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Everything posted by 60FlatTop

  1. Thanks for posting the pictures. There was a time, before the internet, when pictures of the original S-A were hard to come by.. Over the years my car could have morphed into a copy as well, given some inspiration. It ain't over yet and here is a stash of reference pictures (some duplication due to resizing): http://brockportinternational.com/xjs/Dir5/Riviera/Silver%20Arrow/ Bernie
  2. Sounds like you are trying to remove hard sludge, the kind that comes off in chunks with a putty knife. Taking the rocker assembly off is a good way to do it. While it is off slide the rocker arms against the spring and see if the shaft is worn where they ride. A light coat of oil is fine when you finish cleaning it. Now you have a crust head with valve springs and crud all over them. Don't let the chunks fall into the return holes or down along the push rods. It can plug up another passage of the oil pump screen. Then you will have more problems that you need. If it was mine I would put the rocker arms back on and start the car with the valve cover off. Watch closely to be sure oil is flowing from the rocker arms and making it to the drain holes. If it is not use a small shop vac head and open the holes while sucking the chunks away. Once the holes are open and you can see oil dripping at each rocker arm, put the cover back on and drive it . You wrote that you were getting it running. You should pull the pan and clean it as well. Pay attention to the oil pump pickup screen and watch for water from condensation in the bottom of the pan, rust and pinholes under the oil. Don't disturb the stuff as long as oil is flowing. Bernie
  3. That's a lot of work! Thank you. I stored a copy in my files. Bernie
  4. I was out in the garage Sunday and slid into the drivers seat of the '64 Riviera. It started right up since Thanksgiving weekend. This year I decided to heat the garage. I installed a natural gas furnace in 1988 that I used to turn on when I went out there. On December 6th I started using a web based thermostat to maintain a temperature above freezing. I can stop in the diner for coffee and raise the temperature from my phone. Then its warm and ready. The initial temperature set point I tried was 48-50 degrees and I monitored the run times and cost. As winter progressed I lightened up on the budget and used 38 during the extreme cold and 42 when it got milder. I raise it to 50-55 when I work. So far it has cost $150 to February 1st. I won't exceed $100 for February and March will be another 50 bucks. So $300 is going to be next years budget. That kept all the liquids, paint, and chemicals from freezing. On the few warmer days, 40's, the cars were at temperatures above dew point. Although condensation has not been a big problem it is eliminated now. In the long run I think the investment will improve the environment for the cars and all the stuff around them. I am happy with the results. The garage is 1,000 square feet, insulated, with 8 foot walls. Bernie
  5. I imagine it says "When Better Cars are Built Buick will Build Them" Or, as I learned from the last picture "Silly boy, skirts are for Fords." Bernie
  6. The tire ranges around that time were 6.70, 7.10, and 7.60 for the Chevies and smaller Buicks. My '64 Riviera has 7.10 as factory equipment and they were quite popular on '56 Chevies. At 16, I bought four 7.60's for my '50 Special 2 dr fastback. It wasn't a choice, I just knew that was the size. Maybe we questioned things less in 1965. The 7.10'a on my Riviera are certainly not a performance tire, but adequate for my driving. For me the key is having a car that looks right. The rocker panel is the correct height, the wheel wells look like the proper tire is in there, and it makes me happy to look at it. To have the right aesthetics for a chubby rounded '50 Special I would need the 7.60's. The car would probably handle fine. It just wouldn't look right. Only a 7.10 will give this profile, rocker panel height, rim to ground, and wheel opening "fill"; stuff I look for. Besides, its snowy and cold here today and I wanted to show off my car. Bernie
  7. I had a friend who owned a spring manufacturing company back in the 1980's and found out prototype springs aren't really hard to make. You should be able to duplicate that one with stainless wire. Get a rod the diameter of the inside of the spring eye and use it as an arbor after forming the first "tail", wind your two coils, then form the center connector, wind the second, make the tail, and clip it off. Bernie
  8. I have about 60 copies of "The Way of the Zephyr" from the early 1970's into the 1980's. I could go through and sort the ones with engine rebuild articles for $6 each. There might be around 15 or so. There is good first hand experience documented there. PM if you are interested. Bernie
  9. Do it yourself. YOU will read the shop manual and carefully follow every detail. Take the shop manual into a professional shop and they will wonder why you brought it. Bernie
  10. I'm sure glad I put reinforcement rods in the floor of my garage. Bernie
  11. 8 cylinders, no seat belts, no air bags, no catalytic converters, no safety bumpers, AND GUNS! Is that what they call a foreign car? Imagine parking that the Empire State Plaza in Albany. Bernie
  12. Those Skylarks are nice cars, good size, good performance. Be careful about that green growing on you: Bernie
  13. I use the water pump lube myself. If you haven't removed the radiator, pressure test the system to about 15# cold and look things over thoroughly. Then bring the car up to operating temperature and test again. That will give you an idea of gasket, seal, and soft plug condition. 38 years is a long time. Was there coolant in the car the whole time? If not, I would give it a few good flushes and pressurize again. If the radiator was empty the whole time it will probably need replacing. If full it may be OK. I would buy a spare water pump, but just keep it on hand. Murphy's Law will be on your side there. Bernie
  14. It might be a good time to assess your motivation. Why do I REALLY want this car or an old car in general? Once you put your finger on your base motivation and recognized that this path is going to cost the whole $20,000 predicted, whole new vistas may open. In 1984 I had been in the hobby for about 25 years. I had owned a lot of cars in various condition, many uncompleted projects. Lot's of subassemblies had been made perfect but never a whole car fully restored. At around 10 PM that evening I was in Moline, Il. under the lights in the back row of a second rate used car lot. (I'm a thrill to go on a business trip with.) I was looking at an early 1970's big Mercury, black and very clean. The epiphany came that I really liked a sharp car, well maintained, at about 15 years of age. And that should be my goal for condition of my cars, not the 100 point show and better than new job. That night I became determined to maintain that level of condition as my standard. It was realistically achievable. My whole car life changed and has been a pleasure ever since. Although I'm still fussy and go overboard on some subassemblies, the cars have been a pleasure. In fact, the whole fleet is licensed and runs. This is a very adaptable hobby and has been in transition since James Melton drove the first collector car in the 1937 New York Easter Parade. Think about taking advantage of the living hobby. Maybe a really sharp 15 year old car will meet all your motivation and a fraction of the cost and be more readily serviceable. The last car I bought was 15 years old and turns 20 this year. And the local police always compliment it when I get it out. Bernie
  15. Indigenous tribes; in the US those were the owners of the natural wealth. The empires British, French,Spanish, and Dutch raced to sign treaties with the wealthy natural resource owners so the could exclude the other empires from trading (or stealing) that wealth. Not many celebrations around that and, for sure, a $20 bill with Andrew Jackson's picture on it will not make your lucky day. My ancestors were the indigenous people of Ireland. Cromwell was busy there, that's probably how New Zealand got off easy. History, imagine a group of explorers using the term "indigenous people of Earth". Bernie
  16. Here's a correct '64: I have never heard of a difference between the '64 and '64. And April will mark year 36 of pretty deep involvement. I think they are the same. Bernie
  17. <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--> This seems to be a long running and popular topic. Girls, Buicks, sweep spears, Wildcats, innuendo, and the like. Kind of makes you wonder if someone is quietly and smugly thinking about Sex On The Riviera. Bernie <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:DoNotPromoteQF/> <w:LidThemeOther>EN-US</w:LidThemeOther> <w:LidThemeAsian>X-NONE</w:LidThemeAsian> <w:LidThemeComplexScript>X-NONE</w:LidThemeComplexScript> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> <w:DontGrowAutofit/> <w:SplitPgBreakAndParaMark/> <w:EnableOpenTypeKerning/> <w:DontFlipMirrorIndents/> <w:OverrideTableStyleHps/> </w:Compatibility> <m:mathPr> <m:mathFont m:val="Cambria Math"/> <m:brkBin m:val="before"/> <m:brkBinSub m:val="--"/> <m:smallFrac m:val="off"/> <m:dispDef/> <m:lMargin m:val="0"/> <m:rMargin m:val="0"/> <m:defJc m:val="centerGroup"/> <m:wrapIndent 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  18. Leak Lock is a refrigeration supply house product. You won't find it in an auto parts store. You might have to find it online or take a trip to a city. Maybe a service company that takes care of grocery stores might part with a tube. Here it is on Google: https://www.google.com/#q=leak+lock&tbm=shop Podunk is 5 miles away from me in the suburbs of a village of about 5,000. Yeah, suburbs, and I live in New York. Bernie
  19. If it is only one bolt it should work out fine. Leak Loc is easy to find in Podunk. I was over there with my '60 not long ago: Bernie
  20. I need some help identifying a 1949-51 Cosmopolitan convertible. The car had no data tag to the right of the wiper motor. The wiper cables are exposed with pulley's mounted on the firewall. The hood has a prop rod on the left side of the radiator core support. The hood pivots on two bolts between the fender and cowl with no spring loaded hinges. It has no rear quarter windows. The car was heavily customized in the late '50's and a second time in the early '60's. It has a Cadillac LaSalle engine and dashboard. Located in western New York. If you saw it 40 or 50 years ago you'd probably remember it. Please send a PM or email bernie@cargiftshop.com if you have recollections or comments. It is a mess. Bernie
  21. I did a rear end and transmission flush on a 1931 Pierce-Arrow about 20 years ago and checked with Pennzoil techs about the replacement for 600 weight oil. This was their recommendation and I have a couple bottles in the garage: http://www.pennzoil.com/other-car-products/transmission-fluids-and-gear-oil/pennzoil-gearplus-sae-80w-90-gl-5/ FYI, the PA had no drain for the rear axle. The carrier bolts did go into open threaded holes. I pulled a lower bolt and drained the really old stuff out. Then I drive the car 30 miles. After the first 30, I drained again and refilled. The third draining showed crystal clear so I was sure the flush was thorough. Nice way to drive a Pierce-Arrow a hundred miles and get paid, too! Bernie
  22. How far are you from Brockport, New York? Bernie
  23. If a new set of tires is installed on a 50 year old car the wheels should be glass beaded and painted before mounting as part of the new tires expenses. Bernie
  24. I thought this might excite this section: Bernie
  25. Encouragement- go to a refrigeration supply house and buy a tube of Leak-Loc. Coat the surfaces liberally, install the pump, and let it sit over night before putting coolant in. You'll be OK. If the drinking urge continues, the 430 does not have the same water pump problem. Here's the 430 I had in 1974. Mix one '68 Riviera, Genesee Cream Ale, and a telephone pole: Bernie
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