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Posts posted by drdon

  1. Good luck!!  I have a spare ignition cable for a Dictator (are they the same?) and three spare coils- none of which are worth the powder to blow them to hell. One I bought from a dealer in such things in Florida- he says he tested it and it tested "good", but when I tested it- nah. Hope the one on my 37 lasts and lasts and lasts.  If you think the cable would help you, post your email and I will contact you.

  2. I also have a spare ignition switch, cable, etc. and think it is keyed already. Tom wrote first, so deal with him.

    Good guy.

    I do not have a coil, and haven't seen one lately. Bought one a couple of years ago

    for a $$ price, and was supposed to be tested, but when I tested it, it did not test

    any better than the other two spares I have that I assume are worthless. Anyone out there have

    any data different than the usual YouTube date for testing with the ohm meter since all three spares

    have almost exactly the same reading on two different ohm meters, and all lower than the numbers I

    see posted.

    In addition, I think from your picture that you have one of each type of distributor, with the shaft length

    being different.

    Finally, I have a couple of parts, 37 related, laying around that I would love to sell. Anything you are

    needing? drdon1111@aol.com.

  3. Saw two Studebakers on a used car lot here in Grand Junction, Colorado. Thought I should get the word out. First, there is a 1944 Truck with stake bed. Looks very nice with repaint and nice bed. Has OHV 6 cylinder engine. Assume title since it is on a lot. Military convert?? Whatever

    Also a 1956 President. Off color repaint, but looks pretty decent otherwise. Has the factory continental kit on the rear.

    Feel free to contact me if you have special interest and I can get you hooked up with dealer or find out more info.


  4. Not really relevant to above discussion but here goes:

    I bought my 37 Coupe Express from a local farmer several years ago for the grand total of $50.

    He had parked it in a field after performing a "farmer overhaul" by himself the previous winter when he had extra time. It never ran right after that so he gave up.

    My rebuilder, who also rebuilt my 6A Coupe engine 30 years ago, called me one day during the rebuild and said he had figured out why it didn't run right. The timing gear was installed by the farmer one cog off. Go figure.

  5. I used the 41 Chevy tank. It took some modification, and the filler neck is a different size so had to work with that as well.

    The modification was in the frame center. Not a big deal at the time, as it had the body off and easy to get to and work with. If you need pictures, I am not sure I took any then, but will look if needed.

  6. Steve,

    What are you looking for? Your post says Brake Lights? Are you looking for the housing, the bulbs, what?

    The picture looks like you have a left side tail light, but no right side.  Many of these cars came with only one

    tail light (on the left) and the right was optional. I can assure you finding a right tail light housing will not be easy.  The base unit is specific for the right fender and is rare.

    If needed, reply drdon1111@aol.com

  7. Hi Tom,

    Yes, but there is more, There are components that go under the large metal ring which has the 3 rubber insulating tabs.

    I am at work right now, but will get my Chassis Parts book with proper names and descriptions and resend this later today or tomorrow. Interestingly, this was hard for me to figure out, because of my 3 37's, one was redone wrong, at some time in the past, one way, and another done wrong another way. (The third did not even have a horn button) Now I hope this helps for the future. More later.

  8. Thanks but they don't help. They are too small and I can't tell one from another. I actually tore out the page from the '28-40 Sixes Chassis book at one time and seem to have lost it. I have the book you mention. My memory (??) says the diagrams are different.

    I appreciate your help though. Thanks.

    Anybody out there who can tie my pictures/numbers with the Chassis Parts Book?

  9. ken 1007

    Why don't you post what you are looking for here. Keep it simple but I am guessing there are a lot of spare parts lying around out here that you could use.

    I was able to find everything I have needed in restoring two 1937 Dictator engines on eBay, Studebaker International, and of course a network of Studebaker friends here on this site. A lot of us have a lot of stuff lying around. I just worked out a deal with another CE owner to get him two CE rear fenders to replace the shabby ones he had. Mine were just taking up room in the shop.

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