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help with overdrive


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I looked at what appears to be an overdrive unit recently and was wondering if anybody can help with a liitle more info. I don't have much info, I didn't have much forsight. It was attached to a driveshaft, I think enclosed. It was about the right size for an overdrive. I believe it may have been shifted by cable. Any of this sound familiar?

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I know its a stretch with limited input, but I was wondering, could this be an overdrive? I've heard of units that fasten to the driveshaft. This one was pretty rusty and I didn't see any identifying marks altho I didn't look real close. I have two cars that I could use it on. Could it be something else? I am thinking about buying it to use but I don't really know anything about it. The guy who has it doesn't know. He suspects that it is an overdrive or perhaps a two speed of some sort. Any ideas?

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They used to make such things aftermarket for T and A model Fords. I picked up a couple at one place where I got a 1914 Fiat Tipo Zero engine; but I had no use for them and gave them to the son of a friend, who proved to be utterly graceless. I have no idea if they ever went back on cars.

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Sorry, I didn't have enough sense to take any pictures. I did get the guys business card so I can go back and get it. The driveshaft that it was attached to was splined on one end as if it slid into the trans or rear, no u joint.

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At the risk of being of opening my mouth and removing all doubt,(rather than keeping it closed and being thought a fool) It could be an underdrive unit from a 28-9 Model AA. Those early 1-1/2 tonners came with the standard 3 speed and when fully loaded had trouble negotiating hills and such so they offered this auxiliary trans behid the regular unit with a kickdown foot switch on the floor that pulled a lever. In '30 they came out with a 4speed (granny gear). If this looks somewhat like a peanut then that's what you have.

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Thanks for all the input. It is not shaped like a peanut. It is kinda sqaure-ish, and mounted pretty much in the center of the drivshaft. With the spline on the end of the drivshaft, I'm wondering if it might have come out of an enclosed drivshaft vehicle? I can't remember, but does the u joint fit on a yoke that slides over a splined driveshaft end on a 30's Chevy?

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