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Buick Nationals - Colo Springs - The Reatta Rendezvous Jul 2, 09


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The Reatta Rendezvous this year will be held on Thursday evening July 2, 2009. The total information is in the lastest newsletter. If you are a member of the club and plan go get your registration in asap, if you are not a member and want to join the club its not too late to join up and register. This is always a good time, you will meet new and old friends and everyone has a good time. Colo is a great place for us to see the country side and have a good dinner. The route includes the Garden of the Gods and other places along the way. Thanks to George Madsen for planning the Rendezvous this year and he always does a good job. Make your plans soon and lets have a good time this summer.


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I also got bumped.

I called Heather Smalley whose name was at the bottom of the letter and she told me the folks with the Buick club gave them a list of names to move from the host hotel to the one down the street.

I had my hotel reservations in many months ago at the Crown Plaza but I guess the someone in the Buick club decided there were more important people they wanted at the host hotel, so I got moved.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">.....folks with the Buick club gave them a list of names to move from the host hotel to the one down the street.</div></div>

I LOVE car clubs. /S

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I am copying a letter Bill Darrow sent to all the Board members about the movement of people. This is so you all know what is going on.

This was an issue created by the Crowne Plaza and they were required to resolve it. When the contract was signed they would agree only to block a maximum of 900 room nights. After the 900 room block was filled, they were to refer the overflow to the Double Tree.

Frank, just recently learned that they had kept taking reservations (probably padding their income due to slow times), and were up to almost 1600 room nights, and the Double Tree was at 100 room nights, which would have resulted in a very substantial penalty at the Double Tree, as we were required to fill at least 80% of our room block there. This translates to around $65,400 (600 X $109) in lost revenue at the Double Tree.

This would have resulted having the BCA on the hook for thousands of dollars, similar to what occurred in Las Vegas a few years ago, where the BCA ended up paying off the hotel.

They have now moved more than 600 room nights to the Double Tree, which resolves this issue and limits our liability at the Double Tree.

We have made some exceptions for those with medical issues, and these can be resolved through Karen Ayres or Megan Butler, not the Hotel Manager.

We have worked from the back of the list, so that made their reservations lately, are the ones that got moved. Price you pay for not doing this earlier.

Not sure why someone would make reservations in Denver and drive 80 miles to Colorado Springs. I must be missing some logic.

Bill Darrow

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Guest mgibson

Karin Ayers called last night and asked my wife, Anne, if we would be willing to move to the Double Tree. She said NO! End of discussion. We made our reservations last July after we got back from Flint. It doesn't hurt to make reservations early as they can always be cancelled if things don't work out.

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Barney made it pretty clear in this months Bugle that the Club is not in the best financial shape - I hope for the common good our Members will be grateful for whatever accomodations they are placed in and remember to keep a good attitude before the public.

If we are to increase our Membership and thrive as a Club, we cant afford internal conflicts - We dont want people "turned off" from joining the BCA.

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I dont know what caused the issues with the Host hotel, but from knowing the area, I can tell everybody that the Double Tree is just as nice if not nicer than the host hotel. I am looking forward to the Nationals this year because the Springs are a great part of the US and the weather is usually great and there is a lot of stuff to do. I look at it this way, I usually dont spend much time in my room so it really dont matter much to me. George has promised a good rendezvous and I think that we have 20 to 25 Reattas registered already, so let the good time roll and forget the hotel issues. Everyone will have a great time

See ya in Colo Springs


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This hotel thing seems to have a sprit of its own and I hope everyone going to Colorado Springs can be patient.

It appears in the slow economic times,the Crowne Plaza got

greedy and did not play by the rules. We are in too deep and it is too late to do much about it. Lets all go with a good attitude and make it work.

FYI... on the satilite picture of the hotels (posted by Vincent). Find the highway 29 sign in front of the Crowne Plaza. There is a side street (Janitell Rd) that goes North at "29", the cars will be displayed in the office building parking lot to the right of the side street. Since it is a holiday weekend that parking lot will be empty. Note the shadow of the office building...I didn't count but it is about 10 floors.

Having the car display there is just a short walk from the Crowne Plaza side entrance. Leaving plenty of room for your personal car. The swap meet will be on the left side of Janitell Rd, North end of parking lot (not the north end of the property...that is dirt and will be trailer parking.

The hospitality room and banquet room at the Crowne Plaza are very nice and we have plenty of room.

I am starting to pack.

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