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upstate ny fall tour


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I am sorry I am getting a late start on this thread. Thanks to Ted for providing the link to some pictures from the Museum which were posted on our Chapter's Facebook page. I have quite a few pictures I would like to post so this may take a few days. Hope to be done by Wednesday at the latest. And without further ado:

7: 30 Am, 45 degrees, and this is the view through the windshield. I was wondering if I made a mistake leaving the top down:



A few moments later driving through town I decided I did the right thing:



It is shaping up to be a picture perfect day, mostly cause you can't feel the 45 degrees when looking at these photos.





After a little of both of these:



I let the horses rest a little bit:


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As it turned out, we may have picked a bad day for the tour. There was so much going on locally and only 5 families made this trip. Still, there's not gonna be many more days like this before Spring 2014 so it's best to just enjoy what is provided. And I always like touring with Tony and Maria because , well, you can see why!


I also like touring with Ted and Trina too because, well, you can see why:



Dick and Jim are great to tour with too. even if they did bring their "day" cars. As we head off into Cloud 9:


I wondered if these pics would come out:



But I was sure glad this one did:


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It was turning into a very nice warm day as we arrived at the museum. And I marveled at the old Upstate architecture and construction. You see examples of this all over the area. And it is always amazing to find these buildings in good shape:



But this was not our destination for the day. Maybe another time?

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Thank you Dan. I appreciate the feedback.

When I craft these event stories I like to keep them in the order of what was done. But since Ted posted the link to the pictures of the cars in the museum, I am going to divert to the return part of the trip and then I will work on posting the pictures I took in the museum after Carlilse. There is this one picture I took in the museum which I found very interesting. It is a map of NYS painted on the wall, with lists of each vehicle manufactured in each part of the state. There are some of these vehicles inside the doors and I'll get back to them afterwards.


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Till we arrived at our destination:



No one was more surprised than me to learn we had to wait almost 45 minutes to get a seat at this place. The food is fablous, and if it wasn't so far I'd be tempted to take Linda out for a lunch one afternoon. And indeed, I may just do that yet.


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Guest BigDogDaddy

Great pics. I love the shine on your GS !

I was fascinated by the wall map of the cars made in NY. When I was a teenager, back in the late 70s, I could not find a book that listed all og the cars made in New York. But I did find a book in my local library that listed all of the cars made in the United States. So I got a notebook and started writing down all of the info I could find for each make of car. I had intended to do more research while at the Fall Hershey show by searching through advertisements offered for sale by the literature vendors. I had quite a few people lined up to buy the book when it was finished. I was concerned about the cost of having it published. I never did finish that project. I wonder if the notebook is still somewhere in my parents' house. One of my dreams was if I had hit the big lottery was to buy as many of the cars made in New York that I could find.


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Come, John, who are you tryin' to kid? I know New York looks like this:

800px-Pano_Manhattan2007_amk.jpg Oh, yeah, there's a tree in Brooklyn, but just A tree.


Well Bernie, actually it does not look like that anymore since some bass turds decided the buildings on the extreme right of the picture made a good target!

Any way, I wanted to mention that the picture of the last house, the one with the red caboose next to it was very interesting. Either this house or the one next door had a 50's diesel locomotive sitting on the left side of it. I missed snapping a picture. As I turned around to look at it after i passed I noticed there was an entire frieght train behind the locomotive engine... unbelievable!

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Cool JD, you weren't far from my brother he lives on one of those hills near Norwich! Gorgeous colors, we are going out this Saturday with Buicktown to a Cider Mill and then to the Lingenfelter Collection and then to lunch of course there has to be food involved when Buicks are out and about! Where is that BBQ place in Oneonta? Hope tp get some great pictures of the Michigan Autumn, so far we have been pretty rain free so the leaves won't be blowing around yet!

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It's right on Rt 7 Berta... just by the eastern most exit off of I 88. Wish I had known your brother lived near there. I always thought he was in Buffalo area. Looking forward for some Fall Michigan pics. Are you going anywhere near the west coast? I always wanted to see that area.

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Guest shadetree77

Great pictures John. There was a map of Indiana exactly like that one in the Auburn, Cord, Duesenberg museum. Must have been made by the same company.

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