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Everything posted by 68RIVGS

  1. Does look pretty good but the grill is damaged, and they are almost 'unobtainium', even in 'good used' shape, and that vinyl roof may be a little crusty ?
  2. Nothing available, no one makes aftermarket, or repro tanks for 2nd generation Riviera that I am aware of. The '66 to '70 models all used the same tank due to the position of the spare tire well design, sunk into the trunk floor. Your best bet is 'good used', the condition of which may be uncertain, or simply have the original tank serviced when you get the car across the pond?
  3. WARNING ! . . . collecting dealer promo's, or die cast cars, any scale, or any model, can be very, very, addictive and harmful to your wallet !! LOL . . . don't ask me how I know !
  4. The regular marker lamps were small rectangular openings, while the larger opening was for cornering lamps, which was an option for any Riviera.
  5. . . . they could park it in my garage anytime !!
  6. As Pat stated the mounting holes are identical but the '68 hood spear comes to a peak and stands taller, while a correct '69 is much flatter. '68 and '69s are close kissing cousins and do share quite a few trim pieces that are easily interchangeable between the two years, but they may not actually be correct for the model year. Another subtle difference is hood hinges - they look the same, but '69 hinges allow the hood to open higher than the '68, whooda thunk ?
  7. Not that it matters, but when you have to change a wheel on a '66 to '70 Riviera with the ribbed, or fluted, cone shaped centre caps you must remove the centre cap to access the wheel nuts! This can present a problem if the centre cap retainer is stuck, or rusted to the centre hole in the rim. A light coating of lubriplate on the retainer tangs and the outer surface of centre cap hole will reduce or eliminate this problem.
  8. . . . to each his, or her own ?
  9. The trim piece is only sealed around the mounting holes with perma-gum, or dumb-dumb, otherwise known as plain old gray weather stripping caulk. The inserts were painted with a matt semi gloss finish, which fades and goes flat with age in addition to fading, and thinning out on the pot metal trim piece. I used a vinyl, semi gloss, sign makers 3M tape to refinish the lower black painted mouldings on my '68 some 40+ years ago. They look just as good today as they did when they were refurbished, without any problems.
  10. . . . be my guest guys !!
  11. Staying as warm as one can up here in the great white frozen North Mr. Paul !! . . . as far as the beaches go, not at +.30 cents on a dollar - it just ain't gonna happen. Better clear that custom card with #1 Rich - the ROA logo, and use of same, is copyrighted !!
  12. Sweeeeeeeeeet, . . . all part of the monthly payments Paul !! LOL
  13. ... that problem likely occurred when the cable control for the remote mirror was too short to go between the front door clip holding the cable and the mirror adjustment housing - it just couldn't stretch anymore, and got stuffed in the door panel access as best it would fit, crooked or otherwise !
  14. Here you go Paul - up for grabs again ! http://www.ebay.ca/itm/1968-Buick-Riviera-/282306498470?hash=item41bac74fa6:g:OLEAAOSwa~BYZDsN
  15. Good Q Paul - I do know it was mounted on the left hand side on AC Buicks in the late '70s.
  16. Paul you are absolutely spot on, good " i " !!
  17. Pretty sure it may have been placed there by a previous owner or a mechanic - just trace the wires, and see where the go to? It doesn't appear on the '68 wiring schematic, so it may have been Magivered ? It does look like a blower motor relay that Jason mentioned, but that should be located on the other side of the car.
  18. Adjusting the dwell is much safer if you have a slip clutch fan - just hold it with another hand to stop the fan from turning. You can also lash it down with a bungee chord, but make sure it doesn't get away on you. The free swinging bungee on a spinning fan can destroy a radiator in a matter of seconds !!
  19. . . . x2 Paul, ROTFLMAO - good one Jason !! and as far as plugs go AC DELCO, or NGK - had good results with both.
  20. Just great Marc, good to know you are now an official international member of the ROA ! A positive decision, and I know you will enjoy the benefits of being a member of the ROA - it's not all about the cars, it's about the people. . . . as Jason stated, your going to fit right in !!
  21. . . . like that colour along with the matching top Ken, looking good !! Those wire wheels with the Red Buick faux knock off spinners really compliment those red line tires. A keeper for sure !
  22. Both forums are Buick related Marc, and you'll notice that there are boat tail owners and very knowledge members on both forums. Do hope you had a chance to check out the ROA from the link in my v8buick signature, and trust you will seriously consider becoming a member of the ROA Thanks for the compliment on the 'JEWAL' - I don't have answers for your questions, but I'm confident others will chime in. Re: your air cleaner sticker. All the originals were blind embossed on the reverse side, but repro stickers do not have this feature. Same thing applies to 430 air cleaner sticker and valve cover decals. That is how I found out when searching for NOS stickers for my resto. I managed to score an NOS 430 air cleaner sticker, and refurbished my original vale cover decals.
  23. Welcome again to the ROA AACA forum from the frozen north ( . . . caught your intro on v8buick) !
  24. The exterior left hand, drivers rear view mirror (#981301) was 'standard equipment' on all models Felix. The remote control, outside left hand, drivers rear view mirror ( # 981299), was a $9.48 1968 factory option you could order with a new car. There was also a right hand, passenger side, exterior mirror available (#981300), which are very scarce, and almost 'unobtainium' ! Like most NOS items, they will command big $$$ - if your fortunate enough to find one ! 'Good Used' is probably your best source. They were made from 'pot-metal' and chrome plated and were very prone to pitting, so ask for good photos if your buying 'good used'! The 'repro' right hand, passenger mirrors (...made in a small quantity) are no longer available. As stated by jj5794, the '68 and '69 models used the same exterior mirrors.
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