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Everything posted by alsfarms

  1. I have just returned from a nice road trip that allowed my to be with family in Tucson Az for the High School graduation of my eldest Grandson, see some local sites, then on to El Paso where we were invited to visit a new and developing "GREAT" private antique automobile museum, then on to a real "wonder of the world" Carlsbad Caverns. I would encourage everyone to participate with family for nice events like High School Graduations, enjoy a nice facility that nourishes our interest in old car hobby, (even my wife enjoyed the Museum in El Paso) and lastly natural wonders remind us of how small we humans really are such as Carlsbad Caverns. Each of the events, on our trip, was good to get me centered again on the right things and to keep life in the proper perspective! I will post pictures of a nice 1900 Locomobile Steamer that has its pl;ace on the main area of the museum referred to above. Your thoughts and comments are welcome.... Al PS: As you can tell, I had a great vacation!
  2. That is a win-win! I am anxious to see how you are going to proceed with the mechanics of your Humberette. Glad you have a proper spanner to remove your valve caps with. I am going to get two wrenched cut with a CNC plasma cutter tomorrow. I will then fine tune fit the wrench to the valve cap and devise a way to secure the custom wrench to the cap so everything with stay in place while I use some gentle persuasion to remove the cap. Al
  3. Hello Mike, It appears that you are going to be doing some serious rebuilding of your engine. Have you checked around to see if any replacement pistons can be re-purposed form another application and fit your V-twin? Have you looked to see what the bottom end looks like? I would encourage your to "bite the bullet" and simply do a good rebuild while the car is down then you would be able to enjoy it for a long time with not fears of breakdowns. Al
  4. Hello Ron, Your thoughts and my opinion are certainly on the same page. A good survivor automobile should be kept that way. Anything beyond that allows for safety, operation, performance, serviceability and etc concerns to be addressed. I have heard about another Locomobile steam engine that is available. When I learn more, I will get your thoughts as I would consider the engine to be a key component to building a Locomobile steam project/car. Per your comments above, will or does your Locomobile, with the Ofeldt boiler, ever run out of steam under typical driving conditions? Al
  5. Hello Greg, That is a valid thought. If I were going to make a Nickle weld repair to a jug that had an external water jacket crack due to freezing, I certainly would figure out a way to soak the whole jug, prep, and weld about 1/2" at a time then peen extensively to relieve the stress from welding. I have good luck with that process. I hadn't thought of going to that effort to remove the valve caps. First I will probably build a couple of good fitting custom flat bar wrenches then attach the wrench to the cap then determine if I need some heat or lots of heat to get them to come loose. I do not want to damage either the valve cage cap or the jug. Al
  6. Thanks for your write up. I have read about some of the information about the Ofeldt boiler. If I were to build/restore a Locomobile I would choose that design boiler. Al
  7. Thanks Joe, I have several options floating around. I absolutely do not want to bugger up the valve caps during the removal process! Al
  8. Gary, Your efforts are paying off! Your racer is going to be blessed with a terrific body! I am dismayed that all the good tech stuff is either on one coast or the other. The piece of your body that is in the above picture con sits of how many joined together pieces? I have used the "warm" Ford grey on a couple of po4rjects myself and like it! To me, you have chosen the color wisely, but that is not my call anyway. Al
  9. How many Locomobile steamers are up and running, this spring after winter hibernation? Al
  10. I am looking for someone who has a complete copy of this manual. Al
  11. Hello Al, I absolutely agree with you. A socket will be my last choice and NO 12 point. I think also that you run a big risk of the socket moving during the whammer exercise and potentially round or damage the corners of the cap. Al
  12. Does anyone have Timken hubcap wrench for sale? I need a wrench with a 2-1/2" octagon end and a 1-3/4" hexagon on the other end. Al
  13. Hello Joe, I am concerned that a pressed socket or slugger wrench may flex a bit and foul the corners of the valve cage cap. But, If you happen to have aspare and loose socket I would consider it. Al
  14. # 5 Buffalo? What application or are you willing to do machine work to fit? Al
  15. Ron, I am interested to hear the "rest of the story" you stopped on. I would also like to understand more of the theory of the Ofeldt design boiler. A while ago I about bit on a replica steamer and had planned to use the Ofeldt boiler for steam generation. I then backed off and decided to get a more pure Locomobile project. Al
  16. Hello Dave, Thanks for the posting the pictures of the Locomobile steam car. They are delightful little guys! I will try to give you a buzz. What day or time is best to get in touch with you? I am rather tangled up with the Utah Golden Spike doings for a couple of days. Do you have any more of the story/history behind your Locomobile? How close is El Paso to Carlsbad Caverns? I may be at the caverns in a week or two on another family event. Al
  17. Hello Chris, I try to think of all the angles but your idea of retaining the wrench to the cap via the center spark plug hole is something that I had not considered! Thanks for the idea. I may get a custom wrench cut out with a CNC plasma cutter, then finish the fit with a file to get the best fit possible. I would then have a go at getting the caps out of the way for additional work to the valves and jugs. Thanks again for your comment, that is the great thing about these forums! Al
  18. Hello Joe, Yet another step on the road to recovery of your Mitchell. Al
  19. Hello Mike, Patience is a virtue for sure when dealing with some of our projects. Al
  20. Hello Ron, If you track down any good information regarding the old Locomobile Steam car registry and serial numbers and you are willing, please post here to keep us invigorated and informed. Al
  21. Hello Paul, Is the hubcap wrench shown above something you have for sale or is it from your "Keeper" collection? Al
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