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Everything posted by alsancle

  1. Sadly I'm not making the trip to Arizona this year so I won't get to see this in person. If you happen to have the Harrah's auction catalog (I think the first one) this is in it. http://www.rmauctions.com/FeatureCars.cfm?SaleCode=AZ09&CarID=r213#
  2. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JWRider</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Leo Carillo's 1948 Town and Country Convertible was famous for the Steer Head with eyes that blinked with the turn signals. </div></div> No offense, but this isn't exactly what comes to mind when I think of a "CCCA Classic". The town and country is a great car and I wish I had 6 of them. It's still not a "Classic" in my mind but I guess it is now within the CCCA.
  3. There are other high end 6 cylinder cars accepted by the CCCA. The 320 Mercedes comes to mind. It was over $6,000 delivered when new which makes it complete compatible with my notion of a "CCCA Classic". I can't really think of any notable 6-bangers that have been kept out that should be accepted.
  4. One point on demographics. If you go through old CCCA magazines and look at the who were in the club, it's always been a bunch of old people. At bit younger in the 50s, but I think for the last 30 years or so the a median age has probably held steady around 66/67. I attribute this to two things, one it costs some money to buy a classic and secondly tastes refine with age.
  5. here is the car: http://significantcars.com/cars/stutzbearcat/fullsize.html
  6. Contrary to what I tell my wife about our cars, buying a car as an investment is not a good idea. 1. They require lots of care and feeding (maintenance & insurance & storage) 2. They are not liquid. They require effort to sell. 3. They are hard to value. I don't agree with the notion that a qualified appraiser can value a car correctly. There are too many varieties and subtleties to value. A single person can't know every car. 4. They are subject to the same market dynamics of investments that don't have the downside of 1-3. Sometimes the values go up and sometimes they go down. The stock market is off 35%, the car market is still at a high in most cases. Wouldn't it make more sense to move your money to the place that's already gotten hit?
  7. alsancle

    Royale on eBay

    Two Royale coupe pictures From eBay: ebay link
  8. Are there any other AACA or CCCA regions that are closed? That seems a bit odd to me.
  9. alsancle

    Royale on eBay

    By detailing I'm probably talking about 25 or 30 thousand dollars worth of work depending on how much work you do on your own and how expensive your restorer is. I'm not a big white wall fan myself.
  10. alsancle

    Royale on eBay

    I didn't notice that until you mentioned it. I think the car is cool either way but I think I prefer it with no trunk. West, looks like polished aluminum to me too. Taking the ebay car and detailing to the specs in the factory photo would make a very stunning vehicle.
  11. Very cool. I've always thought these were pretty cars.
  12. Some forums have a rule where you need to troll for X amount of time or have Y number of replies before you can start a thread. It's not a bad idea.
  13. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1937hd45</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: John Gelfer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I concur with the 810/812 Cord dash. With the simple but elegant engine turning, and the short and shapely knobs, it is a true work of art. The pre-selector shift stalk mounted on the steering column may not actually be part of the dashboard, but they pushed it over the top for a unique look. My late father in law owned three of them. What beauties! </div></div> I spent about a half hour last night trying to steal a photo of a 810/812 Cord dash! Can someone post a photo for those that never got to sit behind one? Just like sitting in a vintage airplace cockpit. </div></div> Bob, go back about 5 replies and you'll see one. As a side note, one of my earliest memories was that of a 4 going on 5 year old in 1969 riding in my dad's 812 coupe from Mass to Akron where we'd get dropped off at my Grandmas before my Parents would continue on to Auburn Indina for the ACD festival.
  14. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dynaflash8</div><div class="ubbcode-body">We can only hope it affects prices. I personally think the prices at these auctions is simply a case of money laundering, probably from drug money. Nobody has that much money to simply throw away, or, if they do, I agree with Obama, let's raise their taxes. The country needs it, and true old car collectors can only benefit and maybe afford a car they want. </div></div> Do you really feel that way? Wouldn't it be better to support the right of any of us to waste our money, little or large any way we want? You could make the case that many of us blowing 10k on some beater is a worse investment that some of the million dollar auction purchases. Who gets to decide what was wise or unwise or who the "true" collector is?
  15. Does anyone know who manufactured the round dial radio heads that went into the 38 Olds? Did GM use a single supplier for all makes? Also, was this radio in any other vehicles - I know the Buick looks similar. thanks, A.J.
  16. Go to the NY Times website and use their search. You can go back to 1890, but you should look at 1930 to 1940 and see if you can come up with something. If they every placed an ad it will come back.
  17. "I'll have to borrow to acquire the car and it will put a substantial strain on our monthly budget just to buy it, never mind restore it." I hope this doesn't sound bad, but a life changing decision like this is not something I would trust to an internet message board. Everyone here is well meaning and knowledgeable. However, none of us will have to pay the bills if your job goes south or the kids need braces and the money is not there. My advice is to wait, save your money and get one down the road. 1932 Packards are wonderful cars, but they are available and there will be another one. Do not underestimate the cost and length of the restoration. My experience has been that restoration costs are much more expensive then some of the other posters. Of course this might just be the bad luck of living in an expensive state.
  18. If you can do all the chrome on that car for 25k you will be doing really really well. To repeat some of the good points from this thread. If you have to borrow money to buy it you have to pass. There are many many cars that you can get for "free" and be underwater when the restoration is finished. Restoring a classic is unbelievably expensive. The cars you see sell for top dollar usually have restoration costs that exceed the value of the car. Unless you are exceedingly talented a "backyard" restoration will not bring top dollar so don't use those sales as a benchmark. I can understand the urge to "do it" but if it has any amount of negative effect on your families finances you have to pass.
  19. Is this what you are looking for? http://www.classicandexotic.com/catalog/delcodistributor/lowercup.htm
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