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Nice to think others remember us and we appreciated the thoughts. I was on the edge of the rains and only received 2" over night. While I live very near a lake, I have no problems with water. A good friend lives 15 miles south and he had 10" and no water problems. Another 10-15 miles south of Austin is where they had 15" and it is more rolling there, meaning if you are high no problems but if you live in a low area all that water must go somewhere and it is usually to that low area. We needed the rain for the lakes but as luck would have it, most of the rain was downstream from the lake that are low.

Bill Stoneberg probably received 8" where he lives but no water problems were on TV in his area. Mike Middleton lives further south and probably got some pretty heavy rains.

Edited by Barney Eaton (see edit history)
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They did not get enough rain to matter after watching the news. The creek near them that normally floods during rain didn't go out of the banks this time. Plus he and his cars are on high ground.

As Barney said, I got about 8 inches but have no issues. Need to go to my storage shed this weekend to see if the 47 is floating though.

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I'm Ok. About two weeks ago there was 11" of rain in South Austin and I had a rental house flood. I got a bunch of rain the other night, but other than a little creeping under my garage door, I was unscathed. We have been in a horrendous drought for so long it's hard to look at rain as a bad thing.

Thanks JD

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