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Posts posted by junkyardjeff

  1. On 3/22/2016 at 7:08 AM, 3makes said:

    Years ago I was present on the judging field and watched the judge give a 1903 automobile that had a reproduction transmission a perfect score for the engine/transmission compartment. How do I know the transmission was a repro? I helped restore the car. It was clearly evident that he judge was out of his element and should not have been in that class. DO AWAY WITH JUDGING AND ACCEPT THE VEHICLES FOR WHAT THEY ARE!  

    I could not agree any more about doing away with judging.

  2. I do not have any vehicles I can show but will be fun going to the events,all my vehicles are pieced togather with what I could find cheap like different year drivetrains or what ever the upholstery supplier had on sale cheap and so on so no spot for me on the show field.

  3. With the VCCA I can still visit the forum if I am not a member as I was prticipating on it for a few years before I became a member but will see how the money situatiion is and,maybe stay in both of the other clubs,I need to send in the dues for the CVA but have not had the extra money for the last month. Maybe its time to sell a couple cars.

  4. Just got all the stuff in the mail the other day and now reading the two magazines that came with it,I decided to just get in one club instead of brand only clubs since I usually own more then one brand so its senseless to be in a club for each brand. I have been in the Crown Victoria Association for over 10 years and the VCCA for about 8 and will be hard to let them go but I just want to be in one club for all brands from now on.

  5. There is a couple things you can cheak easily,the voltage regulator can cause a drain so charge the battery up and disconnect it and see what happens and there is a capacitor looking radio noise suppressor hooked up to the voltage regulator that I ran into one going bad on a 74 torino and it would kill the battery in a few hours.

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