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58 1959 1960 1961 1962 63 Lincoln 430 OIL PUMP FITTING - eBay (item 160559330486 end time Apr-13-11 17:28:17 PDT)

If these rates continue, I'll have to cash in my coffee can of brass fittings and the one with light bulbs, it should put me on the Forbe's 400 list!

Howard Dennis

Call us when the item actually sells and cash changes hands...

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Guest Jim_Edwards
58 1959 1960 1961 1962 63 Lincoln 430 OIL PUMP FITTING - eBay (item 160559330486 end time Apr-13-11 17:28:17 PDT)

If these rates continue, I'll have to cash in my coffee can of brass fittings and the one with light bulbs, it should put me on the Forbe's 400 list!

Howard Dennis

Heck at those prices you can go to the hardware store and buy a few dollars worth of brass fittings and become a millionaire almost overnight..........:D

What is equally as bad is that fool doesn't even know that fitting was for vacuum for wipers and absolutely no one has made an oil pump with a vacuum pump section since sometime in the 1960s. Maybe I should sell the one I took from the 430 block sitting in my '58 Mercury. I'll even throw in the metal tubing that was attached to it. Heck I'll even throw in the old oil pump.


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Guest windjamer
:( The bulb in question was listed as a TAIL LIGHT BULB. A 67 Caddy or any outher 67 G.M made in America vech did not use a 1293 bulb as a tail light. THEY USED AS I SAID A 1034 or 1157. . . A simular subject was talked about in an older post. It was about unconsionable profit.:D
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It was about unconsionable profit.:D

And again, until someone actually gives the seller money, his PROFIT is zero. Actually, it is less than zero since he has to pay ebay for the ad. Again, how is anyone being harmed by this?

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Guest Jim_Edwards

Wait long enough and some clown on ebay will be putting up a '60s dog dish hubcap from a pickup for $1,000. Me thinks someone has been watching too many BJ auctions and figures some of the insane prices somehow translates into individual salvage parts having great value.:D

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Guest Jim_Edwards
And again, until someone actually gives the seller money, his PROFIT is zero. Actually, it is less than zero since he has to pay ebay for the ad. Again, how is anyone being harmed by this?

No body has claimed anyone is being harmed by that type of ebay listing stupidity, only commenting in astonishment that anyone could be that stupid and the speculation that someone not exactly up on resources and prices might get hung out to dry.

So for goodness sakes give it a rest Joe, we've all already had an opportunity to see your take more than once.


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Guest windjamer
:) Hey Mike, No problem. Knowing I have a problem I did look the word up BEFOR I typed it guess me gentle tuch :D on the key board missed the T.:eek: It has been said that I dont know enough to quit,thats why I get things done. In this case FRIENDS :D I yeald the floor. May you have the sun in your face the wind at your back and a cold can a Coors in your hand as you go through the day
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There must be a new market for light bulb scalpers out there. I sold a spotlight to a guy through ebay. It was a brand new 54 Chevy one in the GM box. It was 6 volt and didn't have easy access to my one 6 volt battery. The bulb looked good but as i mentioned I didn't really have a good way to test it. The buyer got it and said the bulb was blown. I told him not a big deal just go on ebay shop around a little and pick up another one to replace it. I figured $30 on the high end. He just contacted me and said he picked one up for $80 and to reimbuse him for the difference. I guess he must have went to one vendor. The light bulb scalper and plunked down my money. I really wished he would have contacted me first. am I out of touch or do Guide spotlight bulbs for 1954 chevy's really bring that kind of money. I found one right after i got his email with no bids in the box ending in less than a day for 10.00 plus shipping. Are there really all that many uneducated people out there being taken to the cleaners?

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Guest Jim_Edwards
There must be a new market for light bulb scalpers out there. I sold a spotlight to a guy through ebay. It was a brand new 54 Chevy one in the GM box. It was 6 volt and didn't have easy access to my one 6 volt battery. The bulb looked good but as i mentioned I didn't really have a good way to test it. The buyer got it and said the bulb was blown. I told him not a big deal just go on ebay shop around a little and pick up another one to replace it. I figured $30 on the high end. He just contacted me and said he picked one up for $80 and to reimbuse him for the difference. I guess he must have went to one vendor. The light bulb scalper and plunked down my money. I really wished he would have contacted me first. am I out of touch or do Guide spotlight bulbs for 1954 chevy's really bring that kind of money. I found one right after i got his email with no bids in the box ending in less than a day for 10.00 plus shipping. Are there really all that many uneducated people out there being taken to the cleaners?

Yes there are that many uneducated people being taken. I think we have a "generation" that is convinced because something is old and perhaps no longer made it is automatically of great value, all the while forgetting they may well be the only person on the planet that any longer has a need or desire for whatever it might be. Most certainly there are sellers who share the idea of scarcity. An idea that makes no difference if no one on the planet needs one at any price. I just had a "fool" offer me a couple of trim pieces for a '56 Cadillac that was ridiculous. Idiot wanted $250 for a pair of smallish light stainless items that at best might have a value of $20. Of course everyone sees or hears Cadillac and automatically figures it's something of great value. Needless to say I passed on those and will find a pair somewhere down the road for their real value. Jim

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I'm sorry, but when did trying to maximize one's profit become unethical? We're not talking about misrepresentation of the item description. We're not talking about bait-and-switch. We're simply talking about the asking price that a seller has set on an item. Either buy it or don't. This is Econ 101. Buyers have more resources available to them than ever before as far as the ability to verify whether or not an asking price is reasonable. Despite our nation's apparent desire to always blame someone else for self-induced problems, I still maintain that the buyer who overpays has no one to blame but him/herself.

What he said. I have a lot of eBay stuff running as Buy it Now or Best Offer which costs a whopping 20 cents a month to run. But I still get fools who email up to run me down, run down whatever the item is, and sometimes then make a lowball offer on top of that. They can't seem to understand why I might not exactly feel pleased by their message. And I'm getting so I'd rather just scrap it all so no one gets it, especially those people.

I just don't understand what it is about old car stuff that if you see a part at a price you don't want to pay, some feel the need to pee and moan about it. If you don't like it, go buy one someplace else - the same as you would if you were buying something that Target, K-mart and Wal-mart all sell. Ever gone to the manager in a big box store and said "I know you want $1000 for that big screen TV, but it's a floor model and had some use and peoples' hands on it, so I'd give you $100 just to take it off your hands"? Ever wonder what would happen if you did try that? "Security!!!" ... At least they're getting paid by the hour to put up with that, no one's paying me to do the same.

And of course, if you can't buy one anyplace else, you can either pay the seller's price or go without. But some guys are just so stupid - they don't even try to make an offer and it never occurs to them that maybe what they do is offer to trade something the seller values more than the thing they have that you want, and everyone comes out ahead even if to get that thing you swapped you only paid a tenth of the asking price on the seller's piece.

The one thing I do understand after 10 years or so is why so many of the old guys who own junkyards are cranky and hard to deal with. After 40, 50, 60 years of this same nonsense from people it's a wonder they even want to deal with you at all. Buy my stuff or don't, I'm not here to hear you cry about it, and I'm not going to starve if it doesn't sell.

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Out of touch..Huuummmmm... Yeah, I've been out of touch for almost 50 years. I keep yearning for things from the past and don't want to much from the future until it becomes old and collectible. ;) Dandy Dave!

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Guest Jim_Edwards
Out of touch..Huuummmmm... Yeah, I've been out of touch for almost 50 years. I keep yearning for things from the past and don't want to much from the future until it becomes old and collectible. ;) Dandy Dave!

Just don't apply that notion to collecting old Federal Reserve Notes, which are now worth roughly 95% less than in 1960!:D

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