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Everything posted by alsancle

  1. That's good information. Did the 4-barrel come on all the senior cars in 53?
  2. Does anyone know if the straight 8 in the 53/54 Caribbean is special to that model? Did other models come with the 4 barrel engine? I believe that between 53 and 54 they changed from 7 main bearings to 9 but otherwise the engines were identical. thanks, A.J.
  3. I bought this photo on eBay. Any idea what it might be?
  4. Has anybody ever seen one of these cars in person? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...rksid=p3907.m29
  5. The issue isn't that the seller lost the title because if he did it's very simple to get a duplicate. The issue is that he never had a title in his name to begin with. Broadway Title in Alabama basically works by selling them the car (Alabama is not a title state) and the sell it back to you with the proper Alabama paperwork that allows you to get a title in your state. In theory it should work fine (assuming the car was never stolen, of course). However, title issues are a pain in the ass and I would factor that into the price. Some states are starting to crack down on companies like Broadway. I do know that a friend was able to use them in Mass not to long ago successfully. A.J.
  6. If he is keeping it he will. If he is flipping it then he got what he wanted.
  7. I question the fact that this started as a 12 and not an 8. Looks to me like the hoods are too short but maybe not. If it was a 12, it's a nice we to take a 250k car and turn it into a 75k car.
  8. Unless it's a prominent part in a famous movie I'm not sure that a cameo is really going to add much to the value. I could be wrong, however.
  9. Every few months this topic comes up again. I think the previous posters did a pretty good job of explaining why some cars are allowed into the CCCA and some are not. My only issue is that the club should have stuck with 42 as a hard date. Some of the cars in the 40-48 time frame are wonderful vehicles which I would love to own myself. However, I find it hard to reconcile their high production numbers with the spirit of the club.
  10. I'm afraid Hemmings missed the boat also. When the earth moves out from under you there isn't much you can do. The parts sections have really gotten crushed by eBay and sites like this.
  11. alsancle

    DV32 Special

    I thought this was kinda neat. Anyone known anything about it? At a minimum it has a bunch of cool parts thrown together. http://www.vaultcars.com/28StutzDV32/28StutzDV.htm
  12. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&viewitem=&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.ebay.com%3A80%2Fsearch%2Fsearch.dll%3Ffrom%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dm37%26satitle%3D140215714949%2B%26category0%3D%26fvi%3D1&item=140215714949 Without seeing it in person, I would say that's about as close to a real SS car as you will see on eBay. They have mounds of paperwork. However, if you want a SS, are you o.k. with a column auto? That's about 20% discount right there.
  13. Messing with a title for the purposes of fraud is a crime and I would hope that anyone that does that gets prosecuted. However, spending thousands of dollars on something that you know little about makes you foolish, and no, I don't have much sympathy for the buyer in that situation.
  14. You'll note that they are talking about a Chevy which in the musclecar world has the least amount of factory documentation you can get after the fact (like none). Fords have Marti which gives you the original build sheet for your car. Pontiac has the PHS documents. The difference in price between a LS6 with loads of documentation and one without is significant. Plus, there is a lot more to passing a car off as a fake then forging the title. If somebody buys a 6 cylinder Chevelle with a LS6 Title just because of the title they deserve to get screwed.
  15. How can I saw this tactfully... anyone that buys a car strictly from a catalog description should not be buying cars at auctions.
  16. Next time I go over to my dad's I'll grab a shot of the tag.
  17. Plastic Chroming. All the muscle cars - especially the mustangs - need this done for the interior. There is basically one big shop that does it, they are not exactly polite and you need to wait forever. Additionally, you may or may not get your original part back.
  18. My understanding is that the generator is stock, but the rear cover is special to the tach drive. The gear box has a adapter to the armature and also handles translating the generator RPMs to engine rpms. Perhaps this piece is harder to find then the actual tach??
  19. There is a reducer in the gear drive. It attaches to the back of the generator. I'll have to take a picture.
  20. http://www.sportscarmarket.com/ is cheaper, been around longer and you get the magazine every month. They tend to favor little European cars with engines just big enough to power the go-karts I had as a kid but cover all car types thoroughly.
  21. As stated before they drive off the back of the generator. The picture I posted is one we have sitting on a shelf and was purchased a bunch of years ago at the flea market outside the Kruse Auburn sale. I brought it up only because the one in my dad's car is the only one I've actually seen in a dash. I've seen a couple of others sitting on shelfs (like the picture above). A.J.
  22. I was having this discussion over in the traditional hot rod forum. I've always thought these tachs were as rare as hen's teeth. Until today I had seen 3 in the last 25 years, and today a guy showed me one he put in his car that came out of a boat. They fit in the glove box where the clock would go on the 39/40 packard.
  23. The correct term in this case is "rebody". A correct chassis and a new body built to 1934 specifications but not original to the car. A fiberglass body would be a "replica". A fiberglass body on an original chassis would be a "crime". Btw, The blue one went for 3.5 million back in Arizona a couple of years ago. In the 1950s the black (I don't know what color it is now) phaeton was available for 7500.00. About the same time the Mormon Meteor was available for the same amount. As interesting aside, the original buyer of my Mercedes traded a 34 Lebaron Packard towards it (June 1936) and was given $4600.00 credit. The $4600.00 was a huge amount for 2 year old trade in back in 1936. The Mercedes was $10,000.
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