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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. For what it is worth, I didn't take most of these photos. Among the five of us, we had three digital cameras.
  2. Was that a typo of rum? Here's a few of my favourites, even with a shameless plug for the Landau's lesser cousin. Were there any with the top up? I have at least one shot of that...need to go back and look. I am guessing that is BuickBandit in the background of the one shot with his new toy.
  3. 1800 odd miles, 30-32 hours according to mapping sites. More hours / time if I avoid the Interstates. Flying may be an option. Since BUKE won't get the longest driven pre-war for a change, I would debate driving the '41. I'd need to accumulate a bunch of spares and possibly grow a bigger pair to do so. I couldn't do it with the family. I have also put forward the idea of driving the Rainier for display only...that way we could be relatively comfortable, travel at speed, and get reasonable fuel economy. Of course, it would also make a difference if there were others to travel with.
  4. A camping toilet could take care of the latter problem...looks like there is plenty of room.
  5. Looking forward to it...you know that I'll provide feedback, wanted or not...:eek::cool:
  6. When were those photos with the boys taken? I don't remember signing a consent form for them That photo of Luke made me laugh. Joseph is probably thinking he'd try to take the car if it was a '59. Yeah Mike, it is a neat observation....
  7. I'd like to see the after shot of a hood built some 50 odd years after that Roadmaster. Here's a couple shots taken in Ames.
  8. Just a quick response - if you don't want to attend a 5 hour meeting, don't attend the BoD meeting. The open meeting (normally Thursday evening) generally presents a summary of decisions from the BoD meeting. This year's was under an hour with nothing contentious. If I recall, Seattle conflicted with the XXX Root Beer place, so the open meeting was rushed / cut short. Just an observation. I initially went for the cars...now it is more about the people. Attendance is primarily about whether or not we can make it work and that factors in distance, dates, proximity to family / friends along the way, and proximity to things / places we'd like to see. The Charlotte 2012 dates are too early for us as a family as school won't be over...not that they do much in June, but the two eldest will potentially have exams. Danvers is almost too early for us in that respect. Early dates are the primary reason we didn't get to Plano a few years back.
  9. Looks good JD. It's neat (?) how one thing leads to another...painting became a necessity when The Boss suggested it.
  10. Roy, it looks to me like it is more of the same steel tubing that the ramps are made out of...of course, I could be wrong. It was a lot of fun hanging with MrEarl, meeting Progoofoff, and spending some time with the Landau. I have a number of photos of the car and my family members in it. When the car drove up, one of the fellows I was sitting with commented that this was the one Motorama show car that he never really cared for, but seeing it in person rather than in photographs, his opinion changed.
  11. Good to hear Frank.
  12. So, is the other guy still breathing? I guess there are some advantages to state run insurance agencies - we seem to have a lot fewer uninsured motorists.
  13. I took a look at the listing for this car...I'd like to have it, but it is a long way away from me. Shipping could be similar cost to the purchase price. If I have it right, it is Cordovan in colour, the same as my '61 Invicta.
  14. The '61 Special is intriguing. Unfortunately for me, that is a long way to go for a relatively low value car.
  15. Good to hear...if I'd been more available I might have been able to haul it home for you on Saturday...the winch in the trailer makes life easier. It is good to hear about a car being saved from the crusher. I'll have to do some checking around, but I now have 3 sets of headlamp bezels - the best will go on my car, the next set is on Zizzerman's wish list, and a third set could brighten up the front end of Lucky if you didn't already find some (there were a lot at the meet).
  16. Not quite true...I had the photo taken of the Century Wednesday morning, but it wasn't in the presentation at the banquet. I presume the photo didn't turn out for some reason, but the rain isn't the only reason. Of course, I don't know if ours was the only car that way or if there were others. I'm not complaining though...it is disappointing not to have your car's photo up, but that's life. I'm sure most interested folks got a look at it live and in person. Again, it was a fairly well run show. There are always volunteer items that can be done by folks from afar. For those who may not be aware, many folks from away were involved. Roy always deals with registration (Texas). Gopher State Chapter provided most of the folks for the open car show (collecting and parking). When I went through, it was Fireball Chapter folks manning the safety inspection tent. There are always some items where it is good to have local knowledge - this time around, some of that was provided by the Ames CVB (who also deserve a pat on the back)...after being at 2 Nationals, we may want to consider providing a year's worth of the Bugle to the young fellow from the CVB (his name escapes me) - he knows who many of us are by name. Really, so long as someone can meet with the local facility to have things set in place, arrange the tours, and can provide some information like alternatives to see or places to eat (mmm...Hickory Park), then a National can be pulled off. A pat on the back to all involved.
  17. There was one on display as well as a LaCrosse and Enclave in Ames. I didn't compare equipment, but the Regal and LaCrosse models there were rated for the same fuel economy and the Regal CXL was more expensive than the LaCrosse. If that is what it comes to, I would likely choose the larger car for more interior space. Again, this is not necessarily apples to apples, but is based on the window stickers on the particular cars that were there.
  18. More photos. I still have to spend some more time editing photos...after football practice tonight or tomorrow.
  19. Congrats 54BuickBandit. Some of the more knowledgeable '54 folks (and me too) spend some time hanging out at the forum at 1954buick.com. Now, here are a few photos that I've been able to edit. I didn't have Internet access last night, so while the kids went to the pool, I worked on photos for a bit. No line up at the border, spent more time with US CBP looking at things than Canada Customs. The '54 wagon was off the trailer by 11:30 this morning and after lunch I washed the trailer and took it out to the country place.
  20. I'm finally starting to lose the burning feeling on the back of my calves.... While not the goal, that is a good amount to have raised for a worthy cause.
  21. Here's the "Reading of the Writ" for Rick's Buickman award. Unfortunately, I couldn't take much more since the battery warning came on...I guess what happens at breakfast stays at breakfast :cool:
  22. Made it home this morning...uneventfully I might add, although Suzanne was warm. Brian - there's a simple solution...multiple vehicles...between the truck and the Electra, we were able to move around as necessary. I would echo your comments about the driven class cars though - the Electra was in the general parking lot most of the time since the driven class location was blocked off (admittedly manned blockades), but I wasn't sure if we should use the show field or the parking lot in front of the Scheman. It was a good trip...now I need to wind down.
  23. It is always with mixed emotions that I depart the venues of a National meet. On the one hand, I am tired and happy to be heading home, but I am also somewhat saddened by leaving good Buick friends and the great Buicks in my rear view mirror. We always have a good time...the children are almost like they belong to everyone - we don't worry much when we aren't sure where one of them is. Rick, Bill, and the rest of the team...thank you. We especially enjoyed the tour to Jewell. I think that goes to show that, particularly once the judging is over, members enjoy going for a little drive and sharing the Buicks with others, especially if there is food at the other end. I don't want to turn this into a post of good / bad / ugly, but I'd like to think a well-attended and enjoyed event such as this would be considered for future National meets.
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