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My wife knows where the key to the gun safe is

Guest sintid58

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It is not too far from me if you would like someone to look at it.

Remember, it is easier to ask for forgiveness then for permission,

If you wife thinks you have too much, have her look at my list and you can say " See, it could be worse! "

Go for it.

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Guest sintid58

Her clutchin is doing good, had the new truck 8 weeks and just turned it over to 30,000 miles. The only really big hurdle left to get past it her first time driving on winter roads and she is pretty nervous about that. She really likes the 30's cars but we don't have any room for more right now and I don't know where I would put it. I could probably talk her into it or a GN if we had a place to store them. We are going to spend next Wednesday at Hershey after we deliver in Pa Tuesday.

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I love the '36 Buick styling...a while back I had done the site mash search so had seen this car and was tempted myself. Until the new shop is more than a concrete floor though (and paid for), I've been told I have to stop. Who knows what next spring holds though.

Rita hates me? :(:(:(:(:(

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Guest sintid58

I would love to be able to pick up something like that but right now its not in the cards. I need to pay for the work I have done to and need to do to the cars we have and get a better place to store them. With us driving truck I would like to build a garage somewhere close by that I can put a hoist in and heat fairly economically in the winter. I have been working on Tina to try and move to a condo or townhouse so we won't have to spend our time working outside. It would be nice to come in off the road and just be able to pack up and go to a car show if we want or go work on projects without worrying about the lawn and flower beds. Some of the smaller towns around here have some pretty reasonably priced lots that a person could put up a nice shop on and then hire a local teen to mow the lawn. Right now its a pipe dream. The house we have has a nice garage but no room for a hoist and they have covenance's for everything. There is enough room to build a big garage but I can only put one up so big and it has to be attached to the house. Somehow I don't think that means attaching a 40 by 40 shop that is tall enough for a hoist to a house that already has a 3 to 4 car garage attached. I do enjoy looking and dreaming, maybe that lottery ticket that I keep forgetting to buy will come in someday.

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Hey Thriller, If you are trying to increase your inventory to catch up to a couple of BCA BOD members from Minnesota, you don't have a chance. As they say in the old war movies, "Pull up, PULL UP!" while you still can.

:D Considering one of them is trying to sell me a Riviera, I may catch up sooner than one would expect. That said, Suzanne has a good head on her shoulders and is able to talk me down at times.

Another factor is at the 2008 McLaughlin-Buick Homecoming in Oshawa, pretty much every year through the 30s was represented and Suzanne decided she prefers the '33, so it looks like that is what I'll pursue next. There's one for sale in this part of the world (and a Canadian car to boot), but there is too much money involved.

Anyway Sid, I sympathize. I know where you are coming from. This weekend I had planned to look at an '85 Riv, but cooler logic prevailed.

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Guest wildcat62

Jim, Derek's got more cars than I do...and I am definately not buying anything else until there is a pole barn to put them in.

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Guest wildcat465

Just talked to a fella that looked at this car last Friday.

Ad says 99% complete.

Fella says 80% rotten.

Probably better ones out there, may be a decent parts car.

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Rita hates me? :(:(:(:(:(

Common now Mr. Earl... Who could hate Derick??? :confused: Unless your in-sta-gate-in sometin. Sometin Smells Fishy to me... ;) Derick is just a loveable ol Buick boy in my book. :cool: Dandy Dave!

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I believe the implication was a "keeping up with the Thrillers" rather than a personal issue.

I gathered that, I'm just busting on My Buick Pals a little.... Sometimes you have to stop and think before you say a mouthful that gets you in trouble Buick buddies.;) Dandy Dave!

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