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Sunday Drive


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I took a little Sunday drive the other day...about 40 miles with Max to get the trailer, then 50 miles give or take to our destination. There was a 1926 Model 20 in tough shape advertised locally. It has the driveline more or less intact and came with another Standard chassis...the identity wasn't absolute, but believed to be a '28 or '29. To match the wheelbase, it would have to be a '28. The frame isn't much, but the drive shaft and differential are there.

It was advertised as possibly something to turn into a rod, but it's really pretty rough and not much body. Ultimately, it was part of dealing with an estate and moving stuff off the property, so I got it all for not a lot of money. My thought is to possibly help out some other pre-war Buick folks.

Everything is now safely tucked away in the trailer for a long winter's nap.

Oh, a copy of 70 Years of Buick was included.

I really like having a 10,000 lb. winch in that trailer. The rollers and engine hoist helped. Of course, I'll need to use the tractor to get it all out of there.









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Is there such a thing John? I don't expect it to be too long before the H&H is socked in anyway. If something genuinely came up, I could drag this out of the trailer, put a tarp on it, and put the new deal in the trailer...of course, that makes moving cars with the trailer a bit more complicated.

Of course, the other option is paying someone to get a new deal and rent space for the winter. I guess there are always options.... :rolleyes::D

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I see you are working that collection closer to a car for every month quota !! LOL!! Of

course, if you count the daily drivers-- you're now already there. Congrats-----------

It does look like it will be quite a while however, before you'll be driving the latest aquisition-- unless you secure a milk crate to the frame for the front driver seat. Looks like this one comes equipped with A/C.

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Looks like this one comes equipped with A/C.

Yeah, the faster you drive, the more wind you get.....:P

I've pulled stuff like this out of the weeds before and had it running in no time. You never know whats in that can of worms until you look. ;) Dandy Dave!

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Don - well, if you count the frame on top of the '26, we're now a 12 Buick family, but driving one a month is out of the question. Of course, if you drive your convertible up here in February, then perhaps I'll consider pulling a Buick out of storage :D:rolleyes:;)

Dave - you may have something like that running in no time...I'm not you. I've read about some of the magic you do and I'm afraid I'm just not that talented mechanically.

JD - thanks...it's really too much project to even consider bringing it back. Aside from the drivetrain, there are likely a few odds and ends that someone could use. The less that gets scrapped, the better.

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Dave - you may have something like that running in no time...I'm not you. I've read about some of the magic you do and I'm afraid I'm just not that talented mechanically.

Well, I do have that reputation for making old and tired stuff run, both near, and far....;) If I could send you a magic pill to mechanical understanding, I would Thriller. :D Dandy Dave!

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Derek, picture #1 looks like it has a key in the ignition? Is this the classic used car, not run for a few years but driven in when parked there?

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If you keep this stuff up you will be nominated for the Buickman award next year.

Oh H--l, Why wait??? Nominate him now.. :D

He may not be a super wrench, but he sure is a good sport and always willing to share information on anything Buick. :)

And quite a pilosipher I might add. ;) Dandy Dave!

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