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Everything posted by imported_buick5563

  1. Oh yeah, and my young assistant is my 2003 Woody. He's the reason I didn't make it to Flint for the Centennial. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Mike
  2. As promised almost a year ago here are the pictures of my new garage. You can see my 55 and 63. The 62 Special belongs to a good friend of mine who is storing it at my place. The 1960 Electra flattop is a project I am working on for another friend. The Model A is destined for a 55 nailhead and aluminum Buick brake drums so forgive it for being in the picture. The final pictures are of a 1951 Spartan trailer that I am almost finished refurbishing for my boss after 2 years. Enjoy. Mike
  3. Ohmigod, I'll still take it Lamar. I know I've never said this on the forum, but the 54 Skylark is MY dreamcar. That's a beautiful car, but I still wish I had had the $30k that a totally original, driveable, less than perfect, survivor went for a few years back. Mike
  4. 'preciate it, <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Thanks Bill Mike
  5. While i was Driving Miss Daisy (my boss, not a car, last week) She kept trying to get me to drive faster. I then told her that I hadn't gotten a speeding ticket in 20 years. So I don't think that speed is an issue for my mileage woes (even though I know I drive faster than the other Texans when getting back from Nationals). So, I don't think leadfootedness is the issue. I WOULD like to know if someone has ever put a Qjet in an earlier Nailhead and what I need to know as far as linkage alterations. ??? Actual experience? Mike
  6. Wow, I'm printing this one... I want to get better than the 12 mpg on premium unleaded my Wildcat is currently getting. I'm thinking of putting a Q Jet on the 66 manifold I have, I just need to figure out the linkage. THEN, I think I will try to get Willis down here to sniff my pipes. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Mike
  7. Hey Bill, I think I know of a supplier of green shag carpet up here in Austin if you want to have matching floormats. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> Sweet ride. Mike
  8. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I was offered first dibs on any of the cars, but I cannot afford what the family was wanting for them. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> </div></div> That's a damn shame, <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> Mike
  9. Hey Adam, I saw your car on Saturday after I finished judging and really admired your work. It looks great, even better in person. Also to answer your question from another thread, yes I was given the full BDE speech. Like you, I still have to pick and choose events based on time and money considerations. I'd love to tag along on some of their excursions, it sounds like what I kinda do anyway. I've seen pics on this forum and in the Bugle. I also know Ken Reeves from Wheatbelt and he is a member. I guess we'll just have to wait a few years <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> . See ya, Mike
  10. Lamar, I just think there could be squished bugs instead of steering wheels attached, I dunno. Also I did hear that they were going to start drilling holes in the driven awards for mounting purposes. Some people just have to litter their grille trying to show off. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> Mike
  11. Mr Earl, Here's my suggestion: [/image] Mike
  12. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">That's a wonderful batch of pictures, thanks for posting them! We had a great time, and stayed cool by ducking into the Civic Center a lot. You took a pic of our car, we have the 1965 Sportwagon in pic #16. </div></div> And mine is the blue and white 55 right next to it. Sintid, I thought about you when I drove through Tea, S.D. Mike
  13. Here is the final installment on my trip. It was hot as Hell yesterday. We got on the road by 6 am. By 11:00 it was hot enough to try the AC. We rigged some cardboard behind the ducts to direct even more air toward us because the vents in the back were pretty much just pointed straight at my cloth headliner. It did OK but by 2 the temp gauge was pegging and I had to run my electric fuel pump full time because the gas was just boiling under the hood. The problem is that the electric pump puts out more pressure than the regular pump so the whole underside of my hood is all gas slobbery this morning. Up until this point I was getting 15 mpg. With the AC running full time I got over 16 for two tanks in a row. Somebody call Mythbusters, they got it wrong. When we stopped for dinner at 7:30 my dad asked if I would mind continuing. He couldn't bear another sunny day in the 55. We headed on after dinner, but it never really cooled down. So, we arrived this morning after 20 1/2 hours of pretty much non-stop driving. We averaged just a bit over 15 mpg for the trip and for the return trip 56 mph including pit stops. All things considered, even after my previous post, I had a great time. I met Thriller, ate next to GS John at the awards banquet, judged with jscheib, and finally met Adam Martin. I'm sorry that I didn't meet 3jakes to thank him for bringing the timing light ( I tried, I guess I had the wrong number, sorry). I also enjoyed hanging with Bill and Willie, who along with their wives and my dad, found something good to eat and drink pretty much every night. Dad is trying to convince me to fly to Seattle next year. I wouldn't qualify as a Road Warrior, but I would love to do it again. Mike Middleton home
  14. Barney, Since I didn't get my registration ( apparently since I didn't send it) I wasn't judged. No judge, no award. They weren't going to break the rules for me or (as I heard later) two other Senior cars whose owners apparently had senior moments. I heard nice comments in person and in private messages about me and my car and it was appreciated. Hey no hard feelings- It was my fault. I actually felt really bad for Roy Faries who was put in the position of having to turn me away. He spoke with the head judge on my behalf to no avail. There is always next year, but Seattle is so far away, there is no way I will be able to drive given my vacation schedule. If I don't go next year there is always Flint <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> . Oh well, I could just put it up on blocks and not enjoy it. Yeah right. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> Mike
  15. Hi Rick, Yeah that was me down by the river. I saw your 63. Nice car. I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to meet. You can read about more of my story in the Texas road warriors thread. Mike
  16. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">One BIG fuel economy and "shake down" run, getting ready for next year? Rules are rules . . . . </div></div> Very true sir, <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Mike
  17. Gee whiz guys, I just got a chance to read some of the other threads and then I found out I'm being talked about. I thought my ears were burning because of windburn from the open windows from yesterday. Thank you both for the kind words, today I really needed them (see other post). I was going to make a joking reference to all of the press Willie and I got in the last bugle, combined with an Austin based 57 convertible. Of all of the awards I have received in the last year for my car, I am actually most proud of the award I received from the North Texas Chapter. It was recognition for something more than "paint-deep". There are some nice cars up here that I've seen so far. Mr. Earl, someday I do want to buy you a beer. Cheers to all. Mike
  18. Aargh.......! So it looks like I will be judging for the first time. This morning when I tried to register and pick up my packet I was informed that I wasn't registered. What? .....But I registered at the hotel, surely there must be a mistake. Nope. I just drove 1200 miles. Nope. But it's a Senior, I want to try for a Preservation award. Nope. OK, I'll call my wife, I'm sure there must be a misunderstanding. She leaves work, goes through my checkbook. Nuthin'. Apparently I filled out the form and never mailed it. I dunno, she couldn't find it. So this is probably the biggest brain-poot I have ever had. Any way, I WILL have a good time and meet some of you forum folk, now I have more time to look for you. BTW, I will now be voting for the points system in Flint now. Tonight, I will be just using the PINTS system. Mike (Too angry with myself to use these gremlins)
  19. Man, I love these hotels with free internet access and a computer attached. Awesome. I figured I was going to have to find Willie or Bill to post for me. Well I pulled a combination of my last post. I drove through South Dakota (Sioux Falls) to see my final state in the contiguous US. Then we drove to within 2 hours of Rochester and had dinner. I called to see if I could get in a day early and got the last room in my hotel for the night. So we made it last night at around 9 pm, just enough time to try one(or two) of those Schells amber beers that I had heard about earlier. Mm Mmm. We ended up going over 1200 miles with the S.D. detour and averaged right around 15 mpg.I really need to find the car wash right now. Last year with the fresh paint, I stopped every night and found a place to wash it. Oh how things change in a year. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> I hope to meet some of you guys here. See ya. Mike
  20. Hey Y'all, I made it to Wichita last night after the burnt out rotor and a hailstorm. I also have the Hagerty roadside assistance that Bill mentioned last year. A flatbed was there to assist within 40 minutes. My rotor was entirely toasted so I will be going back to the old fashioned way. Even after reading and hearing about Willie's adventure last year, I still didn't even check mine. OOPS. Sometimes I forget that this is an old car, not just a "regular car". I just changed the oil and emptied the fuel filter and "took off like I knew what I was doing" (Old Tank) The only other thing to report is that we saw several signs that said it was 105 degrees yesterday while driving through OK. (But Mike, those signs are in the sun and they are on blacktop)... Yeah, well so am I! Anyway, I will call to see if my room will be ready today instead of my scheduled (tomorrow) arrival. Otherwise, I may head through South Dakota since it is the last of the lower 48 I have never been in. See you soon, Mike
  21. Pete, I will be right behind you. I'm leaving Tuesday in my 55 three and a half hours south. I hope to catch up to at least one of you guys. Mike
  22. I don't know if it is the same as 55, but there is a wire soldered to a copper ring (looks like a 1" piece of plumbing pipe with a rubber insulator in the middle) that surrounds the inner steering shaft about eighteen inches down from the steering wheel. The copper ring will eventually wear out after years of driving since it is constant contact with the electrical connection. Or, the wire could have become unsoldered, either way you will need to pull the wheel and upper column to fix it. When I first bought my 55, there was a horn button mounted under the dash with a wire going to the horn electrical connection just below the neutral safety switch on the column. You should be able to short the horn circuit at this connection and find out if the under hood parts are working. Good luck. Mike
  23. Hi Jay, I am not sure if the Fisher body manual has any info on the conv. top, but the 1963 Buick body manual has everything you will need to get it running right. You can almost always find them on ebay. I had to buy pistons and a new motor for my 63 Wildcat. Hydro Electric I believe will not warrant their stuff if you use anything but ATF. Yes the red will stain, but brake fluid will take the paint off of anything. The body manual is easy to understand but there is a lot of trial and error involved in lining the top up correctly. Also, if you still have the seats in your car cover them well or you will definitely get whichever fluid you decide to use on the seats while refilling. One last thing, the replacement pump you buy has three legs instead of four, so you will have to drill a new hole for the altered pump. No one will ever see it so don't worry. Good luck, Mike
  24. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Mike - so you are only driving mornings then? <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> </div></div> Nope. But I did get the A/C charged in the 55 and all of the shakedown runs I have done in preparation have been comfy until about 95 degrees. (That would be fahrenheit <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />). My dad will be riding shotgun for the second year in a row, so he doesn't drink to my toast... Mike
  25. Derek, The full toast is : "May the wind always be at your back and the sun always on the passenger side" <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> I will be leaving Austin on Tuesday morning. See y'all there. Mike
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