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Dykes Manual


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I have seen the Dyke's books mentioned many time as a great technical reference tool for prewar cars. I am looking at a 1932 manual, would that cover everything applicable to my 28 Pierce? This one is a large book that also covers motorcycles, tractors, etc., is this the one I should be looking at? Any help is appreciated.

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Dykes generally cover more general info such as mechanical theory, clutches, engines etc. More a book explaining how things work and how to repair, maintain and adjust than extensive info on any particular make. Very educational but often of limited use for a particular car. We have several earlier editions but not sure I've seen a '32. If reasonable I'd buy it in any case. You won't regret it.

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Guest Albert

I find dykes gives you how ie a carburator works in generial, then if there is something different with a packard or a ford it would go into that difference and how that worked.. but it is a very useful book i have 2 copies a 1947, and a 1936.

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Restorer32, what do you do when you run into a vehicle that has no service manual and you have no specific material related to that car? For example, Chrysler had no service manuals in the 20's only the owners manual that gives very basic information. I wonder if the dealerships back then had special service manuals only available to them? If they did I'm sure they would be worth a bundle today!!


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Guest JohnArthurSpinks

For those that may be interested I have the following Dyke's Automobile and gasoline engine encyclopedias:

14th edition published 1926

17th edition published 1935

20th edition published 1943.

If these have information that someone may need then please feel free to contact me via email johnspinks@dodo.com.au.


John Spinks


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