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The Great Race

Guest windjamer

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Guest windjamer

:)One of our members told us the Great Race is running again and will stop in my home town this year. Got me to thinking, ( I know unusual) what about some of the other races with old cars. ?? What happened to the young couple that was driving around the world in a Graham 3 or 4 years ago? Wasn't it just last year a young lady drove coast to coast in a old car.?? Lets have some comment. How soon we forget.:eek:

Edited by Steve Moskowitz (see edit history)
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Guest windjamer

:)I saw it at Hershey, The young couple had a brand new baby:eek: no not the car, a real genuine rug rat.:eek: At one place they talked about tyeing logs to the car to ford(I think ) the amason river.OMG.Anyone know if there was a web site or any way to follow there progress?? Where are they now??

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Last year our member Sally Barnett accompanied the Maxwell re-enacting the Coast to Coast drive of Alice Ramsey, telling Alice Ramsey's story of the cross-country drive in a Maxwell when roads were effectively non-existant, and when ladies rarely drove automobiles.

Bravo, Sally - we're proud of you !

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:)Thats the young lady I could not remember. Thanks Marty. Now some storys on her trip please.:D


Sally posted her diary if you will previously on this forum. A reminder that the "Search" function readily shows any previous threads. I punched in "Allice Ramsey" in the Search block and here you have it: http://forums.aaca.org/f169/alice-ramsey-centennial-drive-225512.html


Peter J.

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Guest windjamer

Thank you Petter. A few years back the race awrond the world was here in Binghamton. I took some pics. and got to talk with the folks. Unbleaveable what they put those cars through.

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Thank you Petter. A few years back the race awrond the world was here in Binghamton. I took some pics. and got to talk with the folks. Unbleaveable what they put those cars through.

My pleasure, Dick. If you folks catch up with Sally at future Meets and other venues she is always gracious to chat about her great experience.

Peter J.

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Guest windjamer

:)My band was hired to perform for the great race when they where here a few years ago. What a fantastic event. The main street of town was closed off to welcome them and a finish line was set up in front of the court house. The anouncer introduced each as they crossed the line. The whole city (seems like) turned out to great them. In contrest the NY to Paris? race stoped here I think the same year and it was almost total secret. I found out by accident and started to check with hotels to find out if it was true. None of the local tv stations knew they where comeing.:eek: A local station did send a camera crew to the hotel, but only after I called and confirmed some of the cars had allready awrived.:eek: I talked with several of the drivers and was stuned at what they put the cars through.One driver fliped his 46?Chev. turned it back up and just kept on going.:eek: Wish the history chanell would film some of these:D

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About 6 years ago? we had a customer who bought a '38 Cadillac that had been in storage and had not been run at all in maybe 20 years and gave it to us to prep for the Great Race. Problem was he gave it to us only 2 weeks before the race started. About all we could do was clean out the gas tank, do a minor tuneup, change the belts and hoses, install an electronic speedo and check out the brakes and other mechanical systems. We had a pool at the shop to see who would guess how far he got before dropping out. At best we thought maybe 500 miles. The Race was from Philly to California. Amazingly he made it to within 75 miles of the finish line before the car died totally and he still blames us for his failure to finish and never did pay his final bill. Live and learn.

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Thank You all for remembering my mother's efforts and adventures in the hobby. The Alice Ramsey re-enactment was amazing and quite a trial. Three babbit rebuilds, converting from copper to stainless oil pipe mid way, flat tires, mountains, desert, rain and bugs - 31 days and the most amazing car folks meeting them all along the way and lending a hand. The mechanic, tim, has a great series of articles about the experience from his point of view and is a must read for brass tourers - I'll try to find it. I can't imagine what it would be like in going around the world with a baby in a jet plane much less a brass cars - bet it was fun though!!!

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Do you have the detailed route through New York State. So far, all I see posted is NYC to Buffalo, but no details.


I asked that question at Louisville, and I was told that the car will leave NYC and travel north to Albany. I can't remember if they were going to travel west of NY Route #5, or west on NY #20. In either case, from Auburn to Avon, NY, Routes 5 & 20 are the same road and they run through Canandaigua, and through East Bloomfield. In either case, I am about 1/4 mile north of Route 5&20, so if the car quit on 5&20, it literally could coast down the hill and right into our shop.

I am 99% certain that they are following NY Route #5.

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Guest windjamer

:)Pat although not written in stone,I understand they wil spend the night in Binghamton. Should be a great oppertunity for some pics. and maby a story or two.:D

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