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Everything posted by Jibby

  1. I found my motor on eBay, and it was a steal... well not really, because the selling party, did get the cash.
  2. I'm interested in the clear Lexan version, Manik.
  3. Ah, so there is a rant sub-forum, on this forum. Somebody was ranting about that earlier, somewhere. If <span style="font-style: italic">"history is written, by those who hang traitors"</span>, how are we to know, that the "facts" are really the facts. There are plenty of things that we are taught in school, that are <span style="font-style: italic">supposed</span> to be facts. But after you graduate, or go on to college, you learn, that some of the things, that they taught you in Elementary, Middle, and High School, were just falsified information. If the regular public school curriculum, falsifies the information that it teaches to our children, how are they supposed to grow up, and actually know anything, that may be factual. <span style="font-style: italic">"I'm Swiss"</span> Not only that, but I firmly believe, that we legislate taste, in the United States. Not factual and/or logical information. ManikMekanik, has his <span style="font-style: italic">opinion</span>, and Rawja, has his... let's leave it at that.
  4. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Remus, your posts were unappropiate for the AACA forum and were deleted as such. Wayne</div></div> Shouldn't that be, <span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold">in</span>appropriate</span>?
  5. Barney, Most likely, whomever had it before, painted it to the '91 color, because they liked it. We don't even know if it is the '91 green color. I haven't seen photos... and even then, you'd have to check in person to get a good look. The VIN of the car, would tell you what the original color was, right? If you were to do that much research. Also, if it wasn't a body-off paint job, you'd see reminents of the original color, somewhere on the car. It really doesn't matter, to someone who likes the car. Not everyone nitpicks these things, I would think... or at least, hope. I would think that someone, would have a hankerin' for the car, even if it isn't the original color. If I had the cash for a body-off restoration, I'd have mine, painted in the factory white color. I hate bright red! But I'd never even consider repainting, unless everything was done right. And that means the whole sha-bang... which costs lots of that worthless green paper, that we, the people, worship so dutifully. No negative comments here, and I'm not sure that anyone on this forum, would have the balls (or stupidity), to comment negatively, on anything that <span style="font-style: italic">you</span> would have to say. You are, essentially, an expert in this field. You'd have to be a moron, to do so. <span style="font-weight: bold">Update:</span> Now I've seen the pictures, but something doesn't seem quite right. It may be the lighting, however.
  6. If you kill a cutie-wooty, lil' kitty... who's really an evil demon, from hell... don't tell me. I hate seeing or hearing about that shiznit.
  7. Wouldn't it be interesting, if they did make <span style="font-style: italic">one</span> green Reatta in 1990?
  8. I'm glad that some of these honeys, are still alive. GM likes to trash old concepts, for some reason. When we get this thing sold to someone, we'll need pictures, and a lecture on the car.
  9. Yeah, pretend... bwa ha ha ha ha! Well, the Crossfire, is basically a Benz, with the Chrysler badge on it. The Durango, has a nasty engine in it, that I wouldn't (bleep) with, even in the Police Interceptor Crown Victoria. I've already seen what it can do to an Import vehicle, on numerous occasions. And it's an SUV, too! If I was to go Chrysler, the only vehicles that I would think about, are the 300M and the Wrangler. That's it... because Chrysler sucks (bleep) in my not-so-humble <span style="font-style: italic">opinion</span>, and those are the only two vehicles that they've made in the last few years that are worth my praise. Excepting maybe the last generation Grand Cherokee, in which case, I might make one more exception. Now if they made a real Power Wagon, not a Ram, with the Power Wagon name pasted on it's rear end, I might reconsider Dodge. Of course, that would involve, an inline 6-cylinder engine, not a "Hemi" V8. Remember, 300M, not 300C. The 300C is a gansta-mobile, and I think it's ugly, personally. Now if Dodge had stayed with their 2000 Concept Charger, then I might consider that, but the new one, is uglier than the 300C. Who's making decisions over at Daimler-Chrysler? An idiot? Oh, I thought so... In 2006, Chrysler will be making the powertrain warranty, non-standard... as in, you'll have to buy it extra... most likely because of all of the fixes and recalls on the Dodge Ram... and the lawsuits to get them to do the fixes, that they refuse to do, under the contract that <span style="font-style: italic">they</span> signed with the owner. Now, tell Buick to make a new Northstar V8 coupe, with AWD. Also, tell them to make sure that Cadillac doesn't tune it "specially for Buick", and make you lose 25 horsepower. What a rip... I guess people will be buying chips for the Lucerne... to put it back to spec. Once again, these are my <span style="font-style: italic">opinions</span>, not the facts, so please no retaliation, for my <span style="font-style: italic">thoughts</span> on the matter. If you choose to agree, great... if not, I don't need an all-out assault on my intelligence, because whomever, is so much more intelligent, than I. It's sad, that I have to add that, to this post...
  10. I love "fresh air and sunshine". In fact, I love it when my car gets it, when it doesn't need it... especially at a mechanic. Ditch the (bleep)! I have no time for people like that. If you're paying for a service, than you should get the service... not "fresh air and sunshine".
  11. A few weeks ago, I was on my way down Route 84, east... heading towards NY, out of PA, and I saw some guy, and his Buick, from the teens, broken down, on the side of the road. I felt so bad, he lost a wheel and/or broke an axle. There were a few ancient Buicks driving around that day, but this guy must have had it so bad! I couldn't stop, because quite frankly, I was driving too fast, to be able to pull over, especially in the psuedo-contruction work that they were doing there. Does anybody know, who this poor soul is? PS: Psuedo-Construction work, is when they place cones up on the highway, and jack up traffic, to make it <span style="font-style: italic">look</span> like they're spending your tax dollars wisely. There is <span style="font-style: italic">never</span> any need to cone off the entire lane, and there is <span style="font-style: italic">never</span> any contruction going on. It's all a facade.
  12. I peel like a Mo Fo, in my front wheel drive, 2000 Regal. In fact, I taught a person in an 8-cylinder, 7 series BMW, an important lesson about intelligence, today. That is, that he spent $50,000+ on his German engineered, piece of shiznit. And I SPANKED him, hardcore, with my $8,000, 2000 Buick Regal. I really did SPANK him, hardcore. Him, and his girlfriend, and best friend, and 7 Series Bimmah. He was so <span style="font-style: italic">humiliated</span> that he ditched off, into a side road. If you ditch, you're just a little (bleep)! You see, I was pissed that as I was doing 65 in a 45, he still seemed to think that he should pass me. You know, probably to impress his girl. But all he accomplished was a night <span style="font-style: italic">without</span> booty from his girl, because he's such a moronic tool. In fact, she probably screamed at him, for putting her life in danger. I can think of one word for BMW... <span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold">Over-rated</span></span> And if my 6-cylinder Buick can out-run, and out-manuever an 8 cylinder car... that's just sad...
  13. Find an Optima gel battery, and you'll never have the problem again... if it is the battery charge, of course. They're expensive, but they work. They'll crank any of my father's old cars, over... even if they've been sitting for ages. Interstate batteries suck, and the company executives should be <span style="font-weight: bold">shot</span>, for putting out such a horrible product. If I find an Interstate battery in any car, that I buy, I become enraged at the <span style="font-style: italic">idiocy</span> of the person who placed it in the car, and then I throw it out. I wish that I could do something destructive to the battery, but I can't because of environmental concerns. Optima Batteries
  14. Are they your cats, on the car? If it's the Reatta, maybe they just like the car... and have good taste, like most cats. I would seem to think, that it shouldn't matter to you, whether they're on the car, or not, with a car cover over the paint, to discourage scratches. They aren't doing you any harm, so why should you shoot at them, with anything? If it really bothers you, then spray them with the hose. They'll get the message after a few times, of getting soaked... which cats hate.
  15. My 2000 Regal gets 400 miles to the tank, with 93-94 grade petrol. I've never broken it down into the smaller numbers/gallon, but I think that's good, for a 6-cylinder that's got, damn the the displacement, of an 8. Does anyone else, think it's funny, that they dumped the Buick 3800 Series II, into the Police Package Impalas? I know it's a GM engine, but it's still a Buick engine to me. I thought that it was hilarious.
  16. I don't know, about the chip thingy, that's why I'm testing. I only put 93 or 94 grade in my vehicles, because they run better. My 2000 Regal, dies with 87. I lose gas mileage, too. It costs about $30.00 to fill up the tank. I haven't the faintest, how much it will cost to fill the Reatta. But I get about 400 miles to the tank, in the Regal, with 93 or 94. I hope Delta dies! His Saturn sounds like an American-made Rice Burner. It's not comfortable. It's slow, except when you hit the mid-range. It has a gas cut-off at 110MPH. It takes forever to get to 110MPH. And he has 80,000+ miles on it. Gas mileage is mediocre, for a four-cylinder. On a high-note, it does hold the road, well, for such a light car. I lived in Florida for 5 years, and visited for many years after that, until my mother died there, this May. I hate the swamp, but Orlando, and Ft. Lauderdale are nice, on the exterior. Once again, there are good people everywhere. There's just a preponderance of bad people, here.
  17. I hope so... I'll have to see. I'm installing some parts later on this week. Namely, that broken driver's window motor. I have to have a "performance chip" installed, however, I'm gonna set some time aside to test out the performance of the vehicle, before I add the chip. That way, I'll know if it actually made a change. Sounds like a good idea... the meeting stuff. Was just out in Arizona, to slave for my friend, who's going to graduate school at U of A, in Tucson. Driving that far, in a Saturn, sucks, on a level that you cannot comprehend. No more 4 cylinder cars, with no balls. Having to pull out in front of a barreling semi... and not be able to speed out of it's path, blows. You literally have to power-shift the automatic, to get it to do anything. I think it's time for him to get a "performance chip" for his vehicle. The gearage, is horrible! Not enough room in that car, either. I think that it was made for pigmies, and "little people". By the way, Delta raped me! Horribly raped me, out of my precious cash reserves. $600.00+, for a stop-off trip, through Salt Lake City. I felt like whipping out the KY Jelly, and bending over, for the Delta Representative. Not cool, at all! Everyone boycott Delta, and their greedy ways!
  18. I don't (bleep) with an old-school Grand Prix, on the road, because I know what they can do. Now if I ever do get the suspension, and sway bars that I want, I may change my mind. I'm already (bleep)ing with bikers, and they aren't sure, how I can manuever like them... in a Buick. I'm not a NASCAR pro-driver, but I can hold my own on the civilian market, and that's because I grew up in NJ, and my father was/is a Police Officer. Now the old '86 Mazda RX-7 that I had, that's a topic for another day, and another thread.
  19. Jibby

    N.J. Reattas ???

    True, maybe the Bill will need some work, to effect it properly. I know gas is expensive at $3.00/Gallon. Considering that people in Germany, will regularly pay about $7.00, and people in Britain, about $5.00, I have no complaints. I guess G.W. has things set out, okay for us, when it all comes down to it. Even if paying for oil, in our soldiers' blood, isn't my idea of good Foreign Policy. Hey, the question I've been asking myself lately, is this... Would the United States be so interested in "Kurdistan", and the Kurds, in general, if they weren't sitting on a huge oil reserve? We will find out, when Iraq's Constitution, is finally drawn up, and instituted. If Iraq, gives control of Kirkuk, to the Kurds, you will no doubtedly see major relations, between "Kurdistan" and the U.S. If not, and it remains in Iraqi hands, I have a feeling that you won't be hearing about "Kurdistan", in the future. Now that I've strayed completely off the topic of this thread, I'll stop in my tracks, and hide in my bunker, for the anticipated retaliation, to my <span style="font-style: italic">opinions</span>.
  20. My 2000 Buick Regal, is a gem... never had any problems, and it's not a bad car, when it comes to speed, and I don't have the supercharged Regal, either! Beyond the 110 MPH, gas cut-off, the car is great! Also, the low-end torque, is phenomenal. I think that I may ruin my front tires, soon, because unfortunately, in New Jersey, stomping on the gas, at a stop, is sometimes a necessity. Poor tires, they can't hold the burn-outs much longer. I know, I know, I should be gentle... but I just got the car, and I'm 25! After another month, I should be back to "Old Geazer" status, on the road. Anyway, consider this, when you look for a new car. Very reliable, and heavy, so it stays on the road, instead of swaying all over the place, like my '95 T-bird did. Mine was $8,000.00, after all was said and done. Not bad, for the shape it was in, which was mint. Check around, I love the car, and wouldn't trade it for any other car. Not even a 2005 Corvette... and those are fun! By the way, if you've been <span style="font-style: italic">spanked</span> by a white Buick Regal, that was me. I think it's time that I sign off, before I incriminate myself!
  21. Jibby


    I had this problem on my '87 Ford Mustang, with it's Pinto engine. Stupid thing, I never did figure out what the problem was, but after taking it to my mechnic, several times, it stopped. Not much help, but it does occur, and not just on Reattas.
  22. Jibby

    N.J. Reattas ???

    I'm not in Jersey, anymore. Had to get out of that Bergen County hellhole! But in any event, I still work there. Once the Reatta is on the road, and all of my tinkering is done, I'll be happy to attend any shows/meetings. I'm not <span style="font-style: italic">that</span> far away. Maybe I'll take it for a spin, down there on a Sunday or something. I'm really quite afraid to take it anywhere near Bergen County, because, quite frankly, nobody understands the rules of the road. Driving is simple, it's actually putting those rules into effect, while you drive, that's the hard part for these people. <span style="font-weight: bold">Rant: (I know that there's some bickering going around, about creating a "Rant Sub-Forum", but I'm too tired to look into it right now!) If I were the President, I'd make sure that a Bill was pushed through, that made people take a driving test, once every 6-12 months. If you fail one section of the test, you fail the test. If an instructor is caught, taking a bribe, they would be incarcerated. All instructors will be watched by supervising instructor, from a select group of individuals, without corrupt tendencies. All of this, so as to remove any and all possibility, that an instructor, "looks the other way", for a friend or family member. Also, it would be a Federal Law, and the States would have no say in the matter... so as not to screw things up, like they always do. I guarantee you, that there would be a great reduction in the people, driving on the road. And a large increase in the amount of people using mass transit.</span>
  23. Barney, You're probably right. It's just my opinion on the matter... and usually, it doesn't mean much, to most anyone. I'm just jaded by reality... (sigh) Anyway, thanks for the quick shipment, of the Headlight Repair Kit, before your trip! Yours Aye, Bill
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