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What is it?


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Could well not be Gardner, that was my first impression when seeing the picture. My question is however " How can one discount identification because the bumper bar may not be factory spec " ?? Bumpers could have been altered by any number of successive owners for any number of reasons , indeed , could have been ordered with a double bumper rather than a single. Surely there are other defining features we can use for identification.

Beswt Wishes.....noel

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The first clue should have been the name of the file, ...1928_Fiat_521C.jpg . My browser displayed it briefly when the photo first came up but I didn't say anything just to see what people came up with. Right click on the photo and click "Properties" to see the file name.


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Hi Guys,

Thought I would throw a few more thoughts into the fray. I had a look at the listing on the Surrey Vintage Vehicle society site as suggested by Sunroofcord and here it says the photo was sent in by David Hindle who found it on his newly purchased property in france.

No big deal but David identifies it as Peugeot and presumably David was in an ideal position to read the hub caps.

Of course it is not a Peugeot but is is a Fiat?? How likely would it be that an Italian Fiat be found in France sporting a very nice pair of American Balcrank Bumpers??

Then of course what has happened to it's Radiator Badge?? This car shows no evidence that it ever was fitted with one.

Happy Motoring............Noel

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Hey, this topic was appearing also on the General discussion forum, posted there too by sunroofcord. Look for "what is it" from 4 days back (from today, this is Saturday). I'm not convinced that it is a Fiat, which seems to be a conclusin drawn because of the titleing on a picture/jpg file. It may well be, but "Yellow Cab" still seems a plausable candidate. Can anyone come up with a different picture of a '28 Fiat?

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