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Everything posted by Pfeil

  1. I belong to a Pontiac Forum, and they have a special section just for this kind of thing. It seems to solve these types of issues. If a thread starts somewhere else and gets out of hand the moderator just moves it to the clubhouse. That way no one gets banned or spanked and the readers are told where it's moved to, and NOT left with the feeling that all the time it took to look up and research something or compose a thought was just thrown away by the stroke of the keyboard! You may think you are punishing the offender, but you are NOT, you are hurting everyone that contributed to the subject. This is what it looks like. THE CLUBHOUSE This is a private password protected forum. Members say what they feel and don't hold back. Some may find the contributions very inappropriate, insulting, hateful, rude and racist. The owners and administration of PY do not participate, endorse or agree with the postings contained within but allow it in order to confine such controversial subjects to one area to preserve the integrity of the main Pontiac forums.
  2. I think I would consider a wiring harness replacement from the look of your picture and the age of the car.
  3. I grew up in the L.A. beach area. My dad special ordered a 59 Catalina as a street car / strip car to run in AS/Automatic and I got my drag racing license in it at 14 and it became my wheels in 67. In 67 I got my driver's license. By that time, we did more street racing than strip racing because of the convenience and because of the money. I first started hearing this Goat term when guys were choosing each other off for races in the context of "getting one's goat". Jim Wangers tells a different story in regard to switching around the GTO letters to mean GOAT, to me is a stretch, but who knows. All I know is I don't like the term. In 1966 Wangers had two Identical cars bob-catted out by Royal Pontiac and people in the crowd would race these cars I think for a prize or something. Sometime in the 90's Wanger re-created the cars again and the lettering on the car says it all GeeTO Tiger. Even that guy from the TV show Dennis Gage would pronounce it wrong, he would say Gee-TOO Tiger, when it was meant to be interpreted "Gee" "T""O" Tiger. Dennis even got the Term RA111 and RA1V screwed up too. For instance, he would say Ram3 or Ram4 instead of Ram Air 3 or Ram Air 4. Another guy that was always screwing up information was that guy who was the commentator for Barrett Jackson who seemed to own every car that came across the block in his youth. I think his name was Mike Joy and telling everyone when a 64-66 GTO, 442 or Grand Sport with an automatic that it was a PowerGlide!
  4. Here Kitty Kitty And it wasn't called a Goat
  5. TV commercial film for Volkswagen "Mr. Jones & Mr. Krempler"
  6. It was a 36 Ford coupe. Ward told Wally to get rid of it. Wally and his friends tore it apart, then Wally got the idea of selling off the parts and made more money than he paid for it. All the while Ward didn't know what Wally had done and asked a junk man to take it away, but when the junk man came and found all the parts missing Ward would have to pay the junk man to haul it away, Wally comes home and sees what is happening and tells Ward what he did and the money he made so Ward takes some of the money to pay the junk man and Wally gets to keep the rest. >being pushed in the Cleavers driveway by Lumpy's 40 Ford Paying off the junk man Ward looking astounded!
  7. Won't do any good. They don't want any Carbon emissions and methane is a mixture of carbon and hydrogen. In fact, I just don't know what they are going to do about people and animals in general. Not only do we exhale carbon dioxide, but we also sometimes give off a little methane. Cows are really good at a lot of methane!
  8. The puppets generally will be gone but the puppeteers will be around.
  9. 1965 Pontiac without A/C 1965 Pontiac with A/C;
  10. As in the picture I show above the 57 has the new type of dispenser. I found that dispenser in my 1959 Pontiac accessory book and it's the new type. That accessory in 1959 cost $6.00, and as I mentioned before this accessory book states that the dispenser cannot be installed on cars with Air Conditioning.
  11. 1965 Pontiac 1961 below; Note that these tissue dispensers will not work on A/C cars because of the lower bi-level ducting Another one in a 57; And in a 56, however the early ones have the Indian head in the circle. I do know for a fact Bunkie Knudsen (Pontiac General Manager of Pontiac Mid 1956-the end of 1961 and oversaw the 1962 models) tried to remove all references of Indian image. Corporate legal said there must have at least one Indian head image, and so from 57 onwards the Indian head appears in the high beam indicator light. I don't know when this ended but my 1963 Pontiac has it and my 69 does not. Knudsen also to removed the silver streaks from the 57's nearly before production began and replaced them with the side spear.
  12. Here is another angle. If you call California Pontiac Restorations 1 714 245 9800 with that part #, Rich over there can look up its application.
  13. Sorry guys, just not into tissue dispensers but I concur with rocketraider. Contact Charles Coker in the Pontiac section as he is a POCI tech advisor (pontiac1953).
  14. You should see some of the 61-2 Plymouth pre-production styling exercises. It's no wonder they got rid of Vergil.
  15. Thought the very same thing, then I moved to Arizona. I have a 2019 truck that is white and a 2012 car that is black (black really makes that car-richer looking than ANY other color that was offered. Put the car and truck next to each other in the mid-day sun and start taking temperature readings on the paint. Now you know why white is the dominate color out here. However, I really like this car;
  16. That gray/tan colored sludge can also be attributed to a clogged-up road draft system, or a clogged up PCV system. f.f.jones,What I don't know is "What EXACTLY is stop and go driving?". f.f. jones, did you try to look it up?? at the touch of your fingers on the computer. Definition of stop-and-go : of, relating to, or involving frequent stopsespecially : controlled or regulated by traffic lightsstop-and-go driving
  17. what do you think you'd see more of on an AACA showfield? A real Rocket!
  18. Yes! and this one came up in the general section this morning; Email from AACA? "Important member history requested" According to what is being asked of us it should be in the Forum Questions and Answers
  19. Long ago I realized that Frank, that's why I don't go to the site. Often times other Marque sites don't follow the rules.
  20. If anyone who wants to post something about a certain "make" of car has to go to that specific site. The General section has rules that "make" specific sites do not. I remember a modified Buick Riv. in the General section being sent to the Buick site. This is good because it's a modified car. I usually don't go to specific "make" sites because it has modified cars. I want to be at AACA, not Jalopy Journal. If all the different "makes" are going to specific sites, the General section will have about as much traffic as memorabilia, toys, etc.
  21. Frank, does the BuickCA have their own web site and forum like Pontiac fans have POCI and Ames Performance Engineering? I think that's why the Pontiac participation here is so low.
  22. John, you nailed it, inconsistency. Think of the topics raised in the General section which really should be in another place in the Antique Automobile Discussion Forums. A great many questions in the General section are technical in nature which should be in the technical section, still others, on the other side of the coin are a post about a modified car, which have no place in any of the antique automobile discussion forums and should be put in a make section. And yet many prevail while others get the boot. The other problem is, if you post in the proper section the post is generally dead-on arrival. All Pete has to do now is figure out how to herd ALL the cats consistently and objectively.
  23. CPR Parts – Give your car CPR https://www.pontiacparts.net California Pontiac Restoration Parts. We offer quality, Pontiac Parts, from 1926 and up. We specialize in NOS & Reproduction Parts for Vintage, Classic ...
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