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He and his 1927 Buick Std.

Leif Holmberg

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My friend Lennart Norberg in the very noth of Sweden have finished the restoring after a couple of years(or more) work,and he have had his Buick inspected yesterday without any problems.And here are some photos of his Buick 1927 mod 25.

Have a nice summer Lennart in your new restored Buick.

Leif in Sweden.









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Guest DaveCorbin

Dear Leif:

A LARGE hero medal to your friend Lennart!!! Is he a relative of the Nordberg body building company people?

Regards, Dave Corbin

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Dear Dave.I have never heard Lennart talking about that,so I don`t think so.(it`s a small differance in their surname,L. Norberg and the coach builder K. Nordberg.)

But in 1970-1980s my wife and I met Karl Nordberg and his wife on some "veteran rallys",they very very nice people, they had a beautiful 1914 Benz.

Leif in Sweden.

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Guest Rob McDonald

LEIF, great colours on a lovely Buick. Did Lennart import the car from somewhere else in Europe or the US? I suppose that Buicks originally exported to Sweden would have been righthand drive. You folks didn't change over to the "proper" side until the late 1960s, as I recall. Do do have any interesting stories from the day that happened?

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Hi Rob.I don`t think we need to import 1920s cars,we still have a lot of them(hidden in barns or garages or in pices) ,Sweden impoted a lot of US cars in 1920-1950 then the Europeen cars took over,I don`t think US people understand how many US cars we have here in Sweden(not so many Canadianbuilt cars).I have both US and Canadian built Buicks 1923-1925 left hand driven cars.(but I think most of the Norwegian imported cars from US was right hand driven.)

1927 Buick was the first year with two different colors on the "body" the colors on this Buick are as close as we could find to Patrol Green and Patrol Creame,thanks to Auto Color Library for the samples.

Most of the 1920 US cars here in Sweden are imported as brand new in 1920s and what I can see they are all Left hand driven cars,in 1910s I think most of the cars was Right hand driven.

In 1967 we changed to the "proper" side,I was 25 at that time and I can`t remember any problem other the the speed was reduced very much a long time.

If you can translate this page below you can read some funny stories from 1967 when we changed from left to right side of the road.

Leif in Sweden.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Rob McDonald

LIEF IN SWEDEN, with the help of Google Translate, I've got a pretty good account of the big non-event, "Dagen H", the moment when Swedish drivers across your country switched from driving on the left side to the right side of the road. Dagen H translates as Day H, where "H" stands for "Högertrafik", the Swedish word for "right-hand traffic". It was September 3, 1967, at 17:00 in the afternoon.

I've resisted the urge to correct some mangled grammar and misplaced words, just because it's charming. (Swedish Detailing Hint: spaghetti removes minor paint scratches!)

Today being the Day After The World Didn't End, let's all remember that disasters rarely live up to their advance billing.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Mark.You are right it`s turn signals with arrows, Lennart has the same type on his 4dr sedan 1929 Volvo,and he like them.

He also have a P 1900 Volvo mid 50s with glassfiber body,I think only about 60-70 cars made in the 50s.

One of those P 1900 seems to have been destrioed in a fire last week together with some 1910s cars.

Leif in Sweden.

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Guest Rob McDonald

Lovely car, the P1800, although I've never seen one in person. Still, it's a Volvo and probably drives like a truck, just like the later and also lovely-to-look-at P1800. Still, it's sad to think there's one less of them now.



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  • 6 months later...


Thank you for posting the photos of Lenhardt's beautiful 27-25. I have a 25-25 and have been asking in the forum for interior and top photos since my interior is pretty bare. Nothing has shown up yet. Missing robe rail carpeting and foot rest and bow rests. The photos in the parts book are very poor and nothing on the bow rest. The pictures are great! They will help a great deal. Also I believe my top assembly is made up from another (larger) car as it apears to have been cut and rewelded.

Larry DiBarry

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