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Can anyone expain what happened?


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I'm I the only one that has noticed that participation here on this forum is at an all time low?

When I first came to this forum there were always a lot of interesting posts to read. People were friendly and respectful of each other. The forum had a feeling that made you feel at home and among friends that enjoyed talking about their Reattas and sharing tips on how to repair and maintain them. It might just be me but that seems to have changed in the last few months. Long time members of this forum rarely post anymore and new members soon move on. I don't think new members get a sense of being welcome here the way I did when I first joined this forum.

The alliances that I see being formed between certain people here, most of them are Rdiv club members, and the attitude of ["if you're not for me, you must be against me"] is threatening to tear apart this Reatta support network that took so many years to establish.

I realize that I'm not without fault myself. I just hope we all can set aside our differences and stop all the bickering.

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Guest NEMO

I recieved an email about the manor I tried to get a reply about how do you tell the difference in the color of the tranny fluid, when the fluid is being flushed by removing the line running to the radiator. Tranny fluid is red, what does the fluid looks like when the old red fluid is flushed out with red fluid. Only recieved that email.That is the reason I never post.

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I think a certain amount of fatigue sets in after the same questions are asked, over and over, but to be fair, the search function has never been the best. I agree that the welcoming of new members has become more and more sparse, and I consider myself as guilty as any. The way a member is received is probably more important than we realize. Sometimes a reminder that we were all noobies at some time can be helpful. At the same time, there are members that are tireless in answering questions, and the level of detailed knowledge of certain systems is better than it has ever been, plus the other reference sites (yours being one), did not exist many years ago, so the capabilities are also expanded. Good question.

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I should have said in my last post that I don't mind answering question or helping any way I can in PMs emails or phone calls. I just think it is better to have them answered here when possible so more people can learn from the answers given.

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I think a certain amount of fatigue sets in after the same questions are asked, over and over, but to be fair, the search function has never been the best. ...
That is the reason I orginally setup my website. I wanted to make answers to frequently answered questions easy to find. I never intended to turn people away from here. :o
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Guest Corvanti

ok, from a "newbie" (march this year), a few things i noticed was the "welcome" from vendors. not that there's anything wrong with that. ;) some forums i've joined have a "vendor" label attached, unless someone has something laying around that another owner needs... i don't think that's necessary here, but some of the constant sniping about whos' product is better gets old quickly...

worse is the political (i mean how a club or group is run, not rep's or dem's running for office). are you running for some office? e-mail members of the organization that can vote and tell them why they should vote for you! i'm here for information and education about reattas and repairs.

which leads into "searches". there are a lot of folks that don't know about the search feature, or what specifically what should be entered. a courteous "check this link"... and info about how to search would be helpful. i'm sure i've posted some questions i couldn't find in "search" lacking the correct wording, or the threads were so old, i was hoping for new info.

next - apparently a new forum member (i don't know him), got some nasty p.m.'s or emails about resurrecting some old threads. i don't know if he was trying to help people with his "knowledge", just excited about his new reatta, or what. he's gone now from the forum, and wouldn't be surprised if he sells his reatta.

Ronnie, i use your site (and made a small donation) and try to use your buyer's service as often as i can. but i always come to the forum first to check "search" for a new problem when it arises, then go to your site if needed. i also come here often just for education on all things reatta, and find that someone has posted something that's on my "to do list" and how, or a link on how to repair...

just my 2 cents! and if you feel the urge - flame away! ;)

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Well, speaking only for myself here, I had not been on the forum in about 3 weeks due to personal and work issues that diverted my attention away from my hobbies almost entirely. I will still be mostly out of circulation here for a bit as I still have some things to take care of. So, if my absence is conspicuous, please don't be alarmed (not that I am expecting anyone to be) I am just extremely busy and preoccupied.

Bigger problem is that any free time I have needs to be spent working on the cars, not talking about them (at least for the moment) as both Reattae have minor issues that need repair, and my Cadillac also needs some geriatric care.

I got spoiled for a bit by being on here a LOT while work was very slow and I was home quite a lot more than usual. Now that is no longer the case, and so my postings have been much less frequent.


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Guest 89Reatta

I am probably considered a newbie, I have been a member for 2 years but I am still learning so much about these terrific, special cars, and I am sure many of the questions that I ask have been asked before. I try not to take for granted this forum or Ronnie's site (the 2 resources I use the most). I do try to use the search function when possible. I would just like to say "thank you" to those who have helped me with my issues. I have a lot of respect for the knowledgeable members of the forum.

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Guest SoCalReatta

I was ready to get rid of my '89 until I found ReattaOwner and the AACA fourms. Thanks to the info I have received, my '89 is back on the road and I use it as a semi daily driver. I read a post where BobbyBubba called people on this site "snooty" among other things.

All things considered, Reattas are a small but unique segment of the car hobby, yet the participation on these fourms is more than most other cars.

I think we can break down Reatts owners into 3 catagories; 1. The owner that wants to keep these cars on the road and preserve the brand. That means keeping their rides to factory condition. 2. The "daily drivers" that just want to keep their cars running and driving. 3. Those like myself that want to add a custom touch to their Reattas.

Either way you slice it, there is room for everyone here. You ask for advice, you get it. What you do with it is up to you. Killing a fourm would be like a slow death for the car. No info, no help.

O.K, I feel better now, sorry.

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Guest Craig57

When I first got the Reatta it needed everything. I was on here all the time. Everybody on the forum here were a big help. What a group of really cool smart people. I look at the site a couple of times a week. Just lurking because at the time the car does not have any issues I'm confounded by. Rock On Everybody!

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I have been a member here for many years. Not the oldest, but close. I used to post at least once or more a week. The reason I don't visit as much, is that I no longer have a Reatta. I think that some members, such as myself, no longer have their car. Let face it, the newest Reatta is now 22 years old. Most other make of cars that old have already been crushed. I think the pickings are smaller than they used to be, for new owners to come into the fold. There are not too many good Reattas out there to be had. Also lets look at the economy, some people just don't want to spend extra money for and maintain a fun, hobby car. In this climate, a job can be lost in an instant. I know first hand. I was laid off without warning in February and have yet to find employment. Buying a "toy" is the least of my concern at this point. Regarding the tone of the forum, I have noticed there does seems to be a bit a sniping between vendors. Of course there are more vendors represented than when I first joined so long ago. One-up-man-ship is just part of commerce. In 2003, my mother and aunt passed away the same day within an hour and half of each other from unrelated causes. The members at the time, some still present, were very kind and extended PM's and posts of condolences. Such expressions of kindness were very much appreciated by me. In the last few years, I agree, there does not seem to be as much friendliness as expressed in my personal example. I can't really put my finger on it, but there does seem to be a change. However, I'm a member of a number of other car interest forums, and while things here seemed to have changed a bit, this is still the best damn automotive forum out there.:D

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I concur with SoCalReatta. Of the three groups I fall into groups 1 & 2. I was active in the forum about 5 years ago. I had a 91 coupe for 7 years, selling it in 09. Missed it but didn't really get the fever back till this year.

I bought a 90 ragtop from Padgett and got the urge to buy a 90 couple. It was a little forlorn but it's a fine cruiser again.

I check the forum almost daily and can find anything I need from the vendors. I think the market for Reattas has bottomed out and agree with the line of thought that we only a couple years away from the marque really starting to appreciate.

I still run into people who have never seen one up close.

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Guest Corvanti

as stated in another post, most "classics" don't hit the car show arena until 25 years +.

my question is: since the 87 allante is now 25 years old, has there been any increase in their value? i know it's been a short time to qualify.

the only thing i've seen going up have been the rear wheel drive cutlass supreme, the gnx, and monte carlo...

just curious!!! :)

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Two things: first I have been deep into the possibilities of multimedia and OBD-2 made possible by the latest group of tablets. This is the bleeding edge right now. Also the Reattae (white 'vert is my daily driver) have not needed anything but oil changes.

Second Allantes and Reattas are still showing up on craigslist for used car prices. The demand has to exceed supply before the prices go up.

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Guest Richard D

This 90 coupe is my second Reatta, my first 90 coupe gave it's life to save mine in 95.(drunk driver) Since then I have had many cars and was getting tired of driving appliances, they almost always worked but had as much personality as a Sears toaster. Then I came across this site, and I thought why not? Found one at the right price in Sarasota, got flown up and drove it back. This site is the reason I bought a second one and have been able to enjoy it. There is one member who not only figured out it was my cruise control servo was bad he sent me one unasked and at no cost. What other car forum would that happen in?

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Guest tyrel

I sold my red 1990 Reatta convertible in 2000, but I still come here occasionally to read about the Reatta, as it was certainly the most memorable and stylish car I ever owned. Whenever I see one on the road (it's getting rarer these days), I always do a double-take; it certainly was a beautiful little car. In all honesty, I'm surprised that there are still some on the road. When was the last time you saw a 1990 model of any car? Timeless beauty, but aging mechanicals.

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