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This site will be shut down.


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Please read the top "sticky" and hopefully we can get some folks to become moderators.

Peter states

"It's up to you as a community. If you don't want to moderator yourself, then I will."

Per my very nice phone conversation with him on Monday, what he is saying is, the alternative, is shutting down this site.

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Things seem to be quiet here the last week or two, since bans were put into effect and the mod's have been [moreso than normal] actively monitoring the forum. I would hope things do not get out of hand such that AACA chooses to kill the Reatta forum. Other than the problems a couple of weeks back, all attributable to a handful of users, I am not aware of any more dust ups.

I guess that since this is among the top 3 most active forums within the site in terms of number of posts and possibly number of registered users, "we" have been diverting too much of the moderators time and attention to be schoolyard monitors in here.

I would just say this: since I assume the offending parties have already been warned personally (or banned even if only temporarily) by Peter or one of the other site moderators, I'd respectfully request the same individuals to please check your grudges at the door so we do not lose access to this forum on account of a few ongoing fisticuffs. Most of these arguments are not worth having anyway.

From what I see both Peter and the other designated moderators have been even handed in dealing with problems in here, so there is no legitimate reason I can see to resort to personal attacks. Disagreements will happen, so suck it up and play nice or the rest of us who try to remain in-bounds may not be able to play at all.


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Guest Corvanti

i agree with Kevin. i want to apologize to Mr. Gariepy if i said anything out of line on the other thread. must be the new chemo drugs i've had to start taking.:(

as most of you know there is another Reatta forum "out there" that has a "family & friends" atmosphere. there's plenty of room for more than one forum, as seen from my experience with the Studebaker and previously, Corvette forums...

i appreciate all the help i've received here on the AACA forum and its search feature, and hope to continue being here for that info and any small amount of help i can give from my repairs/problems i've dealt with in the past year. (my 1st anniversary of Reatta ownership is this Saturday, 3/16)...:)

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Guest Richard D

AS I HAVE SAID BEFORE, THIS IS THE MOST HELPFUL CAR RELATED SITE I HAVE COME ACROSS. To lose this amazing resource would be tragic. I truly do not see what the problem is. If you come across a thread you don't care for don't open it. But for a few folks to ruin it for everybody makes no sense to me. Perhaps I am missing something.


Richard Dalkranian.

ps. I obviously have never been a moderator but would be willing to help anyway I can to keep this site open.

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I believe we would all do whatever we could to keep this forum open. I suggest we just be civil to one another, respect our differences and let that one common thread that binds us together, the Buick Reatta, be what we discuss.

We are responsible adults. We can do this.

The people on this forum are special and I would not want to lose touch with any of you. I've only met a few of you but I feel a comraderie that transcends my usual boundaries.

Let's do it!


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I believe we would all do whatever we could to keep this forum open. I suggest we just be civil to one another, respect our differences and let that one common thread that binds us together, the Buick Reatta, be what we discuss.

We are responsible adults. We can do this.

The people on this forum are special and I would not want to lose touch with any of you. I've only met a few of you but I feel a comraderie that transcends my usual boundaries.

Let's do it!


I totally agree. Lets be civil to one another, It used to be that way, go back several years and you can see we were a friendly group. I guess it goes back to my childhood training, if you cant say something nice dont say it. I talk to a lot of members from time to time, I have met a lot of you and what I hear is a lot of members that used to come to this site, wont do it anymore because of the backbitting. Im glad things are going to change. Maybe some of the old timers will return.

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I totally agree. Lets be civil to one another, It used to be that way, go back several years and you can see we were a friendly group. I guess it goes back to my childhood training, if you cant say something nice dont say it. I talk to a lot of members from time to time, I have met a lot of you and what I hear is a lot of members that used to come to this site, wont do it anymore because of the backbitting. Im glad things are going to change. Maybe some of the old timers will return.

There has always been afew that ruin it for everyone else, when I first started coming here I asked a simple question about resetting the odometer on a digital dash in a 86 Pontiac 6000 STE and i got this as a reply

September 3rd, 2001



Re: Odometer reset question

C|'mon, Barney. As soon as I get my classic purple '86 6000STE four-door back from the $99.99 Some-Day paint shop and spray the honeycomb wheels candy apple blue, I was planning to turn the odo back from 236,000 miles to about 35,000+. Let us in on the rollback secret, so some lucky buyer can also enjoy this spectacular sports sedan like I have for the past 10 years! Bondo Bob

And I replied:

Listen jackass, I own quite a few collector cars including a 59 impala 49K, 70 amx 42k. 90 reatta 104k, 3 fiero gts, 3 82 chev X-11's and 2 pont 6000 ste's and while you might not think anything about these cars, I would love to see you driving thru A snowstorm with your reatta in 4 wheel drive. I can with my STE. So keep your worthless bull**** away from me and just keep on selling your rolex copies. ( he sold Rolex watches on Ebay.....I dont know for sure if they were counterfeit or not) His comment still pisses me off.

Edited by Rawja
expletive (see edit history)
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