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Hot Rod Power Tour today at UTA Arlington


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Went to see the cars today at the Power Tour stop in Arlington and it was well worth the trip, I found a $20 bill in the middle of the overflow parking lot!......There were alot of cool cars there, more of them in public parking for visitors than in the participant lot. Was dissapointed that there weren't many fifties cars, a few Chevys of course but only ONE BUICK I think and it was a nice '54 Special. Did see 3 or 4 nice '69 GTO's which I am fond of but they were locals in the public lot also. You could stand on the street corner and watch without having to walk around as they were entering and leaving all the time, virtual parade of cool cars. Did see on old and very nice green Hudson Hornet and other odds and ins. Seems as most of participants were driving 70's and up models but thats ok, should have kept my '70 Chevelle SS396 but I never grew attached to it, just another car worth more to someone else. Just a few of my observations today, see ya! TexasJohn

Edited by TexasJohn55 (see edit history)
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For some reason, I'd always associated that even happening a month of so later than this. Therefore, it was not on my radar screen! I went to www.hotrod.com and looked at the Gallery and such. The Hudson Hornet is in there, plus a '65 Skylark GS convertible. Linda Vaughn tends to make Courtney Hansen look a little under-nourished.

I guess the Concord, NC Buick folks will have a warm welcome when they get there?



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What dissapoints me about the Power Tour is the lack of milage... Come on 7 days to get to North Carolina ? It only took us 4 to get to Seattle a few years ago.

My pocket book will probably never allow for one of these. But maybe the fun is in the fellowship with like minded folks at each stop.

Two days from Springfield, Mo to Concord , NC to the Nationals. In a ' 1050 BUICK.


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But gee Bill.

We put modern engines in our cars in case we break down, so we can find parts at any Autozone in America. We don't want to push the limits of our Chevy 350 in our fiberglass 32 Ford!


ROFLMAO!!!!!!! :cool:

That is a reasonably valid statement. Granted, I haven't driven the older members of the fleet long distances, but as you suggest, it isn't a modern car that looks like an old one. Don't forget the chassis swap with all new underpinnings as well.

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Two days from Springfield, Mo to Concord , NC to the Nationals. In a ' 1950 BUICK.


But what if you broke down, Ben?

"I bet that couch seat you have in there isn't comfortable to drive for the distances WE drive!"

"Does that have an overdrive in it? You're stupid."

"Why would you drive a car with a Dynaslow in it? Those things break down all the time, and leak like crazy!"

"Points ignition? Those are crap"

"Drum brakes are dangerous!"

"How do you like my gold chain?"

etc. etc...

I like Camaros

Edited by buick5563
More lighthearted insults added ;) (see edit history)
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Hell Ben, even if you do break down you can beat these folks doing anywhere from 150 - 200 miles per day.

Let see sleep late, have a big breakfast, get in car about 10 AM drive 2 - 3 hours and you are at your hotel.

Take a nap, have a beer and look at cars.

Go to bed about 8 and do it all the next day. Heck you dont even have to fill your gas tank every 2 - 3 days.

BORING for someone like me who likes the driving part of the trip. I have slowed down recently but I still like to do 5 - 600 miles a day.

Feel like a slacker if I don't.

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Perhaps y'all might hire-on as "roadies" for the vendors next year?

From past years, the bulk of the cars in these events are not fully-fledged road cars, but perhaps more weekend racer oriented? LOTS of enlarged (and possibly thirsty!) V-8s in cars with "short" rear axle ratios, plus other changes not generally associated with "road cars". Many probably are NOT air conditioned, maybe? Many can be cars you'd see at the local weekend cruise-in, rather than at an Interstate gas station in the middle of July in Arizona, I suspect. Besides, if you might break something in the Dyno Challenge, you'll need time to fix it before leaving the next morning at 7am!

It seems this event has evolved into being more about the vendors and their manufacturer's midway displays than driving the cars for longer distances in one sitting. Not a bad situation, especially as it will give the public MORE time to see the cars and such each day.

I concur . . . if I'm trying to get somewhere, I'd rather do it as generally expeditiously as possible. "The Enjoyment of Driving" rather than otherwise. Feeling the way the engine responds to throttle input, the chassis to steering input, plus the various sounds and feels of the vehicle are what I like. NOT to forget about discovering new radio stations . . . on the AM side of things, even!

At least in the part of TX I'm in, it seems that while KLUV is the "500lb gorilla" of "oldies station" ratings (oldies being upgraded to later decades, now, it seems!), once you get outside of their listening range, MANY much better stations appear (Abilene, Comanche, and Graham, TX are some of the ones that make heading west more fun)! SOME of those songs just don't sound "right" in stereo, but others ONLY sound right in FM-Stereo. Finding a modern FM-stereo receiver that also does well on the AM side of things is hard to do, it seems! (the last Buick Lucerne I rented was one of them!)



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I ran the "Power tour" in 2001 when it went from Detroi to California supposedly out route 66 fron Indiana on. I was surprised toi see most of the car run the interstate. I ran all of Rte 66 I could find and had a ball.

When I left California, I went north to Washington stste and came home across the top of the country. This was the "break in " cruise for my 37 Buick and in almost 8,000 mile , I never had a glitch.

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