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anyone remember this AUBURN from central MINN.?

Guest paperdog

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Guest paperdog


anybody know about it or where the rest of it may be ?

the GRANDY name plate is from the creamery that closed in the late 30's early 40's

i believe it was a v12 fourdoor

am i on the right track?

any statistics ?

current pics of complete car?

thanks for all your help

I'm still diggin around for more locally myself

thanks again








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Guest Silverghost

Boy~~~ you just have to wonder where the chassis, engine, and runnng gear all went ?

Why did they just keep the body panels ?


What on earth were they thinking ?

Very sad ending to a once great auto !

PS: I think somebody else aready made a Hot Rod and these are the left-over parts ! ; )

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Guest paperdog


I have been doing research on the history of this car (SHOULD BE EASY RIGHT HOW MANY WERE IN THIS VERY SMALL TOWN?)after many discussions with various town folk/past residents they directed me to who the main person that would have known about it .. sadly I heard he passed away about three weeks after I found it. He was the small towns eldest resident..amatuer historian, supposedly he knew about everything /everybody since the 20's .

I did find perfect match to the Grandy name plate at the antique shop in Grandy.. It was given out from the local creamery to establish the milk route/advertising..it closed late 30's early 40's..

dunno why it was prominetly placed on the driver door ?

There is a few people still on a short list to talk to we'll see how that goes .. cold callin/door knockin on the elderly is sketchy at best...

The snow and cold hit here a few weeks ago so I have not done much door knockin since ..










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Guest paperdog
It looks like some farmer made it into a hay wagon, and you have the left overs.

Thats what i thought too!:D

I have checked the local implement dealer "back row"

and few of the local potato growers if they had any odd wagon-components

potatos were the main focus in this area and the mfr of a well know potato pickin/diggin machine was based there in grandy in the 20's and 30's.. he became a very wealthy man..

also on the ???? list would be a power generator /irrigation pump setup ..still in use or storage

how much searchin should a guy do before selling, parting out this pile ..getting the frame and enginecould maybe make a possible restoration project .. but ???????????????

damn scrappers .....what that frame engine weigh?:rolleyes:

thanks for the clues

keep em coming

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Guest paperdog
Let Google be your friend ... simply type 1932 Auburn and search

I can't find any pictures of a 32 with that windshield

Here is their 33 offering:


Their 8 cyl:


thanks again

yes i have googled this a couple of times ....

i have found only one pair o-pics of a fourdoor in that search... ever

hopefully more pics will surface thanks again


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Guest paperdog

so the dual side mounts is the main clue?

not found on th 8 cyl version

i suppose the hood length is giveaway clue ... but i do not know the dimension of mine :(

i had found most of this same factory info before/after i took possesion it took about 3 hours of internet search to i.d it was an Auburn in the first place..

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Guest Silverghost

You might want to post your photos on the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Club's Forum on their website.

They will soon tell you what you really have there~



As others have stated~

What you really have now are body parts~

The chassis & Engine+ drive-line are long gone.

I am sure some Auburn collector/owner/restorer may want these parts !

Could the car have once owned by the owner of the dairy ???

Good Luck with your search !

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Guest paperdog
You might want to post your photos on the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Club's Forum on their website.

They will soon tell you what you really have there~



As others have stated

What you really have now are body parts~

The chassis & Engine+ drive-line are long gone.

I am sure some Auburn collector/owner/restorer may want these parts !

Could the car have once owned by the owner of the dairy ???

Good Luck with your search !

thanks for the info and encouragement

some one must know or have local pictures .. even just a group street picture would show that split windshield ..

hopefully I'll find a previous owner or guardian???

the possibility that the rest of the car is around is pretty high

once I locate the place where it was sitting for so long will answer the harder questions...

I have four or five places and some more people to check with before I let the urges die down..........dream dream dream :D

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Guest paperdog

well gang

i just was on the acd forum and found very little info on a 1933 v12 -165

pictures are hard to find there too

are that rare?


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Guest Silverghost

Try emailing Chris Summers cordhaven@hotmail.com

Send him your photos and story~

I know he will be interested in your story; and your quest !

He is the Auburn, Cord, Duesenberg historian for the ACD Club~ And an all around Good Guy !

He , and the Auburn guys, will help you ID this project and possibly some there may need your body parts for their restortion projects !

The body parts you did find are in fact very rare indeed !

Auburns were never built in very large numbers in their day.


We all suspect the original chassis, engine, etc are now long gone !


Never say never; as it's always worth looking !

Keep Searching~

Side Note: About four years ago I found a 1912 Rolls~Royce Silver Ghost Engine and Trans with front 1/3 chassis. hooked-up to a main-line Phila mansion estate water pump. It was complete with the famous RR Radiator !

It was still in running condition!

This drive-line package is now sitting in a completey restored 1912 Rolls~Royce Tourer !

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Respectfully speaking there is a wealth of info on the ACD forum and I'm sure you'll get some feedback from your post.

Based on what I can see from your photos I would wager this was a 1933 8-105 or 8-105A car in Salon trim. It was definitely an 8 cylinder as the hood has 26 louvers and 12 cylinder hoods have 31 louvers. And it is definitely a Salon as it sports the split windshield. The only year this car was made was 1933 as in 1932 there was no split windshield available and in 1934 the 8 cylinder cars had a completely new design.

1933 and 1934 Auburn Salon cars are rare to be sure, but there are several examples of 8-105 and 8-105A cars running around out there. Incidentally they were available with dual sidemounts so the presence of such doesn't indicate anything about 8 cylinder vs 12 cylinder.

Personally I love the 33 and 34 Salon cars - they are my favorites! I hope you can find more of this car or, in the case that you can't, I hope you will make these parts available to an Auburn person who is in need of them. It would be amazing to get another of these back on the road. If I was closer to you I would love to come take a look at them myself!


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Just want to clarify that Chris Summers is the ACD Club Historian for Duesenberg only. There are others who are historians for Auburn and Cord respectively.

I certainly agree however that he is an all around great guy! But there are others in the Club and on the ACD forum that have far greater knowledge than Chris or myself do about this particular car.



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Bill Parfet owns a four-door sedan, but his is a 1934 (same guy that owns the brougham from the link above). You can get information about his cars from the Gilmore Museum in Hickory Corners, Michigan. As you mentioned above, only two are known to exist. Yours would be the third.


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Hi West,

I need to clarify some things. Firstly, the thread you reference above was started by me in search of a 12-165 or 12-165A Auburn V-12 sedan. It does appear to be true that only 2 or 3 of these cars remain in known existence.

The car in this thread above is not a V-12 car but rather an 8 cylinder car, and there are many more examples in existence. I don't have an exact count as it isn't something I have researched extensively but in the past year I have seen 4 of them in person. Still an uncommon and desirable car to be sure - but not in single digit existence.

Bill Parfet owns a complete set of 1933-1934 Auburn Salon V-12 cars. It includes all 5 body styles - 4 door sedan (Sedan), 2 door sedan (Brougham), 2 door convertible (Cabriolet), 4 door convertible (Phaeton) and the Speedster. Beautiful cars all and there is no doubt the 2 closed cars are the rarest. Many closed cars have been sacrificed to make more open cars over the decades.


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Guest paperdog

update sorta..

i talked the tavern owner in Grandy she had no knowledge of the car or remembered any one who might have had such a car but she is getting the name and number of people that had owned a large junkyard in the 50's and 60's .. not far from downtown Grandy.

And some other numbers of folks that have been in town the longest...

she also said that she'd hang up a flier in the bar for people to view ..

stay tuned ..

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Guest paperdog


its parts from a 33 AUBURN 8-105 SALON


hood top and sides

cowl with windshield frame

dash and guage panel

two ashtrays ,windshield opener

both front doors

rear body panel

two front fenders


asst other metal prts from int.-ext.


if anyone can I.D. some other items from the pics swell

I do have some other pics



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Guest Silverghost

I do hope you find a good home for many of these fairly rare Auburn parts with some collectors & restorers~

Sadly some cars must be parted-out so that the other better & more complete surviving cars may live long into the future ~

I also hope you get your money out of these parts and perhapps make some money also !

Good Luck & keep searching for better surviving barn-finds as that's what all we collectors live for !

It's that thrill of the hunt in barns, fields, and garages all over~

The great finds are still out there somewhere !

I know~ I found, and bought a great Springfield Rolls~Royce Phantom I

in a Pennsylvania barn some years ago !

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Guest paperdog
paperdog,I thought you'd like to know there"s a guy selling a 32 Auburn dash panel, trimmed to fit a 32 Ford and no gauges for 2750 on the V8 section of Fordbarn

very interesting indeed...


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest paperdog

hi kids

nothing new to report

should I be surprised that that there is not any responses on forums from locals who might have remembered such a car?

here is the name plate pic from the driver door and the one I saw in a Grandy antique store

the plate is from the CLOVERDALE CREAMERY



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  • 1 month later...
Guest paperdog

well here's an update sorta

I slipped on ice new years eve and have a pinched nerve in my middle upper back...after 7 doctors visits and numerous scans .. I am now in a 8 week therapy program and await getting better..

it hurts to sit .. in a chair or in a car and my left arm is 70%numb

we also are near the end of daily radiation treatments on my girlfriend which started in middle November...

enuf of the whining and to the important stuff

so now whats happening with the AUBURN

YUP a few folks from here have expressed some intrest in the "parts"or the whole pile

its now buried by our 30 inch plus snow

this week I was able to sit a few times and compose a poster which I started to distribute in the GRANDY area ..there is two local auctions today FEB. 5th and each auctioneer gladly said they would post the information .. they believed that some action will come of the poster... they both have older long time residents that attend thier auctions.

they also thought it was a interesting quest..

Basicly the color poster shows the GRANDY name plate new and rusty old a pic of the cowls current condition and a pic of a blue restored AUBURN from the middle of the front door forward(the pic i used was from a 2door)

a request for info and a brief listing of the history I knew..

I used the blue 2 door because it would have most resmbled the car I have ..I know it shows a 12 cyl car but heck its close enuf???

other than that?

the mice have gotten into my casino birthday prize 2010 MERCEDES C63 AMG before I could get it into the new car capsule .

I bought one then after being misshiped and the delivered after xmas ,I got hurt..then our furnace quit so it was to cold to unfold the bubble..so after getting the garage stall above 60 degrees..we started it up JAN 13th and couple dozen acorns shot out the exhaust... darn it I hate being laid up..

then while zipping up the bubble the zipper broke on one side .. we have it duct taped now and inflated and as of yet don't see any varmits inside the bubble ...

we are at the lake place this weekend to take down xmas decorations up since the day after thanksgiving..

is it spring yet? :roll:

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  • 2 months later...
Guest paperdog

no new news still lookin for the engine and frame... not a single lead as to previous owners or location of prior storage..;)

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Guest Foggy norm

My father used to tell me story's of small towns like his in Pa. Usually short on money, they would convert some of the large car's of the day (shudder), into fire truck's. Since you have all the components from the windshield forward, which were probably kept on the conversion, I can only offer that idea into the mix.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest paperdog

update sorta?

A few weeks ago while attending a local towns annual " pie ' celebration ( This town being a few short miles away from the possible location of the cars original owner). I talked to many of the participating car show owners old and young with their local cars on display . I asked them about the Auburn ,explained what I knew so far and showed them pictures and handed out some fliers I had printed up, although some stated they had no knowledge of what it was or any possible help to its source , a few spoke of a local police officer /car guy who grew up in the area and should know "something".It was during this conversation with a few show car owners that this officer was nearby they called him over , I introduced myself ... started to explain of my quest, handed him a flier he looked at it handed it back and said "don't waste your time " and walked away?


Why the curt response at a his citys social celebration ?

Did he know something making his answer a true fact?


sadly the local historical society storage facility was burned thru arson..almost all documents and photos were lost.

related ???

well I'm still searching...........

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