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More snow!?!!


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You poor folks in Wisconsin are moving more white stuff than a Columbian drug lord. Ok, poor attempt at a euphemism, but you get the point. We haven't fared too badly here in MO, but I am sick of winter (have been for over a month now actually) and we are forecast for another round of sleet/freezing rain/snow this weekend.

Great, another weekend I can't work on my Reatta. Now I'm getting irritated. I guess I can't complain though, up by you the cumulative snow is being measured in feet now, at least we don't have that mess here.

I guess the only advice I can offer is to keep the Reatta off the road and spare it the possible indignity of a wreck. I'd hate to see that happen to anyone on here.

Good luck shoveling out, and try to stay warm up there!


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Dave I hit a wrong key a while ago, Will be arriving by Reatta in Lebonon Il Fri evebehind the present storm, Then to Kansas City Sat in Brothers Enclave( wife wouldnt let me take hers..)Back to the St loius area around noon the back in the reatta for a run to the Gulf Coast hopefully ahead of what the forecast has coming your way Sunday.. Try to keep all that funnyooking white stuff of the roads for the weekend.....Havent driven in snow since I attended the Universiry of Wisconsin in the the late 60's -23 degrees was enough for me to stay south, and tolerate an occasional Hurricane May not have a house for a while but you will be warm.. Hank

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We got buried again. frown.gif Not sure just how much, but it's over 10 inches. The snow the last 2 falls was light and fluffy, but when you shovel it and have to toss it as high as your head, that just sucks. cry.gif

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Now <span style="font-style: italic">that's </span> what I call snow!

Have you ever gone out in temps in the negative and thrown a bucket of water into the air?

When I lived in MN. they'd show this being don on the local newscast. I don't think it was being done in the Twin Cites area at the time but further north... Brainerd or perhaps Duluth.

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I've got a great snowblower, so moving snow is not the issue. The issue is it just keeps coming. The average snowfall for our area is 42" to date we have 62" with between 6"-12" coming on Sunday into Monday. Madison is already 4" over their previous annual record. And it seems that when it is not snowing we get subzero teperatures.

And we get 1 more month of this. The only consolation I can think of is that we get an early spring, cause how much snow can we get?

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Oh man 59 degrees, I would take it in a heart beat smile.gif

It is still below zero cry.gif here and almost 9:30 am.

Just the thought of going out to shovel........

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DAVES89</div><div class="ubbcode-body">We got between 6"-8" with a forcast for about that much more on Sun. Coupled with the fact that between these 2 storms we will have sub zero weather.

This sure is getting old. </div></div>

Hey Dave, Why not get out and have some fun. Reattas are great in the snow being front wheel drive. No need to sit at home worrying about the weather. Get out and do something about it. grin.gif


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Interesting how you plow highways there. We do not plow that way [using all 3 lanes and shoulders]. Look at that traffic backup! Our guys plow right lane into ditch or left lane into meridian. That way if you are in a hurray and think you can make it you can pass.

BTW you do a great job w/cutting and pasting!

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In tonights paper we are at 64.3" officially with the record being 75.2" Feb and Mar can deliver 26.1" and 28.2" respectivly. This weekend looks to be 6"-13" so we could set the record this weekend. I don't care where you are from[ including Mn.] thats a lot of s@#%.

On a positive note we leave for S.C on 3/15 for a week of hopefully nice weather.

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We are set for a double whammy today. So far we got rain turning to sleet. That means we now have a layer of ice before we get the snow that is predicted to start mid day and equal 10"-14" before it ends Mon. am.

I really don't mind most winters but this is really getting out of hand.

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Buffalo snow to date: 60.5 inches

Normal is anywhere from 100 to 120 inches depending on where in the Buffalo area you live.

Buffalo Snow Facts

In the 40's today with wind, rain, sleet and snow on the way.

A quote from a CNN web site from 2001.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> More than 83 inches of snow have fallen this month -- all but an inch since Monday. That's about 90 percent of the average snowfall Buffalo usually gets for the entire season. By Saturday, the snow had compacted to about 44 inches on the ground.


That was 82 inches in a couple of days.


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My Dad lived in Fulton, NY. for a time. He loved boating the Erie Canal through the Finger Lakes region but hated the winters. He'd tell me about people shoveling their roofs to keep them from collapsing and how they would have to dig tunnels through the snow plowed on the sides of the streets to get from the street to the sidewalks.

He'd rant about how the weathermen would nonchalantly talk about snow accumulations in feet instead of inches.

He retired in Florida.

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We missed the last snowstorm, and got rain/slush on top of ice. A real mess, but my "new" '86 plow truck handled it fine. I sold the '76 V8 CJ-7 Jeep to a neighbor for $400, and sold it's plow to another neighbor for $200. The '86 plow truck only cost me $780, so it was nearly an even trade, just plowed a few driveways, and my TCO is $0!!!

Over in Mad-Town, just north of V. Vega, they're over 80", and headed for 90" today. A new all-time record annual snowfall! And we're not even 2 months into our snowy season!

I'm hoping for much more this season, so I can make more $$$$ plowing with the "new" truck!

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: manikmekanik</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...but you could always come visit the snow, just for fun!

...sure beats dealin' with it on a dily/weekly basis! </div></div>

Only 107 inches here so far this year. snowremoval.jpg

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Guest steveskyhawk

I lived in upstate NY and saw 36 inches of snow on Thanksgiving day in 1971 I believe. I never saw any fun in snow. Saved my money and moved. My job allows me to visit snow regularly. I am always glad to go home. Oh by the way I drove my convertible yesterday with the top down of course. Went to a burger place and ate outside on the picnic tables. This is why it is so crowded here. It's nice! We are supposed to get "showers" on Wednesday. Once the rainy season ends it is not uncommon to have 6 months without any precip whatsoever.

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Dave: Made it into The Stlois area Fri eve, with no Precip, Went KC sat morn in Brothers Enclave, No precip, Got up sun morn to go back to St.Louis it was snowing, ran out the snow about 60 miles east of KC drizzle and rain Back into your area (54deg) going across the river. got back in the Reatta and headed south in the light Rain/drizzle till around Sykston, Then chased the clearing skies and missed all the severe thunderstorms in Ark, Tenn, and Miss. got home to 59 degrees and clear skies, This Aft it is mid 60's, and clear, think ill put on some shorts and wash road film off the Reatta... Hank

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: F14CRAZY</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm pretty tired of the snow myself. I've been without my Forester for most of the winter and stuck driving a FWD rental</div></div>

I thought you had an Explorer and a Mountiener

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Same thing going on here by me. With the snow so deep the deer are just walking down the road until they come to a driveway to cross. Turkeys too crazy.gif

Today I raked some of the snow off the house roof and the 2 garages frown.gif I'm sure I had 15 yards down and then I had to shovel at least 6 of those off the sidewalk and deck mad.gif

It was 4 feet in some areas. And today being below zero again, it's getting old.

When we moved, I left my hot tub with the house. I did get a new one, it has been sitting next to the Reatta in the garage. I haven't been able to get the room ready for it, but with all this snow, my body is telling me to fill it up right where it is, next to the Reatta. Maybe I can make a towel bar/holder to go with F-14's chair smile.gif

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Hey John, I live in NW minnesota and teach school there. We do the steaming-hot-coffee-toss into the air every year when it gets to about -30 f. It looks like you just through a cup of baby powder in the air. Very little of the coffee hits the ground. I am not sure of what exactly is happening scientifically, but it sure looks cool. The Reatta doesn't start unless plugged in.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ekvh</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The Reatta doesn't start unless plugged in. </div></div>

Switch to a 5W 30 and the Reatta will start on the first try at 40 below.

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