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Posts posted by drdon

  1. Not sure what you mean by "show quality"? Sure this piece can be made to look quite good, but it will not look original due to the polishing which will change the lines and blur the highlights. Of course it depends on where you send it to have the work done. Cost? How much is a dental filling? How much is a new car? If you need the piece for your car and want it to be as close to new as possible, choose your restorer carefully and give them specific instructions. I would guess a good restorer would want two-three hundred to do this nicely. Choose cheaply and you will probably get a piece that looks like it was done cheaply and vice versa. Good luck.

  2. Bifda has a good thought for sure, and here is another idea- ie from a VW Bug that would do the same thing many years ago. I had taken it to several mechanics and all that did was lighten my wallet. Finally, I was just chatting with a VW bug "nut" and he said " You have a worn out distributor. You need to replace the whole thing."

    I did, and viola, the problem was completely cleared up! I realize this is an expensive choice, but maybe, just maybe??? He shared that it happened to "Bugs" when they got hot. Sounds as if your problem is similar???

  3. My floor mat I paid for at the National meet in South Bend two years ago arrived this weekend.

    I would caution anyone dealing with this particular vendor to only do cash and carry, and to never ever pay in advance unless you are willing to wait two long crappy years thinking your money was down the drain.

    It is amazing because the product appears to be so well made. I would think the sky would be the limit if the vendor could just deliver as promised (he did tell me in South Bend it would be awhile, but I never guessed two years.).

  4. Thanks for the pep talk, Robert. My concern at this point is simply that it took this long with NO word from the vendor. I have copies of several emails from last year asking for information, and then I guess I just gave up and quit trying since I was not hearing anything. Suddenly things have begun to come together, however, and the mat is, according to the post office, going through Denver on its way here. I am guessing I will see it in a day or two.

    The vendor told another member, (above), that he was waiting for word from me (hmmm). Anyway, I am pleased that it is on its way I think.

  5. TJ:

    Looks like you need the Arch Bar and Gusset, as well as the Brace Rods for your President. To the best of my knowledge, the Arch Bar and Gusset are the same for Dictator and President, while the Brace Rods would simply be longer for President.

    I have a spare Arch Bar and Gusset, and can provide you with pictures of the Brace Rods, or even get you the

    Dictator Brace Rods and you could use them to create longer ones. If interested, email me at:


    In addition, if you are in the Denver area, I could bring them with me next week. I will be in the Evergreen/Conifer area for a couple of days.

  6. Thanks to all for great responses! Yes Robert, you know the guy from your response and it seems everyone else seems to know about him as well.

    Everyone is right about him simply not responding. I tried and tried to get him to at least respond, even resorting to telling him I would order a second mat if he would come through with the first one that was prepaid. Nothing.

    I will check with Bob Halgren and see what the club might be able to do to get Mr. McCall to get me my floor mat.

    It is at lease useful to some members in the future to see this post and know that paying him in advance could be problematic. Dang.

  7. Call me gullible! At the South Bend meet nearly two years ago, I heard there was a booth that was selling a 1937 floor mat. I rushed right over, and he said he had just sold it. He then told me if I paid him (the gullible part) there and then, he would put me at the top of his list when he made more. I wrote him a check for a fortune (it was cashed).

    The story continues. I had maintained contact with him, and he promised me he would have the mat at the Colorado Springs meet last July. Wonderful, right! Well, at the last minute, I was unable to attend and told him so, and indicated that I would pay extra for shipping.

    I have heard NOTHING since. No response to that and none to follow up correspondence.

    Does anyone out there have information on this person. I think the above information should reliably identify this vendor. Reliable? Slow? Thief? No names now, but inclined to name names soon. In addition, is there a way to find out if he is a vendor at this year's national meet? I have half a mind to fly out there and hang around his booth with a sign.

  8. Sort of appropriate here?? I bought my 37 Coupe Express years ago from a local farmer- out of his field. For an amazing price of $10!!! He had personally overhauled it (using a local overhauler for the technical parts) and when done, it simply would not run right. About 4 years ago, beginning my restoration, I wanted the engine completely rebuilt. During the rebuild, my overhauler called me to let me know why it had not run right years ago. The timing gear was one cog off. Just think- I probably would never have scored this amazing piece of Americana if the farmer hadn't assembled it wrong. (Not sure how this applies, but maybe something is assembled wrong. )

  9. Another important part of the equation is the age and size of the wires in the headlight circuitry, as well as if there are fused relays in the mix. Fused relays on my 37s are an add on, but you tremendously increase the power going to the headlights this way, as well as utilizing the fuses in case of a short in the wiring somewhere. I can expound on this at length, but I am guessing most or all of you already know this. If not, and someone wants a more detailed explanation, let me know. If only one or two I will email to them, if it turns out more, then I will add it in here but it will probably be wordy. Studeq: what do you think?

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