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Buy/Sell Forums


IMPORTANT: Put either FS for "For Sale" or WTB for "Want to Buy" in the subject line along with the year, make and model.

EXAMPLE: FS - 1950 Plymouth Business Coupe

Clickbait title ads will be deleted without notice.

Please include the following information in the body of your post:


  • Year
  • Make
  • Model
  • Price
  • Description
  • Location (City, State, Country)
  • Contact Information (Know scammers will try to contact you.)
  • EBAY URL if also listed on EBAY
  • PHOTOS!  Please post photos!


Incomplete, overly commercial, or non-automotive related postings will be deleted without notice!

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  • 10 years later...

I have been contacted by scammers     you can tell in the first few words    you can tell !!!!      I both buy and sell  here, and E bay      and in this day with the ability to send photos I would not consider buying parts with out a picture   descriptions are subjective !!!!!!     I know that all of us has different levels of ability   but if you want to get a good price for you stuff    have some one show you how to post picture       it is not complicated   it may open a new world

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  • 3 months later...

10_4  on that, I ask for pictures and also send them. I won't  work with anyone who calls for information and is gun ho and asks hundreds of questions then tell me "they told me, #### and I should do this or that , "  because they are shopping. I tell them to go back and ask " them " how many chryslers have the "they" have had. If they say none ,I go to my speech, "anything sounds good if you don't  know what you are talking about. I'm  on 75 or 76th Chryslers from 1924 to 1930  that I have brought and still learning. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/29/2018 at 1:05 PM, broker-len said:

I have been contacted by scammers     you can tell in the first few words    you can tell !!!!      I both buy and sell  here, and E bay      and in this day with the ability to send photos I would not consider buying parts with out a picture   descriptions are subjective !!!!!!     I know that all of us has different levels of ability   but if you want to get a good price for you stuff    have some one show you how to post picture       it is not complicated   it may open a new world

Still can be scammed when we request a certain picture with the parts in question. These people are good with photoshop these days. Now I request to do a video call. Most people have that capability. If this was my forum, I would make it mandatory for a video call to sell parts and vehicles.

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I wouldn't require a video call.  Some people are difficult to deal with.  No sense in throwing another barrier in the way. I for one have no idea how to do a video call and if I was selling a $100 part wouldn't bother to take the time to figure it out.  You should see what I go through just to buy literature from some people.  Yes I have been scammed a couple of times but it's the cost of doing business.   In general most of the world is still decent and honest,  just all the evil and freaks are all we hear about day after day. Remember when we bought stuff from Hemmings including cars with just a word ad? 

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45 minutes ago, auburnseeker said:

I wouldn't require a video call.  Some people are difficult to deal with.  No sense in throwing another barrier in the way. I for one have no idea how to do a video call and if I was selling a $100 part wouldn't bother to take the time to figure it out.  You should see what I go through just to buy literature from some people.  Yes I have been scammed a couple of times but it's the cost of doing business.   In general most of the world is still decent and honest,  just all the evil and freaks are all we hear about day after day. Remember when we bought stuff from Hemmings including cars with just a word ad? 

We sell-buy a lot. I already foiled a half dozen scammers with this method. I only use that method when I feel it's a scammer. 

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