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Got the new Reatta club newsletter that April Gill did and I think that she did a really good job. If you are not a member of the Reatta Division of the BCA you missed a good article on the passing of Domemick Clemente written by Ed Farnell. Ed and Jim Finn were able to travel to New York to the funeral, and if you ever met Domenick you would know why were a tight bunch.

Another thing I had the old Reatta Convertible out this afternoon and I was a great day for crusing. Early this evening a cold front came thru and it is now 39 degrees out. You guys in the north country please keep this cold weather up north with you where it belongs. lol Thanks

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Guest mounthopewalt

No, how about sharing some of the warm southern air with us? Remember, you can only cool down air by removing it's heat. I think that's what they learnt us in skool. LOL :confused:

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Guest Richard D

Yes, I tink I learnt that in skool two. We have a bunch of xtra hot air here in south Florida (broke a high temp record few days ago) How do we send it to you, UPS?

Best Regards.

Edited by Richard D (see edit history)
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I'm thinking Obama will go for this idea....... instead of building a fence at the Mexican border.

We need a wall somewhere around the bottom of Nebraska to stop the Northers (storms not people) from coming south. I move south to stay warm now when it gets to 50 I start complaining.......... think I am gonna die when it get to freezing.

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Here is some book learnen for you guys that think that the heat has to go away for what ever reason.

Folks who live in the south dont like to see their breath

White stuff on the ground is a no no

I agree with Barney. the cold has to stop somwhere around Nebraska. We dont want it. You got it, Keep it to yourselves, end of conversation

LOL stay warm and think SPRING.

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Here is some book learnen for you guys that think that the heat has to go away for what ever reason.

Folks who live in the south dont like to see their breath

White stuff on the ground is a no no

I agree with Barney. the cold has to stop somwhere around Nebraska. We dont want it. You got it, Keep it to yourselves, end of conversation

LOL stay warm and think SPRING.

It is Spring in Tennessee except the leaves have turned pretty colors. Fall is my favorite time of year here in the foothills of the Smokey Mountains. So far we haven't needed to turn on our heat. :)
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Guest Richard D
South FL. 90 feels like 104. I think I would kill for a cool breeze.

Richard, You have to have your Reatta painted black, that is the factory color. Don't worry about the Miami heat, that's what A/C is for!:rolleyes:

All kidding aside, I am glad I did not change the factory color! Maybe one of those NASCAR cool suits?

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