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Robert G. Smits

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Everything posted by Robert G. Smits

  1. My first wife and I went to Hawaii several times which I hated. A couple of years into my second marriage my wife started hinting she would like to go to Hawaii also. During one of these discussions I made a proposal to her. If I never have to return to Hawaii I will take you to Paris once a year until I die. She accepted and we went every year until 9/11. Frequently we just spent a week end and then expanded to other European destinations. Best deal I ever made especially with our interest in French Art Glass. After the upheaval of the past few years we have no desire to go back. Like NYC or San Francisco it will never be the same from the tourist standpoint.
  2. When I initiated this post I hoped to get a reply from Randy and maybe 3 or 4 others. I am overwhelmed by the response. Thank you again. I will be listing 5 or 6 items this week end
  3. Always nice to know I am not the only one with a "hoarding" tendency
  4. I can't thank everyone enough. Fortunately I don't have to make a living doing this. Ninty percent of my inventory was purchased before 2000 and 50% before 1990 so inflation (meaning the dollar isn't worth $hit) should make my risk minimal. Any profit will probably go to our favorite charity in the end anyway. Better than having the kids send it to junk..You would think that out or four kids, one Doctor, two MBA's and one flunk out someone would have inherited a interest in Cars, Advertising, Breweriana, Art Glass or Art. No such luck. Reminds me of the old saying, "you can crap in one hand and wish in the other hand, guess which fills up first"
  5. Thanks for the advice. I am primarily selling excess small advertising signs, clocks and misc. What kind of photography set up do you use I will check it out, Thanks
  6. Thanks again to everyone who responded. I am 80 years old and need to get rid of this "stuff" For my top quality advertising I am working with Showtime to do a onsite auction in the spring or summer of 2021 I like your philosophy!!!
  7. Thanks for all the replies. I was plannng on bringing a trailer load to both Pate and Hershey. That didn't work out too well
  8. Getting ready to start reducing my excess inventory or Advertising and Memoribilia on eBay. Any tips/suggestions appreciated. Do I need to set up a photo booth? Reserve or No Reserve? Set price or Auction? Best days to list? Pitfalls to avoid? Thanks
  9. Terry thanks for the history lesson. I have probably purchased fifty of these over the years for kid and grandkids and was never aware of the back story. The breath of knowledge on this forum amazes me
  10. I’m going to stretch the automobilia theme by saying we used to use film to photograph our antique cars. Acquired these from Australia in the early 90’s. Rarely seen in the US. Agfa “Girl” and Agfa “Boy”. SS Porcelain on heavy steel. 28 by 48 in. Because of shipping expense I shipped them by marine freight. They were lost for 6 months and then one day I got a call to pick them up at a freight terminal in Kansas City By the way how do you rotate a photo on this forum. Every once in a while this happens to me. Thanks
  11. I think this is an amateurish Packard sign I purchased 40 years ago because I liked it and still do. Probably minimal value. 15 by 28 in
  12. Ed you need to load some more images of your great collection for us to enjoy. Thanks, Bob
  13. Walt G; are you I and Terry the only people interested in Memoribilia?
  14. My last one for tonight. Hanging on my bedroom wall. 18 by 24. Heavy paper calendar topper. It doesn’t get any better than a girl, a dog and a Truck
  15. Someone found a carton of 10 or 12 of these and sold them in 15 minutes at Hershey in the early 80’s or so the story goes. NOS and still in their factory wrapping. Not a bad buy for $200 18 by 40 inches self framed tin
  16. My uncle ran a one man auto repair shop on a town of 900. This sign was on the wall when he bought the shop after WW II. I spent every Saturday afternoon in his shop and that started my interest in anything mechanical. I have been told that it was a Standard Oil product 15 by 28 inches. Heavy porcelain on a heavy steel sigh
  17. When I first started roller skating this was on the entrance of the rink in Colfax Iowa. When they finally closed I had my father go to the auction and buy the sign. 18 by 30. Plastic light up sign. Switching to LED’s helps keep the heat down
  18. If my memory is correct GM lost thousands on each Motor Home produced.
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