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Hi my name is Irit (MS), I am not an Americam citizen, so please bear with my English, i would like to ask if it is possible to give me a brief list of the traffic restrictions if there are any, regarding classic/vintage vehicles, I am the former office manager of the Israel Classic Vehicle collectors club, we cannot drive it between 07-09 am midweek, this ofcourse creats alot of disagreement,however this is the law and we must follow it, this is why i need the a/m info so i can share this with our members in our forum

thank you very much in advance


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To answer your question: Every state has its own rules.

Question regarding your country's restrictions:

I'm curious: do you have special license plates for your classic cars? And if so, are you restricted because your car has the "classic" plates, or is the car restricted because of its age?

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Classic vehicle has a special status and it is entitled once it has reach 30 years, ofcourse this is not automaticly but one needs to go to the ministery of transportation and ask to get this status (this is irreversible) it has benefits such as:

evry car from age 19 and up needs to do licensing test twice a year in order to get the title it requires each time to get to a garage for a check before the tests, the Classic car needs to do the same however need only 1 garage check

If you skip this tests than you need to pay for it retruactively even if its years, Classic car is exempt. this is very important as you know restoration takes years.

Classic car gets reduction of 75% off the compulsory insurance

all this was achived in order to make the life of the collector who wishes to restore easier as one of our main goals is to preserve the automobile herritage in Israel

The license Plate or the nr to be exact ramains the same (the car get its nr and stays with it till the end) however it is added to it in hebrew (collectible car)

The 75% off were given taking in account that this vehicle is for shows and not for daily use of its owner in order to prevent them to use it on a daily basis we applied the restriction i have mentioned, i wanted to bring ti their attention that not only in Israel ther are restrictions, also in the USA, i heard that in one of the stated they can drive it only on weekends.

Many students that cannot afford much buy the vw beetle, they convert it to Classic car with no intention to restore it and get the same benefits, this is not what we ment, unfortunately we still do not have the same orientation of preserving and maintaining the vehicles like you guys, however we achived alot in this sense and our youngest member is 16 years old, we celecrate this year our 20st and we are very much proud, it would be an hounr to have your greetings and i will certainly copy this to our forum

i hope my English was not so unraedable

Have a great day



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Have no worry your english is better than some who have lived here all of their lives. I have not lived in all 50 states, but from everything I have read and heard about our hobby, I do not believe there to be any time restriction as to driving a collector car. The restricitons are the ones you would expect, no driving to and from work and/or on a daily basis, equipment must be working as it did for the year it was made. You are not required to put safety equipment on the car if it did not come with it originally although some folks do. I have not heard of any state that says you can only drive it on the weekend. It may be that one does, but I have never heard of such a restriction. enjoy yours a much as you can, for I feel the day is coming when we will not be able to.

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Guest imported_PackardV8

1948 Indian Motorcycles for export to Israel.

Is there any info about some 1948 Indian Motorcycles (made in Springfield Mass. USA) that were made for export to Isreal in 1948 supposedly for the Israel Secret Service (police). The Indian Motorcycle community would be most interested in any info u have about these motorcycles ESPECIALY Vehicle identification numbers and how many bikes were used. I have an alleged picture of two such bikes in escort. It is quite possible that I own one them now.

Feel free to contact me at anytime. Shalome!!

Keith Lummus White Bluff, Tn. Packard56V8@wmconnect.com

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Shalom! This is one of a few posts that have come from Israel and it is always interesing to find out about the collector car hobby in other countries. I would not have expected that Israel would have such a following. How large are the clubs there and what kinds of cars are popular?

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Hi Keith

I will quote you in our forum and will ask my friend who is an Indian lover (sounds funny) regarding the secret service.... in private (kidding)



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Hi Steve

I can tell you that even in Israel lots of people are not aware of the fact that this hobby exists, there are around 20 clubs in total there are 2 big ones one is the Israeli motorcycle club that the majority are modern ones and there is our club the 5 club (5 coz of the 5 digits on the license plate of the cars age 30 when the club was established in 1985, the 5 digits were till 1962)we have around 1000 members the youngest is 16 years old and has no driver's license yet, i am pointing this out as we also have the problem that we do not attract young people however it is now changing, i will be more than glad to share with you later our actions in regard to it.

There are 3000 vehicles registered 2500 cars and 500 motorcycles, some of them are fully restored the others are in the process.

We are a non profit organization and all our activities are on a voluntary basis except the secretary.

Our main goal ofcourse is to preserve the automobile heritage in Israel and in the world, to tell the people about the proper maintenance of the vehicle and we work closely with schools.

We also do our utmost to progress the status of the Classic vehicle by achievig benefits and we still have a lot to do, i have mentioned already what we the club have achieved and as you know it is very hard to get benefits but very easy to loose them so we also make sure that this will not happend all this together with events that we produce all over the country for our members and for the community, rallies, shows, technical lectures, auto parts jumbles, weekly meetings etc.

The other clubs are small ones go by manufactures i.e. Fiat club, Alfa romeo club these clubs and others are a blend of modern and vintage and there activites are on social basis , weekly meetings tours and soforth.

Most of our vintage vehicles are Europeans however the last 3 years there is a trend of importing American vehicles.

Hope i have answerd all

I must add that i am not an official speaker of my club so this is my own intiative and say

Have great day


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I live in Wisconsin, USA.

Here a "collector" license plate can be issued to any car over 20 years old.

the conditions are as follows;

1) the car cannot be driven in January, unless the owner purchases a 1-month temporary permit.

2) The car must not be modified in any way, all parts OEM if replaced.

3) The plate is good for life, with no annual tags, nor taxes, and can be transferred to another vehicle which is 20 years or more old.

The collector plates cost 3X as much as regular plates, and the owner must have 1 other car with normal plates as a daily driver.

I was once pulled-over in my 1982 Eagle SX/4 4X4 car in January and simply explained to the officer "I promised the state I would not drive it in July!

Winter here lasts from November to May with lots of snow, I needed that car to get around in these conditions, but not at all in summer. Except for the occasional "River crossings" and mudslinging it was great for.

I now have 2 collector plates, 1on the 1984 corvette, and the other on my 1976 CJ-7 V8 Jeep with SNOW PLOW. I wonder what the police will say if they catch me plowing snow with it in January. You know what my response to them will be!

Any Buick Reatta enthusiasts in your area? I have seven of them, including parts car(s) and don't drive them in January.

Shame they're not old enough for collector plates, yet.

Happy Trails,


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One thing I'd like to add is that instead of giving a specific time restriction on the operation of antique vehicles, most states restrict operation of vehicles between "sundown" and "sunup" if at all. This is done largely because those times vary widey month to month as you go farther from the equator.

In both of the states I'm familiar with those restrictions only apply to cars without "Department of Transportation approved" lights. In Pennsylvania that part of the law was written when 6 volt sealed beam headlights and two tail/brake lights were all that were required, so that is how it is interpreted in the courts (or at least was when I last lived there). Other states do differ on that point.

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H Randy

"Any Buick Reatta enthusiasts in your area? I have seven of them, including parts car(s)"

No, as far as i know and after checking this car was never imported to Israel.

Just FYI imported vehicles to Israel must be maximum 2 years old and or 30 yeas and more, nothing in between.

I wish you all a great evening and good night sleep its 10 minutes to 1 am here


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Your english is fine! It is a pleasure to have you here!

I live in Colorado, USA and collector cars are not restricted except they are not to be driven every day. The plates differ in that they are exempt from the yearly emissions test. Once every 5 years for collector plates on 25+ year old vehicles.

What are some of the examples of autos in your club? Do you have any large gatherings?

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Hi John

first of all I must inform you that i have started a post (is this the correct way to say???) in our forum regarding the 12 annual meeting of the amphibious club in Celina Ohio, i am a Travel agent so I combine the 2 things together, so the last topic was the a/m and before that was the Boneville salt flats, as this is the summer vacation, lots of Israelis are spending their time abroad so in that spirit i give some tips to our members, i do not know how to attach pictures but i will try to do it anyhow so you can see part of the

vintage vehicles in our club, guys how do i do that??? it is a word attachment

Thank you in avance


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in other words basicly a car that is never driven.

I live in Wisconsin, USA.

Here a "collector" license plate can be issued to any car over 20 years old.

the conditions are as follows;

2) The car must not be modified in any way, all parts OEM if replaced.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hi John

first of all I must inform you that i have started a post (is this the correct way to say???) in our forum regarding the 12 annual meeting of the amphibious club in Celina Ohio, i am a Travel agent so I combine the 2 things together, </div></div>

Are you planning to attend Celina or are you just discussing it in your club?

To insert photos In your message, click on the list called "Instant UBB Code" then click on "Image", a window will open. Type in the URL address for where it is on the internet. It has to be on the internet to work.

To attach a file to your message - When you are done typing your message, be sure the box is checked for "I want to preview my post and/or attach a file". Then click on "Continue" button. From there browse to where your file is located, select it click on "Ok, submit" button.

I hope this helped...

John Bevins

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Hi Keith how r u??

I have quoted you in our forum and i got some answers i need to translate

so i will be back soon

Have great day


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