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This is a great forum


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Just today I recieved in the mail the long awaited compass mirror update from Kdirk and from McReatta some electrical "upgrades" [won't say what they are, it is up to McReatta to share if he wants] which were totally unexpected.

What makes this forum so great is that if a guy has an idea but doesn't know how to do it, someone will take it upon themselves to figure it out. That is what happened with the items I recieved from Kdirk and McReatta. The compass mirrors I can get all day long, but can't fix them, but thru bartering, I strike a deal and now have refurbished compass mirrors in both Reattas.

McReatta, pretty much the same thing. I hear about an idea, have no way of getting it done and up steps McReatta and now both cars are soon to be "Padgettized" and stereo upgraded to late 2000 programming.

But even farther then that we have Ronnie setting up a website for us "street" guys to go to and get simple terminology repair tips to address and fix the common problems we run into with our cars.

And Barney years ago developing "Barney Cranks" and now offering antenna repairs. And Padgett with his ignition module upgrades and vast knowledge of repairing these cars. And of course our misguided Viking fan Jim who keeps us in used parts at an affordable price.

I know that if it wasn't for those guys already mentioned and the rest of you unsung heros who are contributers to this forum I would not have my Reattas today.

So once again thanks and keep up the good work, you are appreciated.

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Right back at ya! Heck, you may not be a tech guy, but you are very good at scouring the yards and finding the goods! That in itself is an increasingly valuable skill. Around here (in St. Louis) there are no yards of any consequence that have anything as old as a Reatta on hand. Even if they did, I don't have the time to be on a first name basis with the counter guys at the yard like you do; and knowing the yard crew has it's benefits.

Of course, all the other individuals mentioned by Dave and others who were not specifically named are all great assets to our little obsession here. Based on involvement in other online forums over the years covering a wide range of interests, this place is truly unique in the level of participation and cooperation. I am happy to be a part of it, as this is not an experience often found in an online community.

With Steve's announcement of new tail lamp letters, and the positive reviews of the photo book, it seems like many good things are coming together for the benefit of Reatta owners. Hopefully we can somehow get on to bigger and better things like weather strips and other needed repro parts in the next couple of years.

I have to say that this forum (and the group who hangs out here) has been an unexpected fringe benefit of owning a great car. And yes, I am hoping to make it to next years meet!


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Add yourself to that list of awesome people on here Dave. Your info made me a pretty happy fella on particular day in Neenah.

Thanks. Sometimes one doesn't realize how one area of expertise "ripples" out to others.

Here is an update on the local u-pick yards in the area. KK is now closed. However at Gibson's there must be 8 or so '79-85 Rivs and the same amount of '86-93 Rivs. 2 1989 Reattas [pretty stripped].

If you want/need parts now is the time... I would head back out here if I was you.

The '79-85 Rivs are scattered, but the '86-93 Rivs and '89 Reattas are all in a small area [Thanks Jesse!]. And of course all the Fieros in a row. Must be 20 of them.

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lol.i never read the planned club meetings articles because they are always in places like california or pennsylvania.this one is 25 miles from me.

WOW nothing like having a national car show almost in your back yard. Hope you can make it and meet a lot of wonderful Reatta folks. It is always fun

Chuck Kerls

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