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aaca jan/feb magazine?


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Have not received a copy in Reading, PA, and do not expect to until the 3rd week of February. It normally arrives the 3rd week of the second month covered.<P>A few people on earlier posts, said it went out around the 3rd week of January. I think they were off by a month.<P>Regards,<P>Peter J.

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Ronbarn, one of the National Directors, said on Feb 5th he had received his advance copy that day. I think the NDs get theirs a week to 10 days before the general membership. It is my understanding they are supposed to reach members the last week of the first month (i.e. last week of Jan for the Jan/Feb issue) but unfortunately, it doesn't always work that way. <BR>We here in south Alabama are still hopeful that whom ever is hold ours hostage will relent and we will get them by the end of the second month, read February.<BR>

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Earl ~ I'll bet it's because you want the good folks out here in AACA land to get the tour request form for your Divisional Tour coming up in May. ~ hvs<P>It looks like you are the recipient of my 500th post. That only means I talk too much.<P>Howard<p>[This message has been edited by hvs (edited 02-12-2001).]

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Awe Howard,we think of you every time we look out the picture window in the master bathroom! Only problem is, now we have some neighbors who wander in the woods sometimes. By the way, I mentioned Maryland Glass & Mirror in my Buick Seminar presentation. If you recall, we established 1939 as the first use of tempered glass in the automobile (in the rear window of closed cars). The 1939 GM cars.<BR>PS I heard what you said about deleting one edit with another at Peter's Seminar, but I didn't want to look to smart!! smile.gif<BR>[This message has been edited by Dynaflash8 (edited 02-12-2001).]<p>[This message has been edited by Dynaflash8 (edited 02-12-2001).]

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Earl ~ I believe that 1939 was the first use of tempered glass in an AMERICAN automobile. <P>I think it was used in Europe, Germany in particular, before that time. Have no documentation on that, just a feeling.<P>Thomas Borchers, if you read this can you add anything about the first use of tempered glass in motor vehicles in Germany?<P>Earl, close the curtains!! ~ Howard

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The team of oxen not only didn't bring the magazine to Montross today, they didn't bring any mail at all. However, it is my understanding that a Valentines Day love letter from George Washington to Martha, postmarked in 1779 at Mt. Vernon, was delivered to their home here in Montross, which is known today as Washington's Birthplace. The only advantage of our isolation is I was able to mail a letter with an 8 cent stamp the other day....well, several 8 cent stamps ( smile.gif actually true, I inherited them from my parents)

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Oldscarnut, on the back cover of my advance issue your Oldsmoboble looks great. On closer look there seems to be a mail pouch in the back seat. Do you think that the delay is that they are expecting your Olds to make the delivery?<P>No current issue in North Alabama. And I guess I'm off the advanced copy list now. Doggone it - term limits wink.gif. Ron<p>[This message has been edited by ronbarn (edited 02-13-2001).]

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Yes Ron, you're off the advance copy list, but think of all the meetings you don't have to attend. rolleyes.gif<P>Welcome to the group of has beens whose hobby is no longer interfered with by all of those meetings and responsibilities.<P> grin.gifgrin.gif ~ Howard

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Guest 57 pontiac

Arrived today in Vermont.Along with a little sun.Read it after coming back from ice fishing catching smelt.Do you know how many times you have to wash your hands to get rid of that fish smell.

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Still not in Reading, PA...one hour drive from Hershey. On the other hand, around here, if you mail something to an address across town, the Postal Service routes a 2 mile distance to Philadelphia (52 miles away) and it comes back to Reading.<P>With another rate increase looming for 2002, one wonders, wonders, wonders...

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smile.gifsmile.gif The pony express rider passed through Cheyenne this morning and left us a package.<P>Now we hope that this same delayed delivery doesn't happen with the issue containing the request form for "BUZZY TOUR II. For you non "Buzzards" out there that is the Western Divisional Tour in Fort Collins, Colorado on August 27-29. grin.gifgrin.gif ~ hvs<p>[This message has been edited by hvs (edited 02-16-2001).]
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Judy ~ The pony express arrived in Wyoming on the 16th. Beat you by a day. grin.gif<P>Dan has already made arrangements with HQ to have the request form for " Buzzy Tour II" in the March-April issue of AA.<P>That's the Western Divisional Tour in Fort Collins, CO, in August. We don't want to have to suffer the trauma Earl has been going through. frown.gif<P>Howard<p>[This message has been edited by hvs (edited 02-17-2001).]

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OK ~ Now we know what's happening with the AA magazine. In the current issue on Page 20 is the article describing the First AACA Museum Tour. In a picture at the bottom of the right hand column is a group of AACAers at "Gancom, the facility where the mailing of the AA is done" so any/all of you on that<BR>tour better come clean and tell us what you did to the machinery/employees/whatever to cause such a retaliation.<BR>Don't anyone get beside themselves..just joking. Better to laugh about it than cry.<P>Patt

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No AA Mag. yet in Mebane, NC. <P>And what do you mean rushing?? Heck some of our postal employees don't even go into work 'til 2pm somedays to go out on their delivery route. mad.gif Also when you call the Post Office after 5:30pm becuase you nor any of the other houses in your area got mail, you get told all the route drivers have delivered their mail and have gone home so you apparently didn't have any. Then ten minutes later the mailman arrives with mail. mad.gif<BR> <P><p>[This message has been edited by novaman (edited 02-18-2001).]

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