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Green Reatta


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I am trying to sell my 1990 Buick Reatta for $2000.00 or BEST OFFER. Last week I posted it for sale on this site and to my supprise I have had only a few emails responding. Does any one have a suggestion as to where I should try selling this car? We are in Rhode Island. My deadline to sell this car is almost up, I was given a couple of weeks. Thanks grin.gif

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Are a couple of problems with this site:

1) most here already have full garages

2) many (and I include myself) are cheap

and a few other gotchas

1) transportation costs are out of sight

2) What usually sells is a $500 parts car or a $5000 nice car, is really hard to sell anything in the middle.

Autotrader.com some times works but if you are in a real time crunch, better advertise locally.

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I searched for her previous (assume its a her) post and could not find (but that isn't in itself unusual with out wonderful search function. Maybe if she will post the vehicle "particulars" again it might spark some interest...

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Well, I have never had a problem with the handling with this car. I never suspected that it was in an accident prior to my ownership. Do you think the only cause for a repaint is something BAD?

Well, I have family here from FL an I went out on the boat for most of the day yesterday. I will be submitting the answers to the check list later. And I'm not sure what an ampi-whatever is.

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I don't want to start a string of negative comments, but my answer about the green repaint was not implying that the car was damaged, only that the majority of potential Reatta buyers want an original car in color and equipment.

If the factory produced a green or any other "non-stock" color during any year, the color code would be on the "service parts" label. Like any manufacturer, the cars were built to a build order, this documented color and options. Although the Reattas were "hand built" they were not just throwing parts together and whatever came out the end was shipped....there was a plan.

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Most likely, whomever had it before, painted it to the '91 color, because they liked it. We don't even know if it is the '91 green color. I haven't seen photos... and even then, you'd have to check in person to get a good look. The VIN of the car, would tell you what the original color was, right? If you were to do that much research. Also, if it wasn't a body-off paint job, you'd see reminents of the original color, somewhere on the car.

It really doesn't matter, to someone who likes the car. Not everyone nitpicks these things, I would think... or at least, hope.

I would think that someone, would have a hankerin' for the car, even if it isn't the original color. If I had the cash for a body-off restoration, I'd have mine, painted in the factory white color. I hate bright red! But I'd never even consider repainting, unless everything was done right. And that means the whole sha-bang... which costs lots of that worthless green paper, that we, the people, worship so dutifully.

No negative comments here, and I'm not sure that anyone on this forum, would have the balls (or stupidity), to comment negatively, on anything that <span style="font-style: italic">you</span> would have to say. You are, essentially, an expert in this field. You'd have to be a moron, to do so. tongue.gif

<span style="font-weight: bold">Update:</span> Now I've seen the pictures, but something doesn't seem quite right. It may be the lighting, however.

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