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Ames anyone?

Guest reattasteve

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Guest reattasteve

I'm thinking about a trip to Ames for the BCA nationa meet. My Reatta is a good one and I thought about having it judged. Why have it judged? Should I go? I've been a BCA member for a few years but never participated much. I'm not sure about an awards banquet for $45 a head. Any thoughts on the meet? Thanks, Steve

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Ames is pretty close to you considering where past meets have been held and 2011 will be in Danvers Mass.

Awards banquet prices always seem high but when you consider the requirements for one, the local resturant just doesn't have room for 400 extra people, so a large room (at a hotel) or meeting place must be rented. Hotels historically charge more for a meal than other places, throw in some decorations and before you know it, a $9.95 chicken dinner cost $45

If it cost $5,000 to rent a room (divided by 400) thats $12.50 each. Then they charge you to rent the tables and chairs...... lots goes on that the average BCA member does not consider.

As others have debated..... why 400 point judging? It's up to you. If you have a nice car and want to find out what other knowledgeable Reatta owners think is wrong with your car then do the 400 point judging. I honestly believe Reattas have an advantage over older cars. By that I mean, take a 1930 Buick and look at the engine. It is pretty stark and if anything is missing or changed, it stands out and will be caught by the judges.

Also remember, there is no 1st, 2nd, and 3 places at these meets, you are competing against originallity and points are deducted (see the judging manual on Reatta Division of the Buick Club of America)

There can be any number of Reattas or other Buicks that will receive the Gold award, (if you like this is like getting a 1st place) So within the Reatta class there is no limit to the Golds, Silvers and Bronze awards.... it all depends on the condition of the car.

If you just want to bring you Reatta.... it can be entered in the display, no judging, just show your car. The numbers are not in but I expect 40 + Reattas. The club officers can probably give us an idea of how many Reatta owner will show up as we have a block of rooms reserved and by this time they are probably gone.

Last, just being around other people that appreciate and maintain their Reattas is worth the trip. You meet some great people and see more Reattas than you will see in a year on the road.

Pack up your Reatta and make the short trip, we hope to see you there.

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I found the "Modern Vehicle" judging sheet on the Buick Club of America - BCA - Welcome site.

You can get there by clicking on documents, then judging manual or

click here to go directly to the beginning of the manual. Modern Vehicle sheets start on page 71


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In counterpoint, a "host hotel" will provide a lot of amenities in exchange for "room nights". If you can promise all the rooms will be filled then there are many comps available. Depending on the organization these can include banquet facilities, meeting rooms, or "other", it just depends on the organization. Of course some clubs/organizations provide free travel, rooms, and meals for officers/directors/celebrities & someone must pay for that.

Then there is the meal itself. You have the "basic" package which is usually chicken, fish, or roast beef, house salad, dessert, rolls, and tea or coffee (milk on request) and go up from there as far as you want to spend (steak, shrimp scampi, chicken kiev...)

I agree with Barney, at $45 at head there is a lot more in the meal charge than the meal.

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Rather than say "what is wrong" with your car, a better choice of words might be "what it takes to return your car to OEM"

[Don't want that cat fight to start up again}

Dave is right if you want to get your car to OEM then the 400 point is good for you. It will let you know what you need to do, on the other hand too much time is spent on nit picking issues like valve stem colors . If your car is a gold car but still has the wrong valve stem cover colors then you car is still gold. I had one person ask me if they had the wrong color would the disqualify the car for one of the awards. It will not. Less time and effort needs to be placed on the negative things and more time and effort put on the postive things. It is really quite simple, if OEM is your thing then 400 is for you if modifed is your thing then modifed is your class. If you are just proud of your ride then display is your class. In any case it is just fun to be around people with simular interest. The first national that I attended was a surprise to me at just how friendly people were, and my car was not as nice as some of the others, but nobody said anything to me. The judging turned out to be such a minor part of the show, I just wondered why I spent so much time thinking about what I needed to do next. The next few years my wife and I spent just having a good time, and I would not miss a national meet for anything. it gives us a chance to talk to old friends and every year meet new ones. As my dad always told me you can only get out of something that you are willilng to put in. I totally agree with that. So bottom line, come to the national and plan to have a great time, and you will. I hope to see everybody in Ames

Drive friendly


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I'm thinking about a trip to Ames for the BCA nationa meet. My Reatta is a good one and I thought about having it judged. Why have it judged? Should I go? I've been a BCA member for a few years but never participated much. I'm not sure about an awards banquet for $45 a head. Any thoughts on the meet? Thanks, Steve

Just a word on the awards banquet, the cost of the food is only a small part of the evening, its about proud owners being rewarded for the work and labor that they have done to there cars, a chance to talk to others on different ways to do something to their cars or what ever. The food is usually good but its about the evening. The awards banquet at the end of the meet puts a finishing touch to the whole event. People are recoginzed for their hard work for the past year not just the meet. It takes a lot of work to do a car show/national and those people who are willing to work for the good of the whole should be recoginzed.

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Guest HessLakeGuy

Hard to believe, but it was one year ago this week that we were in Colorado Springs, CO for last years meet. The time has gone by fast.

The clubs annual meeting was held on July 4th===complete with a fire alarm about half way thru. The Rendevous on Thursday evening was well planned, then an incredible downpour arrived as we were driving to the restaurant.

Hopefully there will be some new faces and some new Reattas at this years meet. This is in addition to the familiar ones that we seem to enjoy every year.


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From looking at the registration list the Reattas now have about 30 going to Ames. I know that there is several that will be there but have not registered yet. This does not include club members that will be there but are not bringing a car which includes me as I am bringing my Riviera (sorry about that) but we need the room. Dont forget that the 11th is the deadline to register if you want your car to be judged at this years event. That only leaves 7 days

Lets hope for good weather, today is just keeps raining and it looks to continue for several days yet here in Kansas

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With so many Reattas expected in Ames, why is there no mention of Ames (that I have seen) on reatta.org, the Reatta Divisions website? I get emails through my website, from people wanting to attend, asking me for details. I'm happy to help and I direct them to the BCA website but it seems to me the information about the meet in Ames should be posted on the Reatta Division website as well. It seems to me like it would be front page news. Just wondering why it's not.

Edited by Ronnie (see edit history)
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What is the advantage of registering versus just showing up for a day or two in Ames? Looking to possibly stop by for a day due to time constraints(only live 3 hours away). Have not been around the Reatta members that often-have owned an "88" since 1992.

Rock bottom

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Guest HessLakeGuy

Even stopping by for a few hours can be beneficial.

See some of the cars, meet some of the people, and see what the Reatta Division is all about.

If you need a part or two, you might even find that. Lots of Reatta talk wherever you go around our main motel.


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