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bill pritchett

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Everything posted by bill pritchett

  1. Yes, I agree there were more larger carts that I remembered from previous years. Funny, all of the people with me, including myself, kept referring to last year and then had to correct it to two years ago. Lots of the same but also lots of changes. One thing I and others with me missed were the Hershey chocolate tents by the Giant Arena and Hershey tent.
  2. It was a great Hershey for the most part. One thing I have never seen (or at least noticed) before this year were people riding bicycles, a few children on foot propelled scooters, and some adults on gas/electric scooters. There were announcements that they were not allowed. However, I was surprised to see that.
  3. I would also post this in the Olds forums below. Also, if not a member, join OCA and NAOC for technical advisors. These are the national Olds clubs.
  4. Wayne, There is a specific Hershey forum further down. I would suggest you try it there.
  5. I saw this article and thought the Forum members would enjoy it. https://dnyuz.com/2021/08/11/more-women-muscle-in-on-the-world-of-vintage-cars/
  6. The cars did not have all the accessories as they were preparing for Hershey. Walt, you should know that. Good observation.
  7. I do not think these have been seen here before. Interesting to see what had whitewall or blackwalls. NJ in 1920's NY/Chicago 1930/1940's
  8. I found this record among others. https://www.pacermonitor.com/public/case/40152010/USA_Parts_Supply,_Cadillac_USA_Oldsmobile_U
  9. I would think that a 1957 Chevrolet and 1957 Pontiac would be the same. My daughter wants to convert her 57 Pontiac from vacuum to electric wipers. Has anyone done this or know the answer? Thanks, Bill
  10. This is on a library site where they have all old pictures of the area. I was wondering what make and year this is. Thanks, Bill
  11. This picture was probably taken in the late 30's-early 40's in Plainfield, Indiana. Can you identify the cars in the pictures. Thanks.
  12. I ran across this on YouTube. It is NYC in the 1940's. There are a lot of interesting cars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHe_d2hUVnA
  13. Hemmings Motor News recently started a podcast. It's on iTunes and Google Podcasts among others. It's called Hemmings Hot Rod BBQ.
  14. I suggest you post this in the Oldsmobile forums which are down a few forums from this technical one.
  15. Originally scheduled for 2020 and moved to 2021. They now have moved it to 2022 for the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America.
  16. https://forums.aaca.org/forum/3-oldsmobile/ is the link for the Olds forum.
  17. Don't forget there is an Oldsmobile forum below this one if you go further down. They should be able to help you. I have a 50 88 but do not timing so good luck.
  18. I use a cattle prod to get the mice. However, staying awake 24 hours a day in the winter makes for a very long winter. It's nice when spring arrives and I can sleep.
  19. I just received an email from a company that is offering a mechanical warranty for collector cars. To the best of my knowledge, I have not seen this before. I have no idea of the cost, but it does cover cars from 1920. Thought this was an interesting product offering. Other than what is in the text body below, this is the only thing I have seen on it. At least, it might be fun getting a robocall from someone offering a warranty on a 1932 Packard. Unfortunately for EdinMass, it does not cover a 1917 White. Bill
  20. Matt, It sounds like you were lucky. I assume it takes about as much work to sell a $25K car as a $200K car. There are certainly some differences in perhaps your marketing or other services you might perform. On the other hand, there are a lot more potential buyers for the lower price cars I would guess. Anyway, I am glad you were not affected. One question that this raises, do you do much business with other dealers or it that primarily trying to locate a car for a client. I have seen some of your posts on the business but do not think this was addressed as your business is one I know little about overall. Bill
  21. Also, do not forget to also post in the Buick forum.
  22. There is a video from Steve Lehto, a Michigan attorney. He does very interesting videos on a variety of legal issues. This one is on a dealer in Bay City, MI, that took a few sellers for a ride.
  23. Down lower is a Ford Mercury forum that covers your year of car. I would try there as they are the experts.
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