootlegged copy I purchased. I don't know.

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17 hours ago, Ronnie said:

I prefer the electronic version of the FSM but I still carry my paper version in one of the rear compartments or my Reatta. I've never had to use it but it might come in handy of I'm ever stranded on the side of the road. It's a very nice gesture by Retired w/Reatta to offer the FSM for free.

i have the paper version for my 89 but id love to have an electronic version.is it possible to make copies of a cd rom?

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13 hours ago, handmedownreatta said:

i have the paper version for my 89 but id love to have an electronic version.is it possible to make copies of a cd rom?

I'm afraid to make copies of the disc I purchased 10 years ago. GM has recently decided they don't want us to have the FSM in for free any more.  I don't want to get into trouble with GM. Sorry.

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2 minutes ago, handmedownreatta said:

if they offered one id agree but to me its like the headlight repair kits and sun visor kits.

I think the difference is GM no longer makes the headlight parts or the sun visor clips. They do sell licenses to people who still make the service manuals. I guess that's why they don't want the service manuals to be available for free.

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