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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. Well, to save me some time (and a lot of gas money), we would first need to understand how many honorary Syrdals there are, then how many drivable Buicks they have. At 20'x10' per spot (have to be able to open those big doors), some simple math would state how many could fit. Of course, it would be more fun simply to try...perhaps on our way back from South Bend...although I'll only have two in the vicinity at the time...there are 5 more licensed "vintage" Buicks that are being left behind and two relatively modern Buicks. Man alive, this addiction is getting out of hand. Oh yeah, that doesn't count the South Bend Surprise Buick either. Sigh.
  2. Ben, Another alternative is to take it to a dealer. They may be able to determine it from the VIN, know where to look, or know what was in the package to visually check. Good luck.
  3. I wouldn't be so harsh. He noted that he's working on a customer's car and asked for advice, so perhaps doesn't have a long term interest in Buicks. Finding this forum as a valuable source of information and requiring to sign up to post a question leads to the "newbie" nature. Granted, a thank you would be nice, but many requests / posts here are not necessarily particularly polite (I'm guilty of this myself).
  4. Well, when we hit between -30 and -40 Celsius every winter, one does have an urge to get away, at least for a bit. These are merely opportunities for the teens that came up through school. I have yet to be off the North American continent, but it is just a matter of time before that happens.
  5. It should be option code V92 on the glove box sticker.
  6. Tonight I just found out that the high school team is making a trip to South Africa...of course that is basically the varsity team and a few spares. Instead, the boy is going on a trip to Spain / Italy in spring break (including the Ferrari museum). Daughter is going on a literary trip to London at the same time. Now, if we could pawn off the youngest, we'd have a nice quiet week at the end of March.
  7. UPS is evil with respect to crossing the border. The only question in my mind right now is whether I want one badly enough and whether or not an exchange could be made in South Bend so I could drive it back myself.
  8. The good news is that the mechanical stuff is pretty common overall. The bad news is there's a lot of stuff that is scarce. You can try The Buick Farm for NOS parts. Classic Buicks has a lot of stuff. Kanter has a lot as well, but tends to be pricey. Things like the correct carpet are made of unobtainium. Good luck. The full size '61 Buicks are a favourite of mine (doesn't hurt that I have one patiently awaiting restoration).
  9. Mmmm...beer. OK, now I'm thirsty...be right back...Big Rock Paradox Dark...that'll do the trick to slake the thirst.
  10. An early production Wildcat (script lettering rather than block on quarter panel). What grille is that on the car?
  11. I have never seen anything stated that a Buick at the meet has to belong to a BCA member. Since we now have the ability for non-members to attend, I would see no issues with you attending with a non-member's Buick. Of course, that is my opinion, and not necessarily official BCA policy.
  12. I love rugby, but after moving here and hooking up with a new club, I suffered an Achilles injury. After hobbling for something over 6 months, I decided that my body wasn't in good enough condition to continue playing. My son started with his high school rugby program this spring, but decided to give it up after suffering a concussion in practice.
  13. Leaving the golf out perhaps....
  14. I'd have loved to be there Paul...of course, even that back yard could be filled up if the Syrdals (and adopted Syrdals) brought over their Buicks.... Thursday was a good day for me...drove the Wildcat, Pace Car, and Reatta.
  15. Quick, get out your sarcasm knives everyone.... Actually, it probably isn't anything to do with Toyota getting a job done, but the media deciding their darling had had enough bad attention. I've become increasingly jaded over the years about the media's ability (or lack thereof) to cover issues that are important to the public, while busily pandering to us about political nonsense and Kardashian's and other meaningless drivel.
  16. Wild paint.... I was going to ask which one was the wild ride.
  17. I keep forgetting to show this thread to Teresa...she's a bit older, but quite artistic as well. I'll have to try it on Suzanne's birthday present (iPad).
  18. It seems to me Paul is pretty close to my age, which isn't far behind you old guys. When I built the new shop, I had one corner of the slab poured thicker and the in-floor plumbing routed around to eventually put in a lift. Convenience is a factor, not just age.
  19. Brian, You have our condolences from north of the 49th parallel. You have a way with words and photos detailing your trip. Take care of yourself, your family, and the Centurion.
  20. Well, I finally got my registration in the mail yesterday. Mike, don't worry about the question of banquet meals for my sake. The children will eat on their own, then come to the banquet room. I have enough difficulty justifying the price for my meal, but for three teens who can be somewhat fussy, it becomes hard to take.
  21. Nebraska? Cold winter? Please. That's down south.... For moderns, that is what heated seats are for. Don - I'll have impressionable teenagers with me, so I'll be steering clear of you.... Then again, I will have a DD so long as we are using the pace car...which is a bit more car than I think she ought to drive just yet.
  22. MrEarl, a) You know who to talk to about that. I don't know that you can afford it...I have not yet sold a complete Buick, for what it is worth.
  23. Paul - is that Riviera the one I think it is that was in the attached garage at one point? Perhaps that was the last time I was down...not certain.
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